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P465. The principle of intelligent recognition of the image

P465. The principle of intelligent recognition of the image

A brief automatic reaction of a concept (reflex of the nucleus) to the image of the corresponding type of object (possessing a similar matrix of supporting attributes) is the moment of the act of intelligent recognition of this image. It is an act of consciousness of the perceived object. (3. 6. 8. ) 465


In fact, this principle is an expanded formulation of the principle of consciousness of the object of visual perception (461), but it is precisely such sequential steps that actually carry out the expansion of our knowledge.

Like is cognized by like. And the recognition of an image is the assignment of this image, and hence the object corresponding to the image, to the already known set of similar objects. This is a kind of classification.


Scenario B. If there is no necessary concept adequate to the image of perception, then the mind is able to use the corresponding representation, which has a similar, but already passive matrix of supporting signs. Involvement of such a representation in the process of recognition occurs only when the object arouses a feeling of curiosity. This is when the orienting reflex acts, which is a stimulus for the center of attention. This is when the problem of spending time to recognize the image fades into the background and gives way to ordinary curiosity.

P466.  The principle of contemplation

  Contemplation is intelligent perception, including the process of thinking.

                                                                                                         (3. 6. 8. ) 466


The child perceives mainly by representations and a very limited number of concepts, therefore his rational perception is close to contemplation. His difficulties will be greatly diminished only when his mind forms several thousand concepts.



Scenario С. But if there is no concept or representation corresponding to the image of perception, then from an unprecedented image entered into working memory, in the form of an unprecedented impression, the mind in visual thinking (in contemplation) generates an unprecedented representation. (A good term. )

The epistemological chain of creating an unprecedented presentation looks like this:

• negative recognition of the image, causing an orientation reflex;

• inclusion, on the basis of the orienting reflex, high atte ntion to the investigated image and the translation of this image into a problematic impression;

• concepts, the signs of which automatically reacted to such supporting signs of the problem image, come into partial, but long-term activity, this is how their association arises;

• this association is involved in giving the problem image (impression) the status of an unprecedented representation, by giving it an active name corresponding to two or three names of signs of the concepts of association. There is no need to look far for examples here: we have new terms consisting of several words. This means that these terms do not yet have corresponding concepts, but there are already new representations.


P467. The principle of contemplative thinking

 Partial activity of related concepts of association, close in their sensitive features to the supporting features of the problem image, is an act of contemplative thinking. (3. 6. 8. ) 467


This activity is not instantaneous, but continues throughout the entire process of thinking of the problem image. The center of voluntary attention of the mind explores the problematic impression (image) with each related concept. That is, a concept that has its own sensitive feature, similar to the supporting feature of the problem image.




Understanding an image is its recognition associated with giving meaning.


P468. The principle of understanding a perceived object

 Understanding of a perceived object is an automatic reaction (reflex) of the entire concept to the image of perception of this object, which has a similar matrix of supporting attributes. This reaction includes the reaction of the nucleus and the reaction of several examples of the concept. (3. 6. 8. ) 468


This principle is a slightly different formulation of the principle of understanding the image (463), but it is needed because the topic of understanding is problematic both in cybernetics and in psychology, although everything is simple here. Recognition is the recognition of a known object, and understanding is the imparting of a corresponding meaning to a recognized known object. Like is recognized by like, besides, like is understood as like, but there is a big difference between recognition and understanding.





Today, objects are recognized not only by a person, but also by a machine. “Pattern recognition occupies a prominent place in cybernetics. The main task of this discipline is the search for decision rules, with the help of which it would be possible to classify numerous phenomena of reality, to correlate them with some reference classes. Pattern recognition is a borderline science between cybernetics and artificial intelligence, because the search for decision rules is most often carried out through training, and training, of course, is an intellectual procedure. " (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 11)

Further, “To recognize an unknown pattern (object, phenomenon, process situation) is to establish to which class (image) this object can be attributed”. (Ibid. р. 137)


An outstanding achievement in the field of " machine perception" is the creation of situational management systems (SSS). Let us briefly consider some aspects of the operation of such a system.

1. Data on a certain situation in the control object is sent to the " Analyzer".

2. " Analyzer" determines the compliance of this situation with the norm, and if not, then transmits the data of such an emergency situation " Classifier".

3. In the " Classifier" this situation is referred to a certain class of known situations. If there is no such class, then the data of this certain situation is transferred to the " Solver".

4. " Solver" generates instructions regarding the required control actions on the control object, which should bring the control object into normal mode.

5. The analysis of subsequent situations in the " Analyzer" allows you to evaluate this decision. If it has returned the managed object to the normal mode, then it is entered into the " Classifier". Otherwise, the decision itself and its assessment are transferred to the " Solver" as a negative experience.


Despite the fact that situational management systems were developed in 1965 - 1980, nevertheless, they are still the closest analogs to the future artificial psyche systems today. It is very important! Knowledge of cybernetics literally opens our eyes to many mental processes and systems.


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