Live and enjoy life, piece of iron!
P469 Since the cybernetic approach is based on the necessary existence of such moments of informational activity of man and machine, it must have both direct and reverse direction of its action. (3. 6. 9. ) 469
On this basis, our dialectical psychology is already today able to help cybernetics with knowledge of how the psyche perceives, perceives, feels and thinks. About what mental mechanisms are at the heart of the personality. That the processes of recognition and understanding will soon be carried out not only by a machine program, but also by a machine psyche.
You can give a car a soul today, but for this it needs to be given feelings, including sensations and emotions. It is the cybernetic approach in perception, and in particular in recognition, that today will make it possible to invest in computers and robots such software that can be their real soul, possessing all the wealth of their own sensations, emotions and other feelings, and not their primitive imitation. Live and enjoy life, piece of iron! 2009-09-12
Lecture 10 Perception is empirical consciousness, that is, a consciousness in which there is also sensation.
KEY POINTS OF THE VISUAL PERCEPTION PROCESS (CONT'D) • Emotions in perception • Emotional programs • Emotional instincts • Language of emotions • The language of emotions originated from the language of sensations • Attention • Perception systems • Like is cognized by like • Scope of perception
EMOTIONS IN PERCEPTION Intrinsic motivation plays a very important role in recognizing an object. The attention function is based precisely on this motivation. Without this motivation, attention will simply not work, because then all the objects of the situation will turn out to be indifferent, insignificant, the same. P470. Intrinsic motivation is of great importance in recognizing an object. Otherwise, both the person and the machine will absolutely do not care whether he (she) recognizes the object or not. (3. 6. 10. ) 470
Emotions are the main stimuli for intrinsic motivation. However, the theory of emotion has so far been poorly developed. For example: “EMOTION, -and, well. Mental experience, feeling. Positive, negative emotions. E. joy. // adj. emotional, th, th. Emotional Impact". (Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. M.: Azbukovnik, 1999) Everything is said correctly. It is clear that emotion is an emotional feeling, but this is clearly not enough. (These claims are not at all about the dictionary. )
Emotion is a kind of feeling. The main difference between emotion and other feeling is that emotion is an automatic response of a particular type of program. Basically, the producers of emotions are emotional instincts. More rarely, an emotion is a response to an emotional skill. There is a wide variety of emotional instincts, and only in rare, " special" conditions a new stable emotional skill is created and strengthened. There are many reasons for this.
First, the history of emotional instincts begins as soon as animals began to analyze the data of receptors in the process of perceiving the image of an object, more precisely, the image of a stimulus. That is, the programs of emotional activity are among the most ancient programs of perception. Receptor rules originated much earlier, but they do not form recognition programs.
Secondly. Why do emotional instincts dominate over emotional skills even in higher vertebrates? Yes, only because only instinctive programs of perception are such instruments of an adequate response to manifestations of the external environment that do not arise from the direct experience of an individual. Experience is not needed for instinct to arise. And this is very convenient. For example, the worker bee does not really have time to develop a solid emotional skill (any skill from experience), since it only lasts about one month in the summer (wing wear) and slightly longer at other times of the year.
Thirdly. Another factor in the existence of emotional instincts is that they work reliably. They have been around for billions of years. And nature rarely removes or replaces a reliably and successfully working element of the psyche or body. - What for? After all, a newborn individual takes a significant amount of time to develop its necessary skills. And here everything is at once and immediately ready. Nevertheless, any new instinct, including an emotional one, must be a stable skill, passed on by parents in a genetic way. And this successful stable skill once originated in parents and was reinforced by their successful activities. After all, the more often and more successfully something living works, the stronger it becomes from time to time when it manifests its vigorous activity. The Law of Strengthening is inevitable here.
Fourth. Instinct is much stronger than skill. The instinct cannot be changed, because then its genetic program must also be changed. All instincts are very strong, because genes are on the side of their stability. But the skill is easy to change. It can simply be forgotten due to its uselessness in new conditions. Instinct is impossible to forget. For this, it is imperative to change some of the " records" in the genes.
Fifth. The role of instincts is much more significant than even we can imagine. The fact is that a bee will never learn to fly without possessing flight instincts. She will need more than one month to learn to fly, while her life span is only one month. The psyche of a newborn child performs thousands of operations to control internal and external life activity only on the basis of instincts. Based on thousands of instincts. Where does the newborn experience come from? And any experience (a skill is a developed and generalized experience) arises only with the participation of instincts. Without their participation, no first experience can be created.
If we consider the activity of only the vegetative system of the psyche (the system that controls internal organs and processes), then there you can clearly see the actions of hundreds of the most diverse instinctive programs of internal life (instincts).
In general, we are not trying to say that all instincts are just emotional instincts. But we can safely say that emotional instincts play key roles in perception, although they belong to the most ancient programs of perceiving activity. Of course, any instinct was once a stable skill of a parent. After all, it did not arise from scratch in genetic information.
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