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P435. The principle of the flow of receptive visual images of an object

P435. The principle of the flow of receptive visual images of an object

The flow of mental sensations of visual light images of an object has the form of a sequential series and reflects a sequential series of these images. This stream of sensations necessarily generates a stream of receptive visual images corresponding to a sequential series of states of the observed object.

                                                                                                          (3. 6. 5. ) 435                                                                                

    This is what the " movie" is.



4. The primary image of the perceived situation. Receptor rules do not distinguish between objects. They create only a mosaic of data of the perceived visual situation.


P401. The law of ownership of the receptive visual image

Any object of a visual light image always and necessarily belongs to its observed situation. Accordingly, the mental sensation of any visually perceptible object always and necessarily belongs to the sensation of its situation. Accordingly, any receptive image of the observed object necessarily belongs to the receptive image of its situation. (3. 5. 4. ) 401  


It turns out a discrete kaleidoscope of data from the visual situation, where everything is bright and beautiful, but nothing is highlighted. Therefore, each receptive visual image of an object requires its own separation from the image of its situation.



5. There is a stream of receptive visual images of situations. After all, any visual situation is itself an object of visual sensations.

P436. The principle of the flow of receptive visual images of situations

 The flow of mental sensations of visual light images of the observed situations is a sequential series of discrete mental sensations of a sequential series of these situations. This stream necessarily generates a stream of successive discrete receptive visual images of these situations. (3. 6. 5) 436


Visual perception always deals with successive series of receptive images of observed situations (situation frames). Moreover, each image belongs to the image of its situation (the frame of the situation).

                        But this is already a real " movie"!



6. Secondary visual image of the perceived object. Receptive visual images are as short-lived as the visual images that generate them. All these images are absorbed by the active rules of the retinal thickness. Exactly so, since all communication channels coming from the photoreceptors of the eye go directly there. Here's some simple arithmetic. The number of single communication channels going from the photoreceptors to the structure of the retinal thickness is 137 million. But there are already less than a million single communication channels (optic nerve) running from the retina to the thalamus and projection zones of the cortex.



Only active programs of the retinal thickness are necessarily the first and last direct recipients of each receptive image of the object of visual perception.

                                                                                                          (3. 6. 5. ) 437


Secondary images emerge from the psychic organ of the retina, which are sent along the optic nerve to the psychic visual organ of the subconscious (thalamus) and to the visual operating system of the mind (visual zones of the cortex and the layers of associative neurons located above). And already in these organs, as in “cinemas”, these images are sequentially unfolded into a large dynamic “picture” intended for recognizing programs and logical organs of visual perception.

P438. The principle of the secondary image of visual perception

Any secondary image of a visually perceptible object is always and necessarily based on a corresponding primary image. It is also necessarily discrete, and is information about the same state of the perceived object. (3. 6. 5. ) 438

Based on the secondary image, only the next secondary image can arise. Tertiary and quaternary images no longer exist.


P439. Correspondence principle for primary and secondary images of visual perception

Any primary and any secondary image of a certain state of a perceived object are always and necessarily models of both a specific state of a felt object, and its visual image, and models of each other. Any secondary image results from encoding. (3. 6. 5. ) 439


If the act of coding primary data with a receptor rule is a tool for unambiguous correspondence between primary and secondary data, then something similar happens with the coding of a visual image. After all, any image consists of data. But for the coding of the image, huge systems of rules of the psychic organ are required here.




An important point in the content of an image of visual perception is that it is always a system of its own attributes.

 The sign attributes of an object is its kind of " sign", except that the sign does not designate its own object and denotes it as a whole, but the sign denotes only a certain side and only of its object. The designation is a purely informational action. In the material World, there is no such interaction, which is called designation.



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