Determination of reference features
DETERMINATION OF REFERENCE FEATURES OF THE VISUAL IMAGE The supporting signs of the image of the object of perception are the necessary objects for its recognition. But they still need to be highlighted. However, this task is significantly complicated by the fact that t he receptive image of each such object is part of the receptive image of its situation. The receptor rules do not know how to distinguish between individual objects of the visual situation. This is not their function.
The primary isolation of the first signs of a receptive image of an object occurs simultaneously with the isolation of this image from the image of its situation.
P450. The principle of the primary selection of the visual image In visual perception, the primary selection of the image of the perceived object and some of its features is performed by active programs of the retinal thickness. After all, only this system of rules is the only direct recipient of all visual receptive images. (3. 6. 7. ) 450
She does it according to the features known to her: a) by the features of the contrast of the borders of the image; b) on the basis of the same sharpness of the image; c) according to the signs of movement (a series of images of one object is needed here). This is far from a complete list of its functions, but this is already enough for the primary selection of a separate visual image.
In addition, this process is corrected by the subconscious and mind through feedback channels. These channels exist because some of the nerve fibers in the optic nerve are oriented towards the eye.
P451 Some signs of a receptive visual image (contrast, equal sharpness and movement) are the first to be distinguished by the system of active rules of the retinal thickness. Based on this, it forms a separate image of the selected object. (3. 6. 7. ) 451
This is the function of highlighting a still unknown, but already a separate image. For example: “At the entrance, the retina, which is actually part of the brain in the early stages of fetal development, processes information before it reaches the brain. Retinal neurons don't just transmit electrical impulses to the brain: they themselves help encode and analyze sensory information. Much of the processing of visual information occurs in the neural tissues of the retina. The third layer of neurons in the frog's eye, for example, has special cells called " insect detectors" that only respond to moving objects. In the human eye, information from nearly 130 million receptor rods and cones is transmitted to nearly a million ganglia, the fibers of which create the optic nerve. A typical ganglion cell responds to a contrast of dark - bright. This helps the brain to recognize the contours and other important features of objects in the surrounding world. However, most of the information processing takes place directly in the brain. Each separate part of the retina transmits its information to the corresponding part of the occipital lobe - the visual cortex at the back of the brain» (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 133). A receptive image enters the system of rules of the retinal thickness (this is the psychic organ of vision), and from there comes a secondary image corresponding to the receptive image. These are different, but matching images.
Further analytical actions on the selected visual image are carried out by other organs of perception. The main events unfold in the mental organs that carry out the recognition of the images of perceived objects. Visual images that have passed the primary selection in the system of rules of the thickness of the retina enter the operating systems of vision. The mind has two such systems. Each of them has as its physiological carrier the right and left regions of the visual cortex and, above these regions, layers of associated neurons. A kind of " operating system of vision", which carries out visual perception of the subconscious, is located in the thalamus. This is where one branch of the optic nerve goes. No matter how invisible the psychic organs are, their location is always given out by material communication channels. There is no such informational entity called a " communication channel".
In the secondary image under consideration, all the supporting features necessary for its unambiguous recognition by concepts or other recognizing programs have not yet been identified. However.
P452. The principle of the sign of a separate image Each selected image is in itself a sign of a separate image. (3. 6. 7. ) 452
But this is not enough. After all, all recognizing programs (for example, concepts) require already identified supporting features of the image of perception, otherwise they simply do not work. Therefore, the main analytical actions for identifying the supporting signs of each visual image occur in the subconscious and mind. The subconscious mind performs its actions with the secondary visual image, and the mind does its own. And here the process of visual perception is divided.
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