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The emotional program is something in between, intermediate, between the rules of a group of receptors and a program that recognizes the type of object. That is, this program historically arose much later than the receptor rule, but much earlier than the


The emotional program is something in between, intermediate, between the rules of a group of receptors and a program that recognizes the type of object. That is, this program historically arose much later than the receptor rule, but much earlier than the program that recognizes the type of an object.

                                                                                                      (3. 6. 10. ) 480

And if you look at the root, then:

 The language of emotions necessarily arose from the language of sensations. (3. 6. 10) 481

This is how evolution turns out.                                                        2009-10-13



On the one hand, the psyche does not just leave the " important subject" of perception or thinking without its own special reaction. On the other hand, she is not able to perceive everything at the same time and with the same high quality.


P482. The law of attention

The reaction of the high attention of the psyche in relation to some external or conceivable object is to carry out the first-priority (priority) and most qualitative research of it. Attention is the quality of perception and thinking. The level of attention to the subject of perception or thinking is the degree of this quality. (3. 6. 11. ) 482


  That is, attention is also present in thinking, but then already in the form of a special quality of thinking of this or that conceivable object.

1. The quality of perception or thinking always and necessarily has its own degree: (priority, priority - high - medium - low - without attention). Moreover, this degree can be expressed not only by linguistic, but also by numerical coefficients. For example: (about 1 - 0. 8 - 0. 5 - 0. 2 - about 0). The main thing is that this degree always and necessarily exists, since quality does not exist without its degree.


 Why do you need attention? Yes, only for one simple reason that the reception of many objects of only one situation is carried out at the same time. Then how can the psyche explore thousands of images of a situation in just one second, if it treats all objects in exactly the same way? - But then there will be complete chaos. Because then the primary and non-essential objects in the processes of perception and thinking will take the same status. Well, then it's already complete schizophrenia.



 The stages of changing priority attention from subject to subject can be hundredths of a second. This is imperceptible, therefore it creates the illusion of many priority objects of perception at once. (3. 6. 11. ) 483


One object of perception can be a drop of water, and the whole situation. Attention to the first is focused attention, attention to the second is scattered attention (peripheral vision).


That attention is a quality of perception, psychology, of course, guessed, but these guesses there and today are very vague. There, attention is compared with a funnel and with other household items, but no one has yet said that this is a quality. And like any quality, it always and necessarily has its own degree.

The fact that psychology still uses the term " attention span" only convinces us of the confusion that exists there. After all, quality does not have its own volume. Quality perception (clear consciousness) possesses volume. This volume is measured by the amount of data that the perception system processes qualitatively for some time.

So here we are talking about data processing speed. And this speed of qualitative perception depends on the tone of the physical carrier of the perception system. For example, if a person is tired, then his attention is able to cover only a narrow circle of perceived objects. The frequency of processing visual images that are in the center of his attention is noticeably reduced. That's actually the whole " scope of attention". The use of the wrong term has created an insoluble problem for psychology.


But everything turns out simply if, instead of the previous term, the term “volume of clear perception” is used. The same is the “volume of clear consciousness”. The same is the “speed of clear perception”. Perhaps the latter will be the best, since here we are talking precisely about the processing speed of images that are in the center of attention of the perception system.



Perception is carried out simultaneously by several systems of the psyche. Accordingly, the attention of each of them is different. Various systems of the psyche (except for the reception system) must have centers (organs) of their attention. And the management of general attention (for example, associated with the control of the optical axis of vision) between these systems must be coordinated. There is a balance of interests here.

However, if you ask any psychologist about the existence of such major systems of the psyche as the mind, subconsciousness, somatic and vegetative systems of the psyche, he will shrug his shoulders. He just doesn't know what it is. But the perception with a certain degree of attention to each object is carried out by them, and not by the corresponding organs of the nervous system.




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