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  the language of emotions. The languages ​​of emotions of all systems of the psyche have similarities. And any recognizing program, be it the concept of the mind or the “concept” of the subconscious, in any case, automatically forms its emoti


In the absence of experience, the core of the formation of any skill is always instinct. (3. 6. 10. ) 474


This is for a child. And then the skills are formed with the help of existing skills. And, of course, with the active participation of instincts.

Instincts are not just emotional instincts. There are many more simple instinctive programs that control life, which are not related to emotional instincts. And there are many more of them than emotional instincts.

The very first instincts arose from the rules of receptors and the rules of other neurons. There is nothing else. The reactions of instincts (feelings) are so similar to the reactions of receptors (sensations) that they are still confused even by experienced psychologists.



                   THE LANGUAGE OF EMOTIONS

The languages ​ ​ of emotions of all systems of the psyche have similarities. And any recognizing program, be it the concept of the mind or the “concept” of the subconscious, in any case, automatically forms its emotions (reflexes) and emotional data (the responses of these reflexes) about the relationship of the recognizing program to the image it recognizes.

All emotions and their responses form a common emotional background. For example, in the emotional picture of an active study of the image of an unknown object, the emotion of curiosity (which is also called the orienting reflex ) is clearly manifested. She and her response are stimuli in the actions of mental organs that control attention.

We both perceive and think in the same terms. When we perceive something or when we think about something, then all this is not without emotion. Emotion is always a feeling. But not every feeling is emotion.

 P475. The principle of emotional evaluation

 The data of the response of the reflex of the emotional instinct are an emotional characteristic of the image of a recognizable or conceivable object. (3. 6. 10. ) 475                                                                                                                                                    

These data can be the subject of the analytical activity of the mental organ.



The principle of emotion is quite obvious.

First, emotional instincts are much stronger than emotional skills.

Second, there are many more emotional instincts (in number) than emotional skills.

 Third, there is good reason to believe that emotional skills responses are poorly reinforced. Yet skill, unlike instinct, is subject to change. He always " fits" to the environment.

These grounds are sufficient to consider emotion as a feeling of emotional instinct in relation to the perceived object as an emotional stimulus.

P476. The principle of emotion

  Emotion is a feeling (reflex) of an emotional instinct. Such instincts can independently carry out recognition, and can be included in the content of any program of the psyche that recognizes the images of perceived objects. Emotions and data from the responses of these reflexes create a general emotional background of the psyche. (3. 6. 10. ) 476


Although the emotional instinct recognizes only stimuli, this is already recognition. Primitive but discerning.


There is a wide variety of objects, and each perceived object is an emotional stimulus. But the variety of such incentives is very narrow. The reason is simple: for example, one simple stimulus " dangerous object" corresponds to a thousand types of different objects. This is approximately the ratio that exists between the number of types of simple stimuli and the number of types of objects around us. And it only exists for this reason.

 As for the emotional background, it is worth a lot.


The language of emotions is the same for the mind, and for the subconscious, and for the vegetative system of the psyche. (3. 6. 10. ) 477




The language of emotions is almost the same for all higher animals.

                                                                                                         (3. 6. 10. ) 478

For example, the emotional state of aggression, as a result of the action of the emotional instinct, a person is able to understand in any animal. And vice versa.




Emotions are very close in nature to sensations. Unless a single mental sensation is a reaction of the rule of one receptor, and a single emotion is a single feeling of one emotional instinct (instinctive program).

P479. The principle of emotional language

Types of emotional instincts and the corresponding types of emotions and emotional responses, necessarily constitute the language of emotional relationships. Where the role of coding programs is performed by these instincts, and the role of terms is the responses they produce. Complex emotions are decomposed into simple components. (3. 6. 10. ) 47                                                                                                                                                                          

Why is the language of emotion the language of emotional relationships? Because the emotional program distinguishes in objects only stimuli that are understandable to it, which require response.

The emotional program regards the object as a phenomenon known to it. But about the essence of an object, unlike a concept, she knows absolutely nothing. However, it turns out that what she knows is quite enough for accurate, adequate reactions of the psyche. Moreover, each image of the perceived object is evaluated by various emotional programs. It is they who constitute the complex emotional characteristic of the perceived image, which is its kind of emotional " passport". Such an image is an emotionally marked image. For the psyche, such an image is much easier to analyze than a non-emotionally unmarked image.

Emotional recognition? And not otherwise. Since twenty emotions are capable of creating a kind of passport for thousands of different types of perceived stimulus objects. For example, this is more than enough for an insect.

Emotional programs are simple and not numerous in their types, which is the first reason for their coding at the genetic level.



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