Perception systems. 2. The second system of perception is the organs of internal and external reception, plus the somatic system of the psyche (motive Soul).
PERCEPTION SYSTEMS The psyche includes several systems of perception : vegetative, somatic, subconscious and rational. There are no separate mental organs of perception, and the functions of perception are carried out simultaneously (in parallel) by several systems of the psyche. Therefore, one and the same system of reception can enter into different systems (circuits) of perception.
1. The first system of perception is all the organs of internal reception plus the vegetative system of the psyche (Plant Soul), which controls the vital activity of each organ of the body, and hence all metabolic processes. Its task is both in managing the vital activity of each organ and each metabolic process, and in managing the vital system as a whole. " In general" is a balanced, balanced state of vital activity of the whole body, and not just one organ. This balanced state of the body's daily routine is called homeostasis. It is clear that without analyzing the data of internal receptors, the Plant Soul will absolutely know how to control one or another organ or process under its control. Therefore, the perception of controlled organs and processes is a necessary condition for her mental control. This system of perception is the most closed (autonomous) from the influence of all other systems of the psyche, since it is vital to protect against their " incompetent" control influences.
2. The second system of perception is the organs of internal and external reception, plus the somatic system of the psyche (Motive Soul). The somatic system of the psyche is narrowly specialized in the automatic control of every muscle in the body. For example, when walking, this system controls the contractions of more than 200 muscles. That is, it is she, and not the mind or another system, that directly gives control commands to the muscles of the body. This is a direct link. And vice versa, it is she who is the first to directly receive data from internal receptors about the real state of each muscle and each joint. This data charts the body at any given time. This isalready a feedback. This system completely eliminates the mind and subconscious mind from controlling the body at the level of every muscle and every joint.
3. The third system of perception is all the organs of external reception and the subconscious, which carries out direct adaptive activity in the environment.
4. The fourth system of perception is all the organs of external reception and the mind, which carries out direct and preliminary forms of adaptive activity. The human mind, in contrast to the intelligence of another mammal, has its own active speech knowledge in the form of concepts and representations. He alone uses the verbal names of objects. Any system of perception includes one or another system of reception, albeit to a different extent. So, here it is better to talk about different circuits of perception. This will be much more accurate, although the contour is also a system. Is that the same block of reception here enters different systems of perception at the same time.
It is only now that it is clear that there are not four, but more than ten, modal circuits of perception that carry out practically independent active actions in a person. All " conflicts of interest" here are strictly regulated by the position of each system in their hierarchy. 2009-10-14
LIKE KNOWN LIKE All knowledge is precisely based on the fact that if something has already happened, then this can happen again.
P484. The pragmatic principle of knowledge Any true knowledge is based on the fact that if something has already happened (fact), then a similar (similar fact) can happen by chance or need to be repeated. True knowledge comes from facts and has its main purpose in being the tools of true knowledge of objects of the type corresponding to them. (3. 6. 13. ) 484
The instrumental role of knowledge lies precisely in the fact that knowledge about one subject corresponds to a similar subject.
P485 Like is cognized by like. And if it were not for this instrumental function of knowledge in concepts and representations, then a person saw every object as if for the first time. (3. 6. 13. ) 485
The principle “like is cognized by like” is a short and precise formulation of the universal law of the development of active knowledge. It is valid for any mental system. In addition, this is a universal law of perception, otherwise neither the receptor rule, nor the emotional instinct, nor the concept would be able to carry out their activities.
P485. The universal law of perception Like is cognized and recognized by like. (3. 6. 13. ) 486
A special case of this law is the law of reasonable perception.
P18. The law of adequate reasonable perception (Idea of Empedocles) Only true concepts and representations of objects are the grounds for an adequate rational perception of such objects. (1. 2. 7. ) 18
Knowledge is necessary for successful life, therefore, many programs of any perception system contain rules for reacting to a recognized object. They are not stored separately somewhere.
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