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P487. The law of reactivity of perception

P487. The law of reactivity of perception

  The process of recognition by the psyche of a perceived object necessarily includes the activation of knowledge of response to such objects. (3. 6. 13. ) 487






The subject can be perceived in different ways: either as an element of the background (element of the perceived situation), or it is perceived subconsciously, or fluently, or it is in the center of attention. And the focus, as a rule, is only one object of the perceived situation. For example, the recognition of an object of a known type (about which there is a concept) lasts only a few hundredths of a second, therefore a quick (jump-like) transfer of attention from one perceived object to another always creates the illusion that attention is directed to them simultaneously.



The distribution of priority attention between two perceived objects, in fact, is a quick transition, a quick change of priority attention, from one object to another. (3. 6. 14. ) 488


This means that everything is immediately perceived as a background, as a situation, and already from this situation, the " ray of attention" consistently " snatches" individual, most interesting objects.


P489. The principle of the volume of perception

 The psyche necessarily perceives everything about which there is only reception data, but with varying degrees of attention. (3. 6. 14. ) 489


The high quality of perception (attentive perception) of the image and the clear consciousness of the image are one and the same. Therefore, everything that is in the center of attention is in the center of consciousness. A clear consciousness is comparable to a stream of images passing through the recognition of concepts. It requires a kind of " conveyor" of consistent presentation of marked images of perception to concepts, otherwise, instead of a stream of clear rational consciousness, there will be a real whirlpool.


P490. The principle of volume of clear perception

 The volume of clear perception (clear consciousness) is the number of recognized images per unit of time. It is the processing speed of the image data in the spotlight. (3. 6. 14. ) 490


But this volume also depends on the tone. For example, a tired person has focused attention. The brain is tired and the speed of image processing, and hence the frequency of shifting attention from one image to another, slows down significantly. Only the most essential is processed (narrowing of attention). There are no details here.




Lecture 11

Philosophical knowledge of the world is at the forefront of research on fundamental problems of science



• Three stages of brain evolution

• Four stages of the evolution of the nervous system

• The psychophysical law of the evolution of the psyche

• Four stages of the evolution of the psyche


 Three stages of brain evolution correspond to its peculiar formations that have arisen in succession: the brain stem, the limbic system, and the cerebral cortex. With the development of each subsequent layer of the brain, the role of instincts is weakened and the role of skills increases, which significantly increases the fitness of the organism. For example, frogs have a small bark and only act according to genetic life control programs (instincts). The more developed cerebral cortex of mammals allows them to create numerous skills that significantly complement the existing instincts, which allows the animal to carry out complex forms of adaptive activity (learning and planning operations).

The evolution of the brain did not change its vital mechanisms successfully working, which was noted at one time by the famous English neurologist John Jackson. “Evolution has superimposed new systems on old ones, just as the layers of the earth's surface are overlaid. While excavating, you can find fossilized remains of the past. So are the components of the brain stem: today they function in much the same way as our distant ancestors. " (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 45)

Particular attention should be paid here to the fact that " the components of the brain stem function today in almost the same way as in our distant ancestors. " And only because the successfully working mechanisms of the nervous system have reached such perfection that they can already be changed only for the worse. Indeed, for any object there is always a limit to perfection.


However, the limit of perfection also has another side. It is conservative in nature: you cannot improve - it will only get worse. Therefore, there remains the only way to perfection, which presupposes the " layering" of fundamentally new mechanisms on very perfect old ones. After all, no matter how perfect the reception system, the somatic and vegetative systems of the psyche, but the sphere of life activity management in the environment has always demanded and requires mechanisms that are fundamentally new in their content, and therefore in their functions, mechanisms. For example, a car may be the ultimate perfection of a cart, but not an airplane. So it is in the psyche.


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