Four stages of nervous system evolution
FOUR STAGES OF NERVOUS SYSTEM EVOLUTION Consider the Nervous System Tree. By the way, in cybernetics a peculiar structure is called a " tree", the scheme of which is very reminiscent of the shape of a tree (trunk, branches, leaves). For example, an inference tree is the structure of the algorithm for that inference.
1. The roots of the Nervous System Tree are the receptive nervous system. This is the physical carrier of the receptive system of the psyche, or the Sensing Soul. The Sensing Soul is the “eyes and ears” of all other systems of the psyche. This part of the soul arose very first, for none of the other systems of the psyche can do anything without its data. All other parts of the soul historically arose much later. How much later? For about a billion years. From the standpoint of the evolution of the psyche, this is its very first layer.
2. The trunk of the Nervous System Tree has two parts. The lower part is the spinal cord, nerve nodes and individual nerves, which are the physical carriers of the somatic system of the psyche. It is the latter that controls all the elementary muscle movements. She perfectly " understands" the scheme of the body, including the real state of each muscle and each joint at any given time. The upper part is the apparatus of the brain stem and individual nerve nodes, which are the physical carriers of the autonomic system of the psyche. This is an ancient invention of nature, for the vegetative system of the psyche controls the vital activity of internal organs. Even an insect cannot live without this system.
From the standpoint of the evolution of the psyche, this is its second layer. Physiological carriers of these mental systems do not overlap each other, since the vegetative and somatic systems of the psyche have the same historical age. Actually, therefore, the physiological carriers of these mental systems have approximately the same ganglionic (consisting of small nerve nodes) structure.
3. Branches of the Nervous System Tree - this is the limbic system (apparatus of the quadruple and subcortical nodes). The subconscious is located here. The subconscious mind controls the adaptive activity of the organism in the environment. The subconscious is the " mind" of the frog, so its historical age corresponds to the historical age of the frog. From the standpoint of the evolution of the psyche, this is its third layer.
4. The top of the Nervous System Tree is the cerebral cortex. This is the latest nervous formation that is the carrier of the intellect. Intellectual activity is inherent not only in humans, but also in all higher vertebrates.
P491 Intellect is the psychic organ of an animal that controls the direct and preliminary forms of the animal's adaptive activity in the environment. The highest form of intelligence is mind. (3. 7. 2. ) 491
Only the intellect is capable of carrying out preliminary adaptive activity. Human intelligence is called reason.
Generally. The Tree of the Nervous System and the corresponding Tree of the Psyche take on quite understandable forms for us. The main thing is that the Tree is not a metaphor at all, but a really present essence. Moreover, both the first and the second arose during a long evolution. Moreover, the first is necessarily the physical carrier of the second. They do not necessarily exist separately from each other. However, in terms of evolutionary development, the psychic organ is still dominant, but not vice versa. 2009-12-12
PSYCHOPHYSICAL LAW OF EVOLUTION OF PSYCHE What is primary and what is secondary in evolutionary development, mental or physical? There is a topical law of the psychic organ.
P429. Topical law of the psychic organ Any psychic organ always and necessarily consists of the rules of its neurons. It is always and necessarily concrete and exists only on its specific material carrier (the corresponding physiological organ of the nervous system). (3. 6. 4. ) 429 According to this law, all psychic organs are necessary only on their carriers. Today it is easy for us to find the place of any psychic organ, but not at all because of this law, but for a completely different reason. The fact is that psychology quite accurately investigated and described the functions and places of many mental organs, but it confused these organs with their carriers. We, of course, understand the difficulties of psychology. She does not have such a microscope through which a psychic organ can be viewed, since it is an informational entity. After all, information is invisible - information objects do not reflect light, since they are immaterial. The carriers of mental organs by themselves do not know anything and are not able to.
P493 Only the psychic organ is capable of perception and control, but not its material carrier. The material carrier of a mental organ is not a direct source of logical actions. (3. 7. 3. ) 493
Things should be called by their proper names. And if the cerebral cortex is the carrier of the mind, this does not mean at all that it is capable of intelligent actions. Not. She herself can’t do anything without reason. A very important and effective tool in this study is the Psychophysical Law of Control.
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