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P327. The topical law of an active rule

P327. The topical law of an active rule

 Any active rule is an informational entity and only it is the subject of active informational interaction with input data. It is always and necessary concretely and exists only on its concrete material carrier (neuron).

                                                                                                     (3. 3. 2. ) 327

Each mental program necessarily consists of the rules of its neurons, which means that it must have only its own carrier. Each psychic organ necessarily has only its own carrier, but not a stranger, since it consists of its own programs, and at the lower level - of the rules of its neurons. Each psychic system at its highest level consists of its psychic organs. Only thanks to the knowledge of these laws, the psychologist is able to truly see his subject area: the psyche, and each of its organs, and each function of this organ. The structure of any psychic organ must necessarily correspond to the structure of its carrier.


P497. The principle of the structure of the autonomic system of the psyche

 The rules of the neurons of the ganglia necessarily form the program of any ganglion. The programs of the plant Soul ganglia necessarily form each of its psychic organs. And all her psychic organs, in turn, form this psychic system itself. (3. 8. 2. ) 497


Psychology knows perfectly well the functions of the autonomic system of the psyche, but it mistakenly believes that these functions are performed by the autonomic nervous system. However, if you put everything she knows from head to foot, then everything will turn out right.





There is a real variety of types of management. Let's start with the simplest and most essential.


  1. Operational management is the management of objects in real time. Operational control is instantaneous and is aimed at solving relatively simple tasks of the current situation. This is comparable to running a platoon, or even a battalion. Individual steps (acts) of operational management are hundredths of a second. Here, data from the managed object enters the control program. This is feedback data as it reflects the actual state of the object. Then this data is perceived (recognized) by the control program. Then this program automatically gives a response corresponding to the situation in the form of control data. Such data is already referred to as feed-forward data. The program accepts feedback data. She feels them. The receptor senses this, and the program senses its controlled object.



The sense of the control program is its reflex to the feedback data. And the response of this reflex is the data of the control action (data of the direct connection). (3. 8. 3. ) 498


The Plant Soul carries out direct control in real time, forming control commands and directing them to the rules-executors of control objects.



Operational type of control - this is the direct control of the object in real time. (3. 8. 3. ) 499


This is true not only for the Plant Soul, but for any other control system.



The Plant Soul perceives all the organs it controls, the elements of its own body and all physiological processes, otherwise it will not know what and how it should be controlled.


P500. The principle of operational mental control

The main condition for operational mental control is a quick response of the control system to deviations of the control object from its target state. This condition necessarily includes the perception of the control object by the control system. (3. 8. 3. ) 500


The data of internal sensations of the controlled organ or process is the feedback data, without which the Plant Soul is not able to carry out any control action.

2. Tactical management. Here it is already required not only to keep each object within the required parameters, but no less important is the requirement to keep the entire system of controlled objects within the required parameters. That is, tactical management includes operational management. Tactical management is comparable to division management.

Tactical control cannot be carried out instantly. Therefore, this type of control needs to have both fast (operational) and slow (smooth) components. This is the only way to keep a complex system of objects within its optimal parameters.



3. Strategic management is the most complex type of management, where complex and long-term tasks of adaptive activity are solved. For example , the main function of the mind is preliminary activity. This activity is aimed not only at the current situation, but at a possible future. This requires a powerful control system with a large amount of RAM to build a complex model of the expected situation. Strategic management is the slowest and includes operational and tactical control actions. Military terminology is used here, but what can you do when it has long been adopted by cybernetics.

Further, in addition to the basic types of control, there is a wide variety of control actions.



4. Joint control actions are those in which several control systems control one object at once.



5. Direct control actions are those when the control system itself directly forms and carries out the final control action.



6. Mediocre control actions are those when one control system “asks” another to make the final control action. For example, the somatic system of the psyche directly controls all muscular movements of the body. The mind will never learn this, but it often indicates when and what the body needs to do. The mind controls the body only in a mediocre way.



7. Autonomous control actions are those when only one system controls the object. The autonomy of the control system is its quality. The reason for this quality is the closeness of the controlled objects of the system from extraneous control actions.


The essence of the control process is correctly described by cybernetics. “As a rule, a certain scheme is implemented in the management process. The control body receives information about the control goal and the state (behavior) of the control object and forms control actions, selecting them so that as a result, the discrepancy between the specified goal and the result achieved at this step is minimized.

Information about the state of the control object is called feedback, and the channels through which this information comes to the control are called channels or feedback loops. Such a scheme is called a feedback regulator or servo system. " (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 146. )

No control without feedback is simply impossible, otherwise the control system does not know the state of the control object. This means that it is not able to form the necessary control action capable of transferring it to the required (target) state.



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