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P501. Management law. Homeostatic control type. P502. The principle of homeostasis. It is hormones that are biochemical agents of smooth control actions.

P501. Management Law

 Control of the object is necessary based on the control program and data of direct and feedback. Where the feed forward is the data flow of control actions, and the feedback is the data flow about the states of the managed object. A positive result of control actions is a new state of the controlled object, which corresponds to the purpose of the control program. (3. 8. 3. ) 501


This law is equally valid for the psyche and for the device. In addition, it complements the Psychophysical Law of Control (343 a).





The most difficult type of tactical control is homeostasis control. Homeostasis is a material phenomenon based on keeping the control system in the required states of all physiological organs and processes of the body.

In fact, only a supercomputer can solve homeostatic problems of this level of complexity. Indeed, while keeping each controlled organ (and through it, each controlled process) in the required parameters, it is also required to keep the entire system of controlled organs as a whole within the required parameters.

After all, all the organs of the body are connected into a single whole and a change in the state of one organ always affects the state and activity of others. And when there are dozens of such organs, then this task of optimizing the states of all controlled objects seems to be very difficult.

Moreover, this task must be solved every second, since, for example, the heart will not wait half an hour while the control system is engaged in another organ.

In general, the implementation of this type of control is possible only by involving in the control process smooth, but narrowly selective hormonal control influences.


P502. The principle of homeostasis

 Homeostasis is a balanced optimal state of the system of all controlled objects, and hence the processes associated with them. Here the managed objects are considered by the governing body as unstable elements of one unstable system. (3. 8. 4. ) 502


Moreover, homeostatic control always includes elements of operational control. This is understandable, since any complex control actions always consist of simple actions.


There is one subtle point here, since not everyone understands how object management differs from process management. The answer is simple: nothing.



Any process is always and necessarily there is an interaction of objects. And the management of any process is necessary there is the management of the objects involved in this process. (3. 8. 4. ) 503


Any type of government must be subject to the Law of Governance (501).



Control of all physiological organs and processes while taking into account the " interests of everyone" belongs to the most difficult category of control. Here, the control actions and response reactions of the control objects themselves should have smooth lines. And such smooth lines are possible only with the participation in the control actions of special biochemical agents of smooth actions (hormones).



It is hormones that are biochemical agents of smooth control actions.

                                                                                                     (3. 8. 3. ) 504


For example, “The most important gland in the endocrine system is the pituitary gland, a pea-sized mass in the lower part of the brain. One of its hormones plays an important role in regulating body growth. Too little content of this hormone in the body results in dwarf growth, and too much - gigantism. Since 1985, genetic engineering has made the commercial production of pituitary hormone possible, helping children with growth retardation. One recent experiment with older people who no longer produce growth hormone suggests that the introduction of this synthetic hormone into the body has a rejuvenating effect, which activates the process of muscle building and reduces body obesity [Rudman & other, 1990].

In addition to the fact that the pituitary gland produces its own hormones, it affects the production of hormones by other endocrine glands. This makes it a kind of host gland. However, the real master of the pituitary gland is the hypothalamus - the main neural system located just above this gland. (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 46)


In general, it is quite obvious here that the hypothalamus is the physical carrier of the head part of the Plant Soul.





Consciousness in the full sense of this word is inherent only in the mind. After all, what is consciousness? This is an incessant stream of activity of various concepts and representations in the processes of perception and thinking. Thanks to this flow, a person understands everything that happens and thinks. But how he understands and thinks, it already depends only on his concepts and ideas.



1. A kind of consciousness is also carried out by other systems of the psyche, with the exception of the reception system. Although in other systems of the psyche there are no concepts, nevertheless, there their role is played by other, so-called " non-speech" recognition programs. And they recognize in the images of perceived objects not the objects themselves, but stimuli. They are too primitive to recognize perceived objects. Their difficulty level is somewhere in the middle between the receptor rule and the concept, which once again points to the ancient history of the Plant Soul. The Plant Soul is too ancient a system, and it is not capable of the formation of complex skills. However, these programs work so well that hundreds of millions of years of evolution have made very few changes to them. The resilience of these programs to change has another good reason: they are instincts. On the side of their resistance are genes.

Another factor in the stability of instinctive programs of life (instincts and their connections) is the body's need for their successful work already at the moment of its birth. This part of the soul is set by nature before the need to control the body even before its birth, therefore, the Plant Soul does not particularly need skills. After all, what skills can a newborn have?



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