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Emotions and homeostasis. P513. The principle of the emotional criterion in the homeostatic type of management


After all, what is emotion? This is an instinctual response. And the control programs of the Plant Soul consist only of instincts. Skills are extremely rare there. There is a principle of emotional evaluation (475). And each emotional assessment of the controlled organ, given by the perceiving program of the Plant Soul, is included in the general emotional background of the entire system.



Emotional evaluations of the perceiving programs of the Plant Soul are the criteria for the states of controlled objects. After all, instinct sees not an object of control, but a stimulus. (3. 8. 6. ) 512


And in terms of criteria, this general emotional background is of great importance. For example, “The problem of multicriteria optimization is closely connected with homeostatics, when it is necessary to agree on criteria that may contradict one another. In homeostatics, this contradiction is not eliminated, but, on the contrary, is used to bring the system to the desired state. ... A huge number of diseases are associated with the fact that the management of the contradiction is going wrong: one of the opposing systems begins to oppress the others, takes the body out of its normal mode of functioning and can even lead to its death. " (Informatics. Compiled by D. A. Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. S. 114. )

Special attention should be paid here to the key phrase: " The problem of multiobjective optimization is closely connected with homeostatics, when it isnecessary to agree on criteria that may contradict one another. " But what are these criteria?

“With the development of decision making theory, so-called multicriteria problems, when alternatives are of a complex nature and are described by a large number of criteria, began to be of particular interest. Multi-criteria tasks usually involve comparing criteria in terms of their importance and rolling criteria, i. e. construction of new, secondary criteria for more

general form (the number of which turns out to be significantly smaller), and often the global convolution, i. e. construction of a certain final integral criterion and decision-making based on it. This criterion is usually called a utility function. Having a utility function greatly simplifies decision making. ” (Informatics. Compiled by DA Pospelov. M.: Pedagogika-Press, 1994. р. 28) Thus, thanks to cybernetics, another important aspect of any emotion has become clear to us.



P513. The principle of the emotional criterion in the homeostatic type of management

 Automatic optimization of homeostasis by the autonomic system of the psyche is necessarily based on emotional criteria, which are the emotional facts (data) of its recognizing emotional programs. (3. 8. 6. ) 513


In this system, everything happens automatically, since there is no complex logic there and cannot be.


In the homeostatic type of control, smooth control hormonal influences play an important role.



These emotions (emotional facts) must be directly involved in the formation of the general hormonal background. (3. 8. 6. ) 514


For example, “Physiological arousal that accompanies a particular emotion is, in most cases, difficult to distinguish from arousal associated with some other emotion. However, scientists have identified changes in brain function and hormone levels that correspond to a particular emotion. " (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 345)

This is understandable, since the so-called " hormonal language" is intended not only for one object, but for the system as a whole. It makes up a certain hormonal background (a set of acting hormones). This is a physical phenomenon.

On the other hand, there is the so-called " emotional language", which is also intended not only for one object, but for the entire system as a whole. And he makes up a certain emotional background (a list of emotional facts). This is already a mental phenomenon.

The first and the second are always mutually dependent. For the hormonal background is the result of control, and the emotional background is the result of the control system's perception of control objects. The hormonal background is, to a certain extent, there is a screen of the state of the system of internal organs. The emotional background of the autonomic system of the psyche is, to a certain extent, there is a screen of the state of the system.



There is a kind of " hormonal background" and the nervous system itself. For example: “Scientists have confirmed that the brain does contain several types of neurotransmitters, similar to morphine. They are called endomorphins (short for endogenous - which means internal origin - and morphine), and these natural drugs are released in response to pain and stress. " (D. Myers " Psychology". Minsk, 1997. р. 39)




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