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P506. The principle of feeling an active recognition program


Vegetative consciousness is carried out by instinctive programs of life and mental organs, acting on the basis of these programs. (3. 8. 5. ) 505


So these programs are just instincts. This is unambiguous.

2. The instincts and the psychic organs of perception of the Plant Soul based on instincts feel the corresponding images of the autonomic perception system. (The sensations immediately end in the reception system. )


P506. The principle of feeling an active recognition program

The feeling of an active recognizing program is always and necessarily its psychic reflex to an image known to it or a matrix of attributes of an image of a perceived or conceivable object. It is always and necessary either an act of consciousness of the concept of reason, or an act of " consciousness" of a recognizing program of another system of the psyche.  (3. 8. 5. ) 506


Sechenov was the first to say something like this: “Not knowing what is going on in the nerves, muscles and brain centers when they are excited, I, however, cannot help but see the laws of pure reflex and cannot help but consider them true. Once having allowed this, it is, of course, permissible for everyone to discover a similarity between any phenomenon, for example, a conscious act of a person and a reflex. You find him (I am convinced of this, but, of course, my conviction is not an absolute truth for anyone) and you say that the process of a person's conscious act and the process of a reflex are the same. I don’t do anything else” (Sechenov I. M. Reflexes of the brain. Ch. 2. § 14. Selected works. T. 1. Publishing house of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. 1952)



The perception of the Plant Soul is carried out by instincts and psychic organs based on them. They do not understand perceived objects, since in each object they " see" only stimuli. The sense of understanding is not available to instincts, and all their feelings are classified as emotions. All instincts are only capable of emotions. They don't understand, but they always react according to their own rules.


P507. The reflex of the perceiving program of the autonomic system of the psyche is always an elementary emotion. (3. 8. 5. ) 507

Nevertheless, be it the concept of the mind or the " concept" of another system of the psyche, the mental reflex of each of them necessarily includes the reaction of the attitude to the perceived object, which is called emotion. This is due to the fact that all complex programs of perception always and necessarily arise not by themselves, but from emotional instincts, by attaching perception data (units of experience) to them.


The emotions of the Plant Soul are so simple that some sensations are often confused with them. For example, it is quite clear that feeling hungry, feeling uncomfortable, feeling calm, or comfortable are emotions. However, modern psychology classifies these feelings as internal sensations. But there is a silver lining, because it is thanks to this delusion of psychology that we have received extensive factual material about the nature of these emotions. Facts never lie, but their interpretation is often poor.


P476.  The principle of emotion

 Emotion is a feeling (reflex) of an emotional instinct. Such instincts can independently carry out recognition, and can be included in the content of any program of the psyche that recognizes the images of perceived objects. Emotions and data from the responses of these reflexes create a general emotional background of the psyche. (3. 6. 10. ) 476


 Emotion is a reflex of an emotional program to a perception image known to it or a sign of this image.


3. The language of emotions. Emotion answers the question " cocoa", but not " what exactly. " Its purpose is not to understand the object, it is not capable of this, but to define the object as an emotional stimulus, and in the response corresponding to this stimulus.


P475. The principle of emotional evaluation

 The data of the response of the reflex of the emotional instinct are an emotional characteristic of the image of a recognizable or conceivable object.

                                                                                                       (3. 6. 10. ) 475


The emotional program itself is not able to control the body's defensive reaction to the appearance of a perceived object, but it informs the mental governing body about what this object is in relation to the subject of perception. Communicates in his answer in the language of emotions.

The language unit is a coding rule or program, so the language of emotions should not be confused with its " vocabulary". For example, the unit of an ordinary language is a concept, but not a term with the same name with its corresponding concept.


The unit of emotional language is the emotional instinct.


  The term in this language is the response of an emotional instinct.


Emotion is the reaction of an emotional instinct (reflex) to a stimulus corresponding to it. The reaction of a concept is a reflex of understanding. The concepts understand and distinguish between the images of the objects corresponding to them, since the variety of concepts in an adult reaches one hundred thousand. Emotional instincts are able to distinguish only about two dozen images, since their variety is limited to these two dozen.


The language of emotions is a variety of elementary feelings (complex emotions are composed of elementary ones).

  We remind you that the feeling of instinct is the instinct itself in a state of arousal. I think that some people have already forgotten this.

 The " dictionary" of this language reflects the variety of elementary emotions. It consists of no more than twenty simple terms. The language of concepts (ordinary speech) is a variety of elementary feelings of understanding. There are as many concept names as there are terms. The " dictionary" of this language reflects the variety of concepts of each individual person. People are different and have a different number of concepts.


Emotions are close to sensations. Unless a single mental sensation is a reaction of the rule of one receptor. And one emotion is a single feeling of an instinctive program. Not any instinctive program, but only an emotional one.



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