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P479. The principle of emotional language

P479. The principle of emotional language

 Types of emotional instincts and the corresponding types of emotions and emotional responses, necessarily constitute the language of emotional relationships. Where the role of coding programs is performed by these instincts, and the role of terms is the responses they produce. Complex emotions are decomposed into simple components. (3. 6. 10. ) 479


Absolutely obvious.



The language of emotions necessarily arose from the language of sensations.

                                                                                                         (3. 6. 10. ) 481

After all, what is an elementary mental sensation? This is the rule of the receptor in its active phase of response to a stimulus signal. The receptor rule is selective; it only responds to a specific type of data for that signal. The emotional program also selectively reacts only to the type of stimulus known to it in the perceived image of the object. She does not understand objects and does not distinguish. She's too primitive for that. As a matter of fact, the stimulus is a certain basic feature of the object.


P507а. The incentive principle

 Stimulus - this is some basic feature of the subject. (3. 8. 5. ) 507 a


As a result, the evolution of perception programs is traced. And it begins with the rule of mental sensation.



The data of responses of reflexes of sensations correspond to about twenty types of elementary sensations. The response data of the reflexes of the emotional programs correspond to about twenty types of emotional stimuli. The data of the recognition programs of the mind correspond (on average) to one hundred thousand types of perceived objects. (3. 8. 5. ) 508


There can be no better proof of the antiquity of emotional programs of perception. However, there is one more important piece of evidence.



4. The emotional programs of the Plant Soul are mostly (99%) instincts. There are reasons for this.


First, developing a lasting emotional skill requires a lengthy process of consolidating positive experiences and converting those experiences into skills. It's easy for the mind to create a skill. For example, a student creates dozens of new concepts in just one day. But for the Plant Soul, this is a real problem that can drag on for months, since it has a primitive ancient logic. And for a developed logic, appropriate material carriers are needed (extensive networks of associative neurons). But the Plant Soul does not have such a carrier that the mind possesses.


 Secondly, nothing needs to be done for the emotional instinct to arise. He himself will arise as a result of the decoding of genetic information.


 Thirdly, the variety of elementary emotional instincts is no more than twenty types! They can be easily passed on genetically. These are not a hundred thousand different concepts, and even each of which surpasses instinct in its volume of data and rules by a thousand times.


Fourthly, combinations of several emotions in orders of magnitude expand the " vocabulary of the language of emotions. "



5. Perception (consciousness) of the Plant Soul is realized by its instincts. Wherein.


P. 509

The data of the emotions of the Plant Soul create its general emotional background, which is accessible and understandable to both the subconscious and the mind. (3. 8. 5. ) 509


In this regard, the Plant Soul is not completely closed. It is completely closed from the controlling influences of the subconscious and mind, but not from what the general state of internal organs and processes is. For she cannot cope with all the problems alone. For example, with the problem of nutrition.



6. The Plant Soul instinct does not need to recognize its stimulus, since it is connected to this stimulus by communication channels. However, he recognizes the state of his stimulus. He recognizes how close his condition is to normal or not, and sends his response to the psychic organ exercising control.



The perceiving instinct of the Plant Soul does not need to control its stimulus, since this is the task of the governing organ. (3. 8. 5. ) 510


And here we come to the conclusion that there is practically no significant difference between instinct and emotional instinct.


There is practically no essential difference between instinct and emotional instinct. The whole difference between them consists only in what logical scheme of the psychic organ this or that instinct is located in, and in how accessible the emotions of this or that instinct are for other psychic organs.

                                                                                                           (3. 8. 5. ) 511


Of course, this consciousness is based on the activity of management programs. Deviations from the required parameters of the controlled organ are assessed by these programs both specifically and in general. The presence of an emotional componen t in the activity of programs of the vegetative system of the psyche is the first sign that vegetative consciousness (vegetative perception) is necessary in this system. However, the perception of the Plant Soul does not exist for the sake of perception, but for the management of the vital activity of the body and the soul itself. Moreover, this perception is very emotional, as we will see later. But why, then, do we not particularly “hear” her emotions?



7. Emotional instincts are an invention of the Plant Soul. However, she does not at all seek to throw out all her specific emotional activity outward, otherwise, she will immediately receive an active emotional influence from other systems of the psyche. And on this, its autonomy will receive a strong restriction.

Nevertheless, the general emotional states of the Plant Soul, as well as the general emotional states of the subconscious and the mind, are always available to all systems of the psyche. For example, poor or good health affects the overall emotional mood and thereby significantly impair or improve the activity of the subconscious and the mind. And vice versa. A critical situation in an external situation, which is understood only by the subconscious and the mind, creates by them such a general emotional mood that can put a healthy person in a hospital bed.




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