THE PLACE OF THE MOVING SOUL. P496. The principle of the mental organ. P523. The principle of the ganglion program. P525. The principle of the structure of the Moving Soul
THE PLACE OF THE MOVING SOUL It is absolutely impossible to see the Moving Soul under any microscope, but its manifestations are quite obvious in its activity.
P496. The principle of the mental organ The field of activity of a mental organ is always and necessarily the complete set of its mental functions. (3. 8. 1. ) 496
Judging by the mental functions of the Moving Soul, they correspond to many physical functions of the spinal cord, as well as the nerves and nerve nodes associated with them. The center of coordination of movements is located in the cerebellum. (Recall that there are no material controls. ) This center is also associated with a special unit of reception (vestibular apparatus), and with vision. He controls balance and a sense of balance is the first sign of his activity. Moreover, this feeling is constant, since the coordination organ works continuously and in automatic mode. (Another “situational control system. ”) Therefore, we hardly notice this feeling until we lose our balance. The coordinated movement of body parts is a kind of " kinesthetic homeostasis". You cannot name it otherwise. Indeed, in the management of this phenomenon, thousands of parameters are coordinated continuously, simultaneously and in real time.
Any psychic organ is necessarily subject to the action of the topical law of a psychic organ (429), therefore it is always located where its physical carrier is.
P 522 The physical carriers of the Moving Soul are mainly located in the spinal cord and associated nerves and ganglia. And also in the cerebellum, which is the carrier of the coordinating control center. (3. 9. 2. ) 522 All its carriers have a predominantly ganglionic structure (a ganglion is a small nerve node).
P523. The principle of the ganglion program Since any neuron is an elementary physical automaton, the ganglion is a network of ele mentary physical automata. The rules of the neurons of the ganglia necessarily form the program of any ganglion. (3. 9. 2. ) 523
The place and structure of the material carrier of the Moving Soul are quite obvious. It can only be added that the carriers of the Plant Soul and the Moving Soul appeared at the same stage of evolution. The actual ganglionic structure of the carriers of both indirectly reflects the similarity of their information content.
P524 The structure of any psychic organ must necessarily correspond to the structure of its carrier. (3. 9. 2. ) 524
And the structure of an object is always and must be its content.
P525. The principle of the structure of the Moving Soul The rules of the neurons of the ganglia necessarily form the program of any ganglion. And the programs of the ganglia of the Moving Soul necessarily form each of its psychic organs. (3. 9. 2. ) 525
The main thing is that the network of ganglion programs is capable of self-tuning and learning. However, the rules of most neurons that make up certain programs also have this ability. Judging by the relatively homogeneous ganglionic content of the material carrier of the Moving Soul, the content of its programs is incomparably simpler than the programs of the mind. 2009-12-01
THE CONTENT OF THE MOVING SOUL The Motive Soul of a newborn child is literally the psyche of an insect. The insect has no time to learn. For example, the life of a bee in the summer is only five weeks, so it can only live thanks to the action of hereditary life programs. She has no time to create skills. But a person lives a hundred times longer than an insect and his Motive Soul during this time acquires many motor skills, ranging from the ability to move his eyes and ending with the highest skills of his professional activity. For example, a pianist shapes them throughout his life.
P526. The principle of the emergence of a skill All the skills of human movements are programs that were created from the experience of the Moving Soul, with the active participation of instincts. A new skill is obtained as a result of overlaying experience data on instinct (expansion of instinct), or overlaying experience data on an already existing skill. (3. 9. 3. ) 526
At first, the child's skills arise only with the help of instincts, and then, as they develop, already developed skills take part in this process.
P527. The principle of keeping the Moving Soul All functions of direct operational control of the movement of the body and its parts must be performed by the Motive Soul. Its content is based on instincts and skills. (3. 9. 3) 527
Indeed, without the presence of thousands of instincts, no first psychic experience is at all possible.
P528. No first mental experience is necessarily impossible without hereditary programs of life (instincts). (3. 9. 3. ) 528
Instincts are very strong. They are much stronger than skills. Skill can be changed, but instinct cannot. Instinct can only be supplemented with appropriate experience. It's kind of layering. Therefore, despite the active acquisition of skills, even in an adult, instinctive programs of activity always remain in full force.
P529. In every Moving Soul of an adult, a newborn child always and necessarily lives. It doesn't disappear anywhere. It just becomes completely invisible with the emergence of many skills. But in the most critical situations, it is the child's instinctive reactions that often save your life. (3. 9. 3. ) 529
The Motive Soul forms each of its skills by " layering experience" on the most suitable instincts, and then on the most suitable skills. 2009-11-09
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