THE LAWS OF INSTINCT. P530. The principle of the origin of instinct. P531. The principle of the mental reflex. The action of an unconditioned (innate) life activity program (instinct) is an instinctive mental action, or an unconditioned mental reflex. Th
THE LAWS OF INSTINCT At the very base of the Motive Soul are simple instincts and elementary skills. The first are genetically transmitted life programs. They produce simple unconditioned psychic reflexes. The second are elementary skills. These are the children of experience. These are conditional programs. They are the producers of conditioned mental reflexes. For example, a child's walking skills arise from instinct and experience. This bee is immediately capable of flying. However, any instinct was once a skill. There is no other way for instinct to arise.
P530. The principle of the origin of instinct Any instinct - it is necessary is an unconditional program of mental activity, transmitted in a genetic way. It only and necessarily arose from the successful and sustainable skill of the adaptive activity of parents by means of genetic coding. (3. 9. 4. ) 530
A successful and sustainable skill is a strong skill. For example, a concept is a skill. A strong and stable concept is a strong concept. This concept is called belief. With such a concept, other concepts no longer argue. The dispute of concepts is called doubt.
By itself, a new program of successful life occurs by chance. Successful life activity programs help you survive where others die. Unsuccessful programs are mercilessly cut off by the War - the Father of All.
If we take an insect, then the share of skills in its psyche is extremely small. He simply has no time to study due to the brevity of his century. But for the Motive Soul, the role of skills is absolute. Otherwise, the child will not learn to walk, speak, or look where he needs to. The actions of innate programs are called instinctive actions, or unconditioned mental reflexes.
P531. The principle of the mental reflex The action of an unconditioned (innate) life activity program (instinct) is an instinctive mental action, or an unconditioned mental reflex. The action of a conditioned program of life activity (skill) is a conditioned mental reflex. (3. 9. 4. ) 531 For example, a concept is a producer of a conditioned mental reflex to " its" image of perception or thinking. The concept is not at all genetically transmitted, it is too complicated for that. The skill of the somatic system of the psyche is much simpler. Therefore, the somatic system of the psyche is able to record some stable skills by means of genetic coding and transmit them to descendants. This is the only way for a new instinct to arise.
P532. The law of instinct New instinct - it is always and necessary to have a strong parenting skill, passed on to the next generations by genetic means. (3. 9. 4. ) 532
LAWS OF SKILL Skills, as active programs of mental activity, constitute a significant part of the content of the somatic system of the human psyche. This is quite understandable from what a newborn baby can do. He doesn't have the skills yet. How does a skill arise? And what is this? To answer these questions, you will have to repeat the path of the origin of intelligent experience.
It all starts with the fact that the brightest and most interesting images of perception, instantly (until they disappeared from short-term memory), are transferred (copied) into long-term memory in the form of impressions. Then, these impressions either turn into representations, or disappear as unnecessary. But representation is not yet a skill, but only that necessary step, that intermediate object, from which the mind creates a concept.
Any concept is a speech skill, since it is created by the mind only from experience. But the somatic system of the psyche does not at all possess the powerful logical system that the mind possesses. She is much simpler and does not know how to think. She writes down experience in memory (otherwise it would disappear right away), but she does the transformation of experience into skills in a completely different way. There is a trial and error method and a method of consolidating successful experience. How could it be otherwise, when this system does not have a powerful logical system for processing experience? So the main thing here is memory.
P338a. The law of memory Memory is a system of active knowledge in the form of instincts, skills and acquired knowledge (including experience). Material " memory" is only a carrier of informational memory and nothing more, since active knowledge and experience are not material entities. (3. 3. 2) 338 a
However, memory can exist both in the active form of mental memory and in its passive form of the meaning of the text.
P533. The principle of mental memory Mental memory is a system of active rules, where data is necessarily included in the active rules. The main functions of memory are the accumulation of experience and its exchange. Exchange of experience with other programs takes place at their request. The most demanded experience, according to the Law of Amplification, is amplified, and the least demanded experience is weakened. (3. 9. 5. ) 533
Many psychologists talk about memory as the ability to memorize and reproduce. That is, they talk about memory as a phenomenon, while not having the slightest idea about its essence.
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