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Lecture 14. My main task is to prove that all acts of conscious and unconscious life, by mode of origin, are reflexes. Explanations of why the ends of these reflexes in some cases are weakened to zero, in others, on the contrary, are strengthened, are que

Lecture 14

My main task is to prove that all acts of conscious and unconscious life, by mode of origin, are reflexes. Explanations of why the ends of these reflexes in some cases are weakened to zero, in others, on the contrary, are strengthened, are questions of secondary importance. Who can find a better explanation

 I'll be the first to rejoice.

I. M. Sechenov





• The fourth element of the soul

• The subconscious of the bee

• The subconscious of the frog

• Subconsciousness of the higher vertebrate

• Emotions in subconscious perception

• Emotions and ecostasis

• Language of emotions

• Types of simple emotions

• Behavior management




The fourth element of the Soul is the subconscious. It manages the vital activity of an individual in the environment.


P537. The principle of the subconscious

 The main function of the subconscious is the operational control of the vital activity of an individual in relation to objects of a directly perceived external situation. (3. 10. 1. ) 537


Situational management systems have similar functions. Thus, it turns out that cybernetics has provided psychology with a universal model of control, which is present in literally every system of the psyche as the main one.


But back to our animals. There are a great many tasks of controlling the vital activity of an animal in a perceived situation, and all these tasks require their necessary fulfillment. This is nutrition, and protection against becoming food yourself, and many others.



Operational management of vital activity in the environment is a necessary condition for the life of an animal. Therefore, the subconscious, which exercises this control, is a necessary element of the soul. (3. 10. 1. ) 538


But that which is not directly felt does not exist for the subconscious, in this respect it is a " slave" of the immediately felt situation. The subconscious of a person in this regard is not a particular exception. It automatically controls the body in a directly perceived situation. For the implementation of complex preliminary activities, he has neither the appropriate logic, nor the appropriate knowledge. The mind resolves the issues of this situation at a completely different level. But it does not replace the subconscious.



The actions of the subconscious and the mind regarding the directly objects of the perceived situation generally complement each other. (3. 10. 1. ) 539


However, contradictions are possible between them. If a person does not restrain his vivid subconscious reactions, then the subconscious will prevail in the conflict. It is faster than the mind about ten times! There is only one reason - his life activity programs are hundreds of times shorter than the concepts of reason. It is historically half a billion years older than reason. This is, figuratively speaking, the " mind" of a dinosaur or common frog.

This can be clearly seen even under a microscope: all the programs of the vital activity of this part of the soul are based on precisely the ganglionic structures of their carriers. All its carriers have a predominantly ganglionic structure (a ganglion is a small nerve node). For example, the place of the subconscious is the quadruple, subcortical nodes, and the limbic cortex. These organs are arranged on the basis of nerve nodes (ganglia).






It is very difficult to compare the programs of vital activity in the human and insect environment, but it will have to. The reason for this comparison is the fact that all ancient parts of the soul are based only on ganglionic structures. This is what the principle of the ganglion program is about.


P523. The principle of the ganglion program

Since any neuron is an elementary physical automaton, the ganglion is a network of elementary physical automata. The rules of the neurons of the ganglia necessarily form the program of any ganglion. (3. 9. 2. ) 523



 Ganglionic system of rules of neurons (ganglionic program) is a necessary foundation of the subconscious, autonomic and somatic systems of the psyche.

                                                                                                      (3. 10. 2. ) 540

And such programs are inherent not only in vertebrates, but also in insects. The subconscious of the bee consists precisely of the programs of external life activity. But unlike the human subconscious, the external consciousness of a bee contains almost no skills. There are almost only instincts.



The insect has no time to learn from its own experience, so its actions in relation to the environment are mainly based on instincts. (3. 10. 2. ) 541


Although bees have subconscious skills. For example, a bee remembers both the place of the high bribe and the flight path to this place. And the second and third time she flies there. In addition, bees are able to explain a successful trajectory to each other using an original method (there is a bee dance). But such examples of individually variable behavior in insects are rare. Most likely, these are examples of a successful expansion of instincts through the layering of experience.


Insect instincts are ideally matched to standard environmental conditions, and this is a reason for talking about their " intellectual activity". However, there is nothing of the kind there, but there is a perfect correspondence of instincts and external conditions. And it is worth artificially changing the usual conditions, as any expediency immediately disappears like smoke. For example, it is high time for bees to get used to the beekeeper's smoker, but their instincts, when smoke appears, make the bees first of all save honey. After that (due to the complete goiter) the bee is no longer able to bend to use its sting.



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