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P533а.  The second principle of mental memory

P533а.  The second principle of mental memory

A new skill is the result of the successful use of experience. Instincts and skills are capable of gaining experience. For this they have a memory. They are the elements of memory. (3. 9. 5. ) 533 a


Further, they use this experience as famous examples in their perceiving activities.


Further, as a result of successful use, some successful experience becomes stable. The Law of Strengthening is at work here.


Further, with frequent use, this experience acquires its active forms by attaching to it a copy of the corresponding instinct or a copy of the corresponding skill. Thus, a new skill arises from a certain unit of experience. The development of any system of the psyche is necessarily based on the construction of newskills by using copies of the corresponding instincts as their active elements.


Further, with successful activity, this skill is strengthened and becomes a stable skill. Here again the Law of Amplification is at work.


Further. The most stable skills can be genetically passed on to the next generation. This is the only way new instincts arise. The last two " further" does not apply only to concepts, since they are too cumbersome for genetic coding.


P534. The principle of sustainable skill formation

 The psyche is a system of active knowledge. And each such knowledge, with each cycle of its activity, is necessary or strengthened, if there is a positive result, or vice versa. The most used examples of positive action are reinforced and turned into skills. (3. 9. 5. ) 534


Concepts arise in the same way. First, the impression is fixed in memory, then, thanks to thinking, it turns into a representation, etc. Then, the idea is either included in the concept of the same name, or becomes the basis for the emergence of a new concept. However, no skill is formed without the fact that it does not include some of the corresponding instincts. (More precisely, their copies. ) There are no skills pure from instincts. This also applies to concepts.


P535. Skill principle

 Skill is always and it is necessary there is an active mental program of life activity, created from experience by the active programs available in the mental system. The reaction of a skill to a stimulus corresponding to it is always and necessarily a conditioned reflex. (3. 9. 5. ) 535


For example, any concept is a speech skill, since concepts are internally active and are not transmitted genetically, but are created by the mind and only from experience. Any concept has a huge amount of active knowledge - it has an active memory.

     The terms " active knowledge" and " active memory" are synonymous.


                                               EGG OR CHICKEN?

What came first? Instinct or skill?

On the one hand, of course, instinct (chicken), because if there were no instincts, then initially there would be no psychic organ. And vice versa.

On the other hand, of course, a skill (egg), since the influence of the environment as the Father of All Living and heredity as the Mother of All Living was isolatedand written into the genetic code, and thereby passed on to descendants more perfect randomly formed and successful skills in the form of first instincts. After that, the first mental system was formed (ciliates or mosquitoes - this is the second question).

                          So, it's still a skill. Albeit spontaneous, but still a skill.





The natural analogue of the Moving Soul is the somatic psyche of an insect. Its instincts are expedient only under certain standard conditions, in accordance with which they were formed and fixed in the process of evolution. The Moving Soul acts in approximately the same way. But for the implementation of already more complex programs of adaptive activity, during a significant historical period of development, from the Moving Soul, by " layering", " budding", under the influence of a changing environment (Father of All Living), heredity (Mother of All Living) and natural selection (Wars of the Father of All), gradually the subconscious and the mind arose.





An artificial analogue of the Motive Soul is a situational control system (SSS).


 First, and this is the most important thing: both systems control the situation, as well as directly and promptly manage its development.


P536. The principle of the controlled situation for the Motive Soul

A controlled situation for the Moving Soul is the real state of all the musculoskeletal elements and other motor organs of the body, including the state of every muscle and every joint. (3. 9. 8. ) 536


Secondly, both there and there any change in the situation is initially perceived by the control system. Then, a decision is issued on the application of the appropriate control action on the control object. Although the term “perceived” for the CFM should be put in quotation marks, in fact it is very close.


Thirdly, for both systems, it is necessary to have direct and feedback connections with the control object. If feedback is always and it is necessary to have data on the real state of the control object, then direct communication is always and it is necessary to have data on the real control action.


Fourthly, positive experience both there and there has mechanisms for its consolidation. Negative experience both there and there has similar mechanisms of its discrediting.


In general, the Situational Control System and the Motive Soul have completely similar functions.


Situational management systems are the greatest achievement of human genius. In addition, there is a scientific direction of the same name, founded in 1965 - 1980, prof. D. A. Pospelov. The importance of Pospelov's works cannot be overestimated, since it is on the basis of his models that an artificial psyche is possible.




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