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P542. The principle of the emergence of a changeable form of activity

P542. The principle of the emergence of a changeable form of activity

The insect's subconscious is based on rigid instinctive programs (instincts) of life in the environment. Variable forms of activity (based on skills) for insects are extremely rare and occur through the layering of experience on the instincts corresponding to the experience. (3. 10. 2. ) 542


The instinct (instinctive program) in " its" image of reception " sees" only " its" known stimulus. He acts according to the rule: " if the known stimulus is A, then the answer is B ". Is such a program an emotional instinct? Most likely, yes, since it is aimed not only at assessing the stimulus, but also at the response.

For an insect, all objects are stimuli. A stimulus is an irritant known to the insect. The bee does not distinguish between objects, but distinguishes between stimuli (stimulus perception), since knowledge about objects is millions of times larger in volume and they are inaccessible to the insect.




The subconscious of a frog, judging by its behavior, is not much more complex than the subconscious of an insect.



The subconsciousness of lower vertebrates, like insects, consists of simple instinctive narrowly selective active programs of life in an environment such and such a stimulus - an appropriate response. This is very close to the content of the receptor rules. However, ganglionic schemes (combinations) of interaction of these programs allow complex types of adaptive activity to be carried out. (3. 10. 3. ) 543


The simplicity of these programs allows their comparison with the rules of receptors. But a rule is not a program consisting of tens and hundreds of rules. It is obvious. But here something else is also obvious, because programs of perception and vital activity did not arise out of nowhere.



Once the first active programs of life necessarily arose from separate active rules. There is a certain affinity between the reactions of the receptors and the reactions of the subconscious programs of the insect and the lower vertebrate.

                                                                                                             (3. 10. 3. ) 544

 And the difference in their actions is the smallest.


P545. The principle of external stimulus

Any program of the subconscious mind, realizing perception, is specialized in recognizing a limited set of supporting signs of a directly perceived object. This set of features allows her to perceive the object only as a stimulus. The strength of the stimulus and the response are determined by the same program. (3. 10. 3. ) 545


For the subconscious, there are no perceived objects, but only perceived stimuli. The difference between a stimulus and an object is that the stimulus is a qualitative feature of the perceived object, which is most essential for the perceiving subject.


A complex stimulus is a set of two or three simple stimuli. Whereas an object requires recognition of about ten of its supporting features for its recognition. Therefore, there is a wide variety of subjects and a narrow variety of incentives. There can be no more than a hundred types of external stimuli known to the frog, while the types of objects known to man can number in the hundreds of thousands.

In other words, every certain object is always a stimulus, but not every stimulus is a certain certain object. The set of supporting signs of a perceived object does not depend on who perceives it. If a frog is able to distinguish one or two important traits from this set, then it sees some stimulus in the object.

P546. The principle of objectivity of external stimulus

An external stimulus (a set of supporting signs of a perceived object) always and necessarily belongs to an external object of perception, which necessarily exists independently of the reaction of the perceiving subject. (3. 10. 3. ) 546


And what is good, so we will separate objects and incentives.



The subconscious is not an instrument of complex forms of preliminary adaptive activity, like the mind or the intellect of an animal. Simply put, because of the simplicity of its programs, it is simply not able to make plans for the future.



 The subconscious mind is necessarily a slave to the immediately felt situation.  

                                                                                                    (3. 10. 3. ) 546 a



The relative simplicity of the stimulus clearly indicates that the stimulus perception had reception as its predecessor. And in terms of the evolution of the psyche, special attention should be paid to this circumstance. The instinct differs from the receptor rule in its complexity; moreover, instincts are capable of forming combinations according to the sequence of actions, according to the simultaneity of actions, according to the similarity of stimuli, etc.

The consolidation (strengthening) of these combinations occurs with each successful action. This phenomenon has the same nature with the consolidation of the reflex.



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