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P550. The principle of the foundations of behavior

P550. The principle of the foundations of behavior

 The subconscious (like the intellect) of the higher vertebrate, in addition to instincts, has skills to a greater extent. The former are a necessary basis for instinctive behavior. The latter are a necessary basis for individually changing behavior. (3. 10. 4. ) 550


This is also true for the mind, since all concepts belong to the kind of skills, and not to the kind of instincts. Although there are emotional instincts (they are included in concepts), but, in comparison with skills, they constitute a very small part of the content of concepts. In the end, layering new experiences on instincts and on existing experience is the only way to develop a new skill.



2. Perception. Both the subconscious of the frog and the subconscious of any higher vertebrate reacts only to stimuli. There is no perfect objective perception, since the ganglionic structure of the rules of the subconscious does not allow this type of activity.



The subconscious of any higher vertebrate, including humans, must be specialized only in recognizing a limited set of supporting signs of a perceived object, but not the object itself and its image. (3. 10. 4. ) 551


Nothing can be done, since the subconscious mind does not have mechanisms for working with complex images of objects. The recognizing programs of the subconscious qualify the perceived object only by a set of several supporting attributes, therefore, the variety of distinguishable objects here is thousands of times less than that of the mind.

All this means that the " vocabulary" of the programs recognizing programs of the subconscious is about a thousand times shorter than the " vocabulary" of the concepts of the mind.

Accordingly, such programs themselves are required a thousand times less than concepts.

Accordingly, such programs are ten times simpler than concepts.

If it is not clear, then read it again.



3. What is an active language unit? This is a recognition program.

In concepts, the concept name is used as an active sensitive sign of an object. All sensitive object attributes of a concept are in sum equal (equivalent) to its name and play its role.

Any language begins with a sensitive sign or a sign of a recognizing program.


P 552

The group of active sensitive signs of the recognizing program always and necessarily plays the role of an active sign. It simultaneously corresponds to the features of the corresponding image and the meaning of the program itself. The meaning of any recognizing program is its entire content.

                                                                                                         (3. 10. 4. ) 552

The topic of an active language does not contain anything particularly complicated.

For the receptor rule, therole of theactive sign (name)is playedby its sensitive sign, that is, its first part. The semantic meaning of this sensitive feature is its second part (a ready-to-use answer). The unit of the language of reception is the very rules of the receptor. It is also its meaning.


For an instinct or a simple skill, the role of anactive sign (name)is played by two or three sensitive signs, that is, its first part. They are sufficient only for the implementation of stimulus recognition. The unit of the stimulus language is the stimulus program itself. It is also a unit of meaning. The semantic meaning of the first part of such a program is the second part of the program.


For the recognizing intelligence program, the role of the active sign (name) is played by the matrix of its sensitive features. They are enough for the realization of subject recognition. The unit of such a language is the program itself. It is also a unit of meaning. The semantic meaning of the first part of such a program is its second part.


For the recognizing program of the mind (concept), the role of the active sign is played by its sensitive name. In addition, the matrix of sensitive object attributes plays the same role here. It turns out that the concept has two sensitive signs: a sensitive name sign and a matrix of sensitive object signs. The unit of the speech language is the concept. The short meaning of a concept is its core, the meaning is itself, and the broad meaning of a concept is its association.

For example, the concept instantly defines “its” object according to the matrix of supporting attributes of the corresponding image of perception. After all, it is not his sensitive name, but only a group of sensitive signs of a concept that determines " his" image of perception. The subject does not have his name written on it. Unless it has a label on it.


The receptor language gave rise to the languages ​ ​ of ganglionic perception programs.

  These, in turn, gave rise to the languages ​ ​ of the recognition programs of the intelligence of the higher vertebrate. The latter, in turn, gave rise to the languages ​ ​ of reason.

  It all looks like a biblical story.





Not a single perception, neither external nor internal, takes place without emotions, for any system of perception necessarily contains programs in the form of emotional instincts.

For a frog, any recognition program works like a simple automaton, directly connected with the executive programs of the Moving Soul. Therefore, the emotional component there is simply not decisive. Everything is simple there: a stronger stimulus causes a priority execution (movement). And that is all.

The subconscious mind of a dog and any higher vertebrate, including humans, is based on many more of these programs. And this amount necessarily causes a multitude of options and methods of adequate activity of the subconscious. So there is already a completely different qualitative level of perception. Here we are talking about making decisions. And the language of emotions in decision-making procedures has always been and will be the language of internal stimuli.



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