But it is, at the same time, the language of attention management.
But it is, at the same time, the language of attention management.
P 553 The language of emotions of the subconscious is necessarily the language of internal stimuli. It is also a necessary basis for the formation of the level of attention to each perceived object. (3. 10. 5. ) 553
For example, the recognition reaction data, which indicate a clear approach of a dangerous object, are the first in terms of their status in making a decision. They immediately pass " out of competition", bypassing any queues in the decision-making procedure. The level of attention to such a subject is absolute. That is, = 1. In addition, there is a strong emotion of fear in this recognition reaction, which does not allow any queues in the execution of the required response of the Motive Soul. However, in lower vertebrates, due to the simplicity and paucity of recognition programs, the language of the emotions of the subconscious is of minimal importance. Lower vertebrates do not often have to make decisions, since their subconscious is extremely automated. It is based on tough instincts. Although experience can be superimposed on instinct, its changes in future generations will be very small. But in higher vertebrates, instinct plays a leading role not only in determining the stimulus, but also in controlling attention.
P554 In higher vertebrates, due to the multitude of recognition programs, emotional instincts play significant roles in decision-making. Thus, they receive a leading place in mental reactions as the main factors in the formation of attention. (3. 10. 5. ) 554
It is not enough to say that emotional facts (data from the responses of emotional instincts) constitute the terms of the language of emotions. It is not enough to say that emotional facts, as criteria, take an obligatory part in decision-making. It is not enough to say that every emotional fact is an internal stimulus. The main thing is to point out that all these phenomena belong to a single process.
P555. Supplement to the law of attention Emotional criteria of the subconscious are always and necessarily are the criteria for making decisions. Thus, they are the only internal stimuli to control the subconscious activity of the animal. Including the management of his priority attention. The activity control center and the priority attention control center are the same. (3. 10. 5. ) 555
Here all three phenomena are in " one package".
Higher vertebrates carry out more complex subconscious activities than lower vertebrates. On the one hand, each recognizing program of the subconscious of the higher vertebrate is more complex, therefore, in each perceived object, it distinguishes a large number of supporting signs. After all, the more sensitive signs a recognizing program has, the more subtle its peculiar “classification” of the perceived object is, the more types of complex stimuli it distinguishes.
On the other hand, this requires a large number of recognition programs. For example, a dog has incomparably more of them than a frog. But the frog brain does not allow itself the luxury of complex programs. Indeed, for the recognition of hundreds of stimuli, as a frog does, such programs do not need anything and their complex content. P555 a Simplicity has always been, is and will be a condition for the reliability of any instrument. This also applies to the recognition program. The program for recognizing two or three signs of a stimulus is not much more complicated than the receptor rule. What is an object for a concept is a stimulus for instinct. They " speak" in different languages, but this does not make the objects recognized by them different. (3. 10. 5. ) 555 a
A person feels the reality of the perceived situation both with his mind and subconscious.
P556. The principle of a sense of reality The stream of consciousness of the perceiving programs of the mind and subconscious is always and necessarily a sense of the reality of the situation. (3. 10. 5. ) 556 It should be remembered here that emotional instincts are always included in any discriminating program. And even emotional skills.
P557. The principle of the emotional sense of reality Emotional facts (responses) of emotional programs of perception of the mind and subconscious are necessarily a stream. Thus, they create the emotional background of the perceived situation. (3. 10. 5. ) 557
A person, especially a young person, always perceives the World as the World, brightly colored with a rainbow of emotional feelings. True, as he ages, these feelings gradually fade, and then they become completely invisible. This phenomenon is associated with the ever-increasing role of concepts, for concepts develop throughout life. Whereas instincts are the emotional instincts of a newborn, which, due to their extraordinary stability, literally live in every person until the very end.
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