P582. Concept active name principle
P582. Concept active name principle Only due to the fact that concepts have active names of types of objects, each concept has acquired the ability to produce active speech activity in perception, and in thinking, and in intuition, and in behavior, and in communications, and in gaining experience from other people. (3. 11. 2. ) 582
It was not labor at all that created man, but only the active sensitive name of his concept. This is not true about labor, since many animals work no less than people, for example, beavers.
At the beginning of the mind was the word
INTELLIGENT PERCEPTION Reasonable perception is based on concepts. It differs significantly from the intellectual perception of the higher vertebrate in that the perceived objects (including processes and relationships) correspond to the names of the concepts present in the mind.
P583 The brief meaning of a reasonably perceived object is the core of the concept of the same name to this object. (3. 11. 2. ) 583
The concept highlights and recognizes the marked image of its object in just a few hundredths of a second.
REASONABLE CONTEMPLATION Intelligent contemplation is manual thinking. It occurs when attention is drawn to a perceived object for a long time. Here there are already not only acts of perception, but also acts of thinking. It already includes not only the concept of a perceived object, but also related concepts and logical tools of operational modeling. The purpose of contemplation is to form the complete and correct meaning of the perceived object in the operative memory. Here, the features of the subject are investigated, and its connections, and its content. After all, a thought is a newly created, or created meaning of some object. There is no pointless thought.
INTUITION Intuition is instant thinking. This is a kind of intelligent contemplation, but directed into the depths of the mind. It acts when an existing problematic concept becomes the subject of the mind's attention. Here, signs, and connections, and the content of the subject of representation are investigated, but all this happens through the study of the representation itself. After all, only a representation is both a model and a fact of its object, since it is a single experience about “its” object.
In the process of intuition, the problem representationand its concept (and almost all representations are included in the content of their concepts of the same name as units of experience), due to attention to them, are in a state of prolonged excitement. Such a concept is objectively the central concept of association, since it is the focus of attention (and hence of thinking). And the related concepts of this association have only those excited sensitive object attributes that are of the same name with the sensitive object attributes of the central concept. Subject sensitive features of concepts necessarily have their own sensitive names. As a result of intuition, the problem representation (and hence the subject of representation) is given a broad meaning. And this is the main result of intuition. After all, the brief meaning of the subject is at the core of the concept. It is enough only to recognize the subject of a concept. The meaning of an object is in the concept itself and includes the meanings contained in its conceptions of the same name.
The broad sense of the subject is found only in the association of concepts. The object is surrounded by others, therefore the meaning of the object is kind of like the meaning of the “object in itself”, and the broad meaning of the object is the meaning of the object in Being. Do you understand the difference?
1. Reasonable thinking is the only possible way for the formation of reason. Judge for yourself. After all, he actually creates himself. A newborn child has nothing in his mind but instincts. Where did he get his experience? After all, neither ideas nor concepts are transmitted in a genetic way.
Thinking is everywhere. The mind creates impressions from the perceived images. From impressions, he creates representations (units of experience). But any idea arises from an impression only through the thought process. From representations, the mind creates concepts. There is no other way for the concept to arise. And every new concept is the result of a thought process. The mind creates associations from concepts. The association arises only due to the thought process. It does not arise by itself. Any meaningful action is the result of thinking. Any phrase is the result of thinking. Any text is the result of thinking. After all, what is the meaning of the text? - This is the author's thought, frozen for centuries. Precisely a thought! So any of these complete actions of the mind can be considered a complete thought. An incomplete thought that has not achieved its intended result is always regarded as a problem that is the source of the emergence of a kind of orienting reflex. The latter circumstance indicates the active participation of emotional instincts in thinking.
We are now accustomed to the fact that the mind thinks only when forming a statement. Yes, he does it, but this is only one thousandth of his actual work.
2. Reasonable thinking is a necessary process of creating a new concept. The mind creates all its concepts by itself and only from experience. And only with the participation of instincts and already existing concepts and ideas. Most of his experience is gained experience. A young man, gaining experience, thereby forms himself. The education of a person is the education of his mind. It consists in the intense acquisition of experience. For some, education is easy, for others, with great difficulty. In any case, a person without acquired experience is " Mowgli", who does not know a single word.
Let us recall that the experience gained is someone else's experience, and one's own experience is one's own experience, one might say, " the son of difficult mistakes. "
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