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But, again, the meanings of all the texts are the thoughts of their authors frozen on paper

Any concept is created by the mind only from representation (from a unit of experience). In the process of thinking, some idea turns into a concept. Into a weak concept. For this, the mind gives the idea of ​ ​ sensitive signs corresponding to the signs of the subject of this presentation. In this case, the sensitive name of the representation becomes the sensitive name of the new concept.

Further, the new concept actively works itself, since it is a perfect logical skill, capable of performing many actions automatically. For example, understanding an object is a reflex of a concept. And the more a concept participates in the processes of perception and thinking, the more it accumulates i ts active experience. The Law of Amplification is at work here.



  3. Reasonable thinking also exists as a process of creating a diagram of the forthcoming action. Such a scheme is a kind of representation that is not a unit of experience. For some reason, we call such a scheme thought.



4. Reasonable thinking also exists as a process of creating imaginary models of actions and objects that have never been perceived. This is called fantasy.

Fiction, fairy tales, fantasy - these are all inventions, designed to both entertain and educate ideals in people. This applies to all works of art.

But, again, the meanings of all the texts are the thoughts of their authors frozen on paper


Reasonable involuntary behavior is the result of the automatic operation of concepts. Here everything happens exactly as in the subconscious: if there is a stimulus, then the corresponding reaction.

The mind has two centers of attention control. One governs voluntary attention, the other involuntary. Both the one and the other control human activity. The first is responsible only for meaningful rational actions (in the mind, two parallel processes of thinking are impossible). The other is responsible for automatic actions based only on the automatic operation of concepts.



Social behavior is already the result of the work of the concept of social concepts. This concept is called conscience. There is a system of moral concepts (concept) that is responsible for the correctness of behavior. Conscience is a kind of mirror. A dirty conscience is a dirty mirror in which nothing can be seen. The theme of conscience is developed in our Ideology.



Speech communications are oral, written and other contacts of people for the purpose of transferring experience. All the experience created by humanity is open to a person through these communications. It may sound unexpected, but when we read Aristotle, we are reading his frozen thoughts. It's almost the same as how he, in your presence, silently wrote on the blackboard with chalk. The main thing is that these thoughts come to life in our minds.


    It is interesting, but neither in psychology nor in cybernetics, there are no definitions of mind, no definitions of intelligence. After all, it is quite obvious that the mind is the intellect of a person. Its definition is the simplest. However, and how the cause of its occurrence is not much more complicated. The primary cause of the emergence of mind from the intellect of the higher vertebrate consists only in the emergence of the names of concepts.

And further, the increased load on speech concepts in various types of intelligent activity, only strengthened their historical role in human activity.

The Evolutionary Law of Strengthening is inevitably at work here. By the way, this law is equally valid for both the mental and the physical organ.



There is a topical law of the psychic organ.


P429. Topical law of the psychic organ

 Any psychic organ always and necessarily consists of the rules of its neurons. It is always and necessarily concrete and exists only on its specific material carrier (the corresponding physiological organ of the nervous system).

                                                                                                          (3. 6. 4. ) 429

Of course, on the basis of this law, you can paint: the place of each rule of the neuron, and the place of each program, and the place of each mental organ of the mind. But these are all applied tasks of psychology. Nevertheless, to demonstrate the operation of the topical law, some examples will not be superfluous here.



Mental articulation control. Psychology knows that the defeat of the posterior parts of the third frontal gyrus of the left hemisphere is associated with a violation of verbal speech (P. Broca 1981).


  The psychic organ of verbal perception. Psychology knows that the defeat of the posterior part of the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere is associated with speech impairment (K. Wernicke 1873). Similar symptoms are associated with damage to the left temporal lobe.


The psychic organ of spatial logic. Psychology knows that the defeat of the parieto-occipital parts of the left hemisphere cortex is associated with difficulties in building logical relationships in any area of ​ ​ activity. In particular, it is associated with difficulties in orientation.

The mental organs of receiving and organizing sensory data. Psychology knows that signals from all external reception systems are sent to the IV (receptor) layer of the cerebral cortex.


  Concepts and representations. Psychology knows that over the projection zones of the cortex there are powerful projection-associative zones (II and III layers of special cells in the form of pyramids and stars). Tertiary areas of the cerebral cortex are the last " layers" in the evolution of the brain and occupy a significant part of the posterior cortex. Since layer II and III of associative cells predominate in these zones and since these zones are developed only in humans, there is reason to believe that they are a place of concepts and representations.


Mental organs of feature extraction and formation of feature matrices. Psychology knows that these receptions enter the primary (projection) areas of the cerebral cortex, where the signs of images of perceived objects are formed.


  The mental organ for controlling voluntary motor actions. Psychology knows that the V layer of cells with large pyramids, the axons of which are directed towards the hands, predominate in the cortex of the anterior parts of the brain. Or above the motor cortex is the premotor area, where motor skills are created and motor impulses are formed (Brodmann's 6th field). There is also a center for the control of voluntary eye movements (Brodmann's 8th field).

The logical center of thinking control. Psychology knows that the tertiary sections of the frontal cortex (9th, 10th, 11th and 46th Brodmann's fields) are located above the premotor zone. This cortex is poorly developed in vertebrates, but in humans it makes up one third of the hemispheres. When the frontal lobes of the brain are damaged, the logic and control over the actions taken are completely violated.


The mental organ of the selection and labeling of visual images. Psychology knows that the signals from the projection zones of vision enter the secondary visual fields (18th and 19th fields of Brodmann), where they are combined. The defeat of the secondary visual is the cause of visual agnosia (the patient sees only fragments of objects, but not the objects themselves).


Mental planning organ. Psychology knows that the planning of operations (actions) is associated with the activity of the frontal lobes of the brain. When they are defeated, the logic of the sequence of actions is lost.


Mental attention control centers. Psychology knows that there are two oculomotor centers in the cerebral cortex. The posterior one is located in the parieto-occipital parts of the cortex and controls involuntary eye movements. The anterior center is located in the premotor zone (8th Brodmann field) and is responsible for voluntary eye movements. When the first center is damaged, voluntary eye movements are disturbed; when the second center is damaged, their involuntary movements are disturbed.

The psychic body is modeling the current situation. Psychology knows that the secondary visual fields (Brodmann's 18th and 19th fields) are responsible for the integrity of visual perception. In case of their defeat, only separate fragments of the image are perceived. Visual perception narrows down to one subject (there is no quick transfer of attention). The right or left side of the picture may fall out.


Mental organ of control of voluntary visual perception. Psychology knows that the control of intelligent visual attention is carried out by an organ located in the frontal lobes of the brain. For example, with his defeat, the patient is not able to navigate in the picture under consideration, he is not able to assess the priorities of visual objects. This phenomenon is called schizophrenia.


Management of auditory perception. Psychology knows that the primary (projection) areas of the auditory cortex are responsible for auditory perception.

The secondary zones of the auditory cortex are located in the posterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere and are responsible for the implementation of human speech activity.


The mental organ of figurative speech thinking. Psychology knows that in the frontal lobes of the brain is the organ responsible for the logic of any intelligent operation. A patient with damage to this organ does not have the systematic implementation of an intellectual task. For example, any insignificant stimulus (lack of selectivity) is capable of disrupting any purposeful activity.


  The logical organ of spatial thinking. Psychology knows that in the lower parietal parts of the cortex there is an organ responsible for organizing spatial thinking. With the defeat of this organ, the patient is completely unable to organize his spatial activity.


The logical organ of figurative-speech thinking. Psychology knows that in the frontal parts of the brain there is an organ responsible for the logic of intelligent human activity. A patient with such a lesion is not capable of creating a complex program of activity and his actions are chaotic (associated with repetitions of not the best actions).


In general:



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