View = view image + view core.
View = view image + view core. The core of the view = its supporting features matrix + its name.
P616. The principle of the origin of the concept All cores of concepts arise only and necessarily from the cores of ideas. For this, the mind creates the attributes of a concept, consisting of two parts and having their own names, from the supporting features of the core of representation. The mind does the same with the name of the representation. The second parts of the attributes and the name form a core rule that operates in two directions. (3. 12. 5) 616
6. Recognition activity of the mind. If there is a concept of a perceived object in the mind, then the active matrix of sensitive features of this concept itself (automatically) recognizes " its" image of perception by the matrix of its supporting features. It is the sensitive features of the concept that automatically trigger (get irritated) in the presence of similar supporting features of the image represented by the concept by the attention system. And thus they (signs of a concept) include a reflex of the core of their concept. The core reflex means that the image is recognized.
P463. The principle of understanding the image Recognition of an image differs from understanding in that recognition is reduced to referring an image to the number of known ones, and here everything ends with a reflex of the nucleus. Whereas the understanding of the image provides for a longer activity of the whole concept, and here the imparting of meaning to the image is already taking place. (3. 6. 8. ) 463
The core reflex is an active concise meaning. Everything is very simple here.
STRUCTURE OF CONSCIENCE A concept is a connection (system, structure) of concepts. As a rule, all concepts of a concept are related to each other on the basis that they have one or more of their similar sensitive features. This allows the rapid formation of associations. Related concepts are those that have similarities in one or more sensitive subject characteristics. Unrelated concepts are not capable of forming associations. During his life, a person forms about a hundred thousand concepts. One circumstance is important here.
P629. Concept principle In the formation of any concept, other concepts with similar characteristics are involved. Therefore, a new concept is always and necessarily included in the community of related concepts. Accordingly, it is always next to related concepts on a material medium. (3. 12. 9. ) 629
Conscience is one of the concepts of reason. Here all concepts have the same subject area of human mental activity. This is the area of social relations. There is also a second sense of the concept, as some independent, separate theory, or even a system of ideas. But a concept is not a theory. Theories belong on paper, while concepts are in the head. Still, a concept (lat. Conceptus ) is a concept.
ETHICAL THINKING The human mind forms its ethical concepts only and is necessary in the processes of thinking. And only in the processes of thinking, he makes a variety of changes in them. Something adds, something discredits, etc.
Why Thinking? First, all representations always arise from impressions and only in the processes of thinking. Only in the processes of thinking are they given active names. Secondly, all concepts necessarily arise from their conceptions of the same name only in the processes of thinking. Only in the processes of thinking are they given sensitive object signs and the rule of the nucleus. Thirdly, the mind is the only system of the psyche capable of carrying out preliminary activities. He realizes it by creating ideas-hypotheses of the possible development of this or that situation. Fourthly, any reasonable action is the embodiment of some thought, which is the program of these actions. Fifth, any statement is a speech embodiment of thought. When we read Aristotle, we read his thoughts, frozen in texts for centuries. In our minds they come to life. Sixth, thinking is always a process of creating new knowledge.
P655 Thinking is the process of creating new knowledge. Thought is new knowledge created by the mind of the author of the thought. It does not matter here the form of the embodiment of his thoughts, since it can be a project of a building, or a fragment of a text, or a new piece of music and a program of reasonable actions, etc. (3. 13. 8. ) 655
However, thinking is impossible without association.
P656 Association is a necessary segment of the mechanism of thinking. The need for association is to use in the thought process that circle of concepts and representations that have some similar attributes with the central subject of association. (3. 13. 8. ) 656
An association is a kind of building site where a piece of new knowledge is being built with the participation of concepts, representations and logical organs of the mind. All elements of the association are perfectly visible to the mind, which creates new knowledge through the thought process. And in this process, he is able to copy, transfer, construct thoughts, create concepts and representations, etc.
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