P634. The principle of the origin of the association
P634. The principle of the origin of the association When thinking of the image of a problematic subject, it is in the center of attention for a long time. Then some concepts that have some similar features (related concepts), similar to the features of the problem image, themselves manifest their activity. But not completely, but only by prolonged activation of some of its similar signs. This is the only way to form an association. (3. 12. 10. ) 634
For the reflex of the core of a concept, sufficient coincidence (an important term) of all (or most) of its features with the features of the recognized image is necessary. But " not completely", it means only that only some active signs of some concepts coincide with the signs of the image in the center of attention. Moreover, these active signs are in an active state exactly as long as similar signs of a conceivable image are in the center of attention. This is exactly how long this association exists.
P635 The concepts of association, which have a prolonged excitation of only some of their sensitive features, are called related concepts of association. (3. 12. 10. ) 635
Thinking is impossible without the emergence of associations. Otherwise, intuition and the creation of concepts and representations are impossible. Moreover, only one association can arise at a time, since there is only one center of the mind's voluntary attention.
The tool of thinking is the logical organ of thinking, which has a large working memory, where some thought is formed from separate fragments of active association. But a thought is created in order to be used. Otherwise, why this thought? In particular, thoughts are used to change the content and logic of individual concepts and representations. Transferring voluntary attention from one concept or representation to another, the mind either copies, or removes, or adds something there.
P657. The law of thought Thought is knowledge formed by a logical unit of thinking in its operative memory. It is represented by both figurative and speech elements. (3. 13. 8. ) 657
In thought, data from any sensory system is used. Any rules are used in thought. Any names are used in thought. Each subsequent state of thought is something added or removed by the mind.
ETHICAL INTUITION A person solves many social problems every day. He solves them not only by the method of thinking, but, most often, by the method of intuition.
P20. The law of intuition Intuition is a correct and deep understanding of the subject at once, but not by one concept, but by their association. Where the central concept of association is the concept of this subject, and other, associated concepts are concepts related to the main one, and associated with it by several identical sensitive signs. True intuition necessarily requires true concepts. (1. 2. 7. ) 20
Each concept and representation of an association always and necessarily constitutes the elements of the meaning of this association. Moreover, these elements of meaning, according to the Dialectical Law of Mind, are usually connected in the mind in the same way as they are usually connected or are in a relationship between their objects in Being. P658. The Sense Tree Principle Any association is always and necessarily a structure of its concepts and representations in the form of a tree of meaning. At the base of the association is always and necessarily the central concept and its representations. The structure of the sense tree always and necessarily depends on the completeness and truthfulness of the content of its elements. (3. 13. 9. ) 658
The Law of the Tree of Meaning necessarily operates in both thinking and intuition.
P659 Intuition is instant thinking. Intuitive thought is that new obvious knowledge of connections and relationships between objects that were previously a problem. (3. 13. 9. ) 659
And there is no mistake here, because there is no difference between instantly understanding a solution to a problem and instantly obtaining a conclusion (solution).
P659 a Intuitive thought bypasses the logic of a long conclusion, but arises immediately, since its ready conclusion is already in an almost finished form in the association itself. You just need to see it. (3. 13. 9. ) 659 a
Due to the broad meaning of the subject, this idea is quite obvious and easy to prove.
P660 The result of intuition completely depends on the completeness and truth of the concepts and representations of the tree of meaning. And also on how the elements of the association, which is a tree of meaning, are connected. (3. 13. 9. ) 660
What is thought?
P661. The principle of the dual origin of thought Thought is a fragment of knowledge. It can be both the result of the conclusion of a logical organ, and the result of remembering what is already in our concepts and ideas. Any thought can be both the result of internal perception and the result of a logical conclusion. (3. 13. 9. ) 661
Therefore, intuitive thought, like most others, is not necessarily the result of a logical organ of thought.
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