Spirit of the nation. P. I 67. The principle of the spirit of the nation. Any nation dies only with the death of its spirit in the souls of people
SPIRIT OF THE NATION The content of any national culture includes: language, national customs, works of art, science and technology, architecture, etc. Everything that is the subject of national pride. The totality of the cultural heritage of any nation clearly and objectively reflects the level of its historical development. The most ancient cultures - Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, Ancient Greek, the culture of ancient Rome, etc., had a huge impact on the development of the cultural heritage of all nations, without exception. So it's better not to talk about a certain " purity" of the nation's cultural heritage. All cultures are mutually enriching.
A special place in any national culture is occupied by its spiritual values. These are arts and sciences. This is the language and national customs. This particular is the spirit of the nation. These are the informational values of the national culture. This is what goes through any wars and upheavals. This is what, like the Phoenix, is always reborn from the ashes. Only people would be alive, in whose memory this inextinguishable spirit of the nation is alive. And then, they will pass it on to their children and grandchildren. It will be passed along with the native language. P. I 67. The principle of the spirit of the nation The totality of the spiritual values of any national culture is the spirit of the nation. It is based on national ideas, national language, folklore, music, history and customs. (1. 6. 4. ) I 67
Any nation is distinguished by its spirit. This is a unique whole. Although it contains many borrowings from other national cultures.
Any nation dies only with the death of its spirit in the souls of people P. I 68. The principle of nationality The nationality of a person determines only the spirit of the nation in his mind. Only the strength of the national spirit in the mind of a person determines his attitude towards his nation. (1. 6. 4. ) I 68
A passport can be quickly made and changed, but this cannot be done with the national spirit in a person's mind. To do this, he will have to be born one more time. 2010-12-07
NATIONAL SPIRIT OF PERSONALITY National spiritual culture influences the development of the human mind like no other. After all, a person usually lives among his fellow tribesmen. First of all, in the bosom of the family. And a person develops his mind only through the formation of new ideas (experience) and concepts (speech skills).
Nationality must be determined by the mother, for she conveys the spirit of the nation along with her milk.
First, the child's mind forms its first cultural experience (ideas) and its first speech skills (concepts) by perceiving the cultural moral experience of the mother, grandmother, and other family members. Secondly, usually any person from childhood to old age is in his national environment. And for this reason, his mind necessarily forms a multitude of ideas and concepts through the perception of the cultural experience of his fellow tribesmen. Thirdly, any new concept is necessarily created by the mind through thinking. That is, in the formation of a new concept, existing concepts that are close in features are always and necessarily involved. As a result.
P. I 69. The principle of mentality The cultural experience of fellow tribesmen is necessarily present in any concept of reason. What is necessary is reflected in the perception and thinking of the individual. The mentality is the national characteristics of such perception and thinking. (1. 6. 5. ) I 69
A person perceives and thinks like his fellow tribesmen. And only because he has common features of concepts with his fellow tribesmen. Man himself forms his concepts and only on the basis of experience. But much of this experience comes from other people. And these people, most often, are his fellow tribesmen. Can you guess why we are interested in listening to the speech of an intelligent person? Yes, only because he expresses his clever thoughts, and we admire his thinking. And thus we unwittingly learn the techniques of his thinking. We like how easy he is in his thoughts to " untie" what we thought were problems. In fact, this mentality is the generally accepted way of thinking of a group of people. They often communicate with each other and understand each other perfectly. Why at a glance? Yes, only because the concepts of the same name of fellow tribesmen have already been agreed in meanings in the process of long communication. And in his national environment, a person lives for a long time. This is why he has a national mentality. 2010-12-08
MORAL CULTURE OF PERSONALITY The moral culture of a person is an integral part of a person's spiritual culture.
P. I 70 The moral culture of a person is everything that a particular person knows about the moral cultural heritage. This knowledge and skills are in his conscience in the form of moral concepts and ideas. They lie at the basis of his cultural behavior and determine the human striving for his moral perfection. (1. 6. 6. ) I 70
Moreover, the moral culture of a person always and necessarily has its own national characteristics.
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