P. I 71. The principle of ethical mentality
P. I 71. The principle of ethical mentality Ethical concepts and ideas of a person necessarily have their own national cultural characteristics. These features are clearly manifested in his ethical perception, thinking and intuition and are called the ethical mentality of a person. (1. 6. 6. ) I 71
However, the moral culture of the individual is one thing. But the culture of behavior is something else. Paradox? See for yourself. 2010-12-04
CULTURE OF BEHAVIOR The fact is that the moral culture of a person is everything that a particular person knows about the moral cultural heritage. These are knowledge and skills. The moral culture of an individual must include knowledge about the cultural heritage of his nation. Because the culture of a nation is necessarily a part of world culture.
But the moral behavior of a person is already an action. It is quite obvious that we often confuse the culture of a person and his cultural behavior. First, a person's conscience contains not only moral and cultural values. It contains many more concepts and ideas formed by a person as a result of both his own and acquired social experience. Secondly, in addition to conscience, a person's behavior is largely determined by his nature (emotional I). Third, in addition to conscience, human behavior is determined by other concepts that are not part of conscience. They no less give out their behavioral reaction to what is happening. Fourthly, the concepts of conscience, like all other concepts, are capable of working in both voluntary and involuntary modes. Fifth, it is not the conscience that makes the arbitrary decision of each behavioral action, but the mind. More precisely, its logical decision-making centers. A struggle of internal motives often arises there. The reactions of different concepts to one object of perception are different. These reactions, more precisely, the responses of these reactions, are internal motives. These are “opinions of concepts”. With many different " opinions" on one subject, the mind doubts. Sixth, the subconscious also makes behavioral decisions. And it does it much faster than reason. In general, more than one conscience is responsible for moral or immoral acts. But only she judges these actions.
Often a person arbitrarily goes against his conscience. Sometimes he does it involuntarily. And then it suffers - the conscience " hurts". And this " pain" is in that concept of conscience, which gave out the correct behavioral reaction, but the mind accepted the motive of the emotional " I" for execution. Or he took to execution the motive of another concept. This " pain" then evokes thinking, as the mind always pays attention to the excited concept. Attention is the basis of thought. But thinking always changes the central concept of the thinking process a little.
As a result. P. I 72 Deeds contrary to conscience always and inevitably change the conscience itself. (1. 6. 7. ) I 72
Hope this is clear.
This long conversation " off topic" is only needed for the reader to distinguish between the concepts of " strong" and " weak" conscience. Even if she is not one hundred percent cultured. Otherwise, it turns out that he read the Bible... and is already a saint. Knowledge of cultural moral principles is one thing, but knowledge of unconditional adherence to these principles is quite another. This largely depends on the strength of moral concepts.
P. I 73. The law of the power of moral conviction The strength of conscience always and necessarily consists in the strength of moral concepts. Only then do the reactions of moral concepts have a significant preponderance over the opposite reactions of other concepts and emotional instincts. A strong concept is called persuasion (persuasive active speech skill). (1. 6. 7. ) I 73
Then the mind simply no longer doubts the decision. But who said that?! Who wrote about this?
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, regarding his moral convictions, repeatedly said that the mother teaches the child: “Don't do that! ” And he does not do such an act. For he, by virtue of his weak concepts, still poorly understands what he is doing. He is saved only by the fact that he believes in the righteousness of his mother. He knows that his mother will not teach bad things. A cultural conscience teaches only good things. You just need to always believe in her rightness, as we believe in the mother's rightness. Culture is like a mother. She also will not teach bad. Mother Culture has been around for many millennia. It is all the better that humanity has only created for the benefit of every person. Otherwise, just forget about your cultural conscience. Otherwise, it only interferes.
First. For the preservation of humanity as a species and nothing less. Man is by nature a social being. One person simply does not have the strength to withstand the challenges of the environment. But this is today. Tomorrow, confronting these challenges may require the combined forces of all of humanity. But is it possible to unite the efforts of people with a bad conscience? Not. Everyone will think only about their own benefit. Moreover, there are always people who like to fish in troubled waters. As the saying goes: " for whom the war, and for whom the mother is dear. "
Second. There are historical examples of the death of the largest civilizations, which clearly indicate that their death was based on the death of the conscience of people exercising state power. State people are just as mortal as everyone else.
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