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P. I 118. The law of the moral principle

P. I 117

A necessary condition for the long-term and sustainable development of the state is the perfect ideological component of its public consciousness.  

                                                                                                       (2. 1. 4. ) I 117

Otherwise, ideologists and their ideology will exist by themselves, and society by itself.


And where is the economic component in the successful development of the state? But it turns out that it is secondary to public consciousness.


P. I 118. The law of the moral principle

 The economic laws of the development of a state do not necessarily work if moral laws do not work in it. (2. 1. 4. ) I 118


We can say that the moral principle is the cornerstone of any state.

We do not specifically consider here the economic aspects of the development of the state, since they are already well known to everyone. Moreover, economic calculations and diagrams require a certain preparation of the reader. But if there is no moral principle in the public consciousness, then no talented economists will save such a state. Everything will be talentedly plundered. Moreover, to all this economic chaos, these same talented economists will give the most talented explanations.



The state, like any living self-developing subject, is necessarily subject to natural selection. War - the Father of Everything does not spare the weak states. They naturally acquire the status of raw materials appendages of their strong neighbors.


P. I 119

Development of any state is necessarily connected with the interests of other states. (2. 1. 4. ) I 119


Allied states are interested in their strong partner. It's clear. The stronger the partners, the stronger their union.

But something else is also clear here.


P. I 120

Today, many strong states are trying to turn their weak neighbors into suppliers of cheap raw materials and cheap labor. (2. 1. 4. ) I 120


Strong states always have long-term strategic plans for influencing weak states




The state is an outstanding invention of the human mind. This is an artificial formation. This is an artificial human habitat. This is a genius achievement of human culture, comparable in significance only to the emergence of speech. Close to this is the opinion of Hobbes: “Finally, outside the state - the rule of passions, war, fear, poverty, abomination, loneliness, barbarism, ignorance, savagery; in the state - the rule of reason, peace, security, wealth, goodness, mutual assistance, refinement, science, benevolence. " (T. Hobbes Soch. In 2 volumes. T. 1. M.: Mysl, 1989. p. 374)

After all, it is a living organism that unites the efforts of millions of its citizens in building their own worthy life.


P. The principle of the necessity of the emergence of the state

The main reason for the emergence of the state is that it is a cultural human formation that exists in the form of an artificial favorable environment for the life of the absolute majority of citizens. (2. 1. 5. ) I 121


Nothing special about the fact that this environment includes dissenting citizens. The dissatisfied have always been and will be. The main thing is that there should be as few of them as possible, otherwise there will be a certain critical number of them, which any state can “shake up”. The human environment is what and who surrounds him. Man, as the king of nature, easily copes with " what", but with " who" he has constant problems. Simply put, this is how the state arose for the sake of safe and comfortable living conditions for its citizens, and it arose at their will. And this is despite the fact that the interests of various groups of people in one state do not always coincide.


P. I 122

 The state arose out of the need to rid its citizens of fear of external and internal neighbors. All other goals pursued by people in the creation of the state are necessarily secondary. (2. 1. 5. ) I 122

Otherwise, the war of all against all.

“Indeed, natural laws (like justice, impartiality, modesty, mercy and (in general) behavior towards others as we would like to be treated towards us) are by themselves, without fear of any something by the force that compels them to comply, contradict the natural passions that attract us to addiction, pride, revenge, etc. And agreements without a sword are just words that cannot guarantee a person's safety. That is why, despite the presence of natural laws (which each person follows when he wants to follow them, when he can do it without any danger to himself), everyone will and can quite legitimately use his physical strength and dexterity in order to protect himself from everyone other people if there is no established authority or authority strong enough to keep us safe. And wherever people lived in small families, they robbed each other; it was considered so consistent with natural law that the more a person could plunder, the more it gave him the honor. " ( T. Hobbes Soch. In 2 volumes. T. 2. M.: Mysl, 1991. p. 129)





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