P. I 168. The NEP principle in education
P. I 168. The NEP principle in education The educational programs of the 1960s of the USSR were the best in the whole world. Why was it necessary to replace them with obviously worse programs? (2. 3. 3. ) I 168
Then why seek good from good? Why spend crazy money on creating new, but obviously worse, curricula and textbooks? It was enough to delete from those textbooks some ideological statements that do not correspond to the present day. Otherwise, there is perfect order. Is it really incomprehensible? And who does not believe, let him himself compare those and existing textbooks. The level of modern textbooks is exactly half that. Do education officials really fail to see how elementary order can and should be brought into education? Why destroy the strong and successful traditions of the Soviet school of secondary and higher education?
The teaching methodology requires knowledge of the previous material. It is necessary that the teacher would work daily with the most lagging behind. The rest, looking at them, will do a great job on their own. Otherwise, half of the class, being present, will nevertheless be completely absent from the educational process.
Philosophical education is already half of education.
P. I 169. The NEP principle in philosophy Philosophical education is half of education. A person who perfectly possesses true philosophical knowledge is already a wise person. Falsity in philosophy is beyond comprehension. One can only blindly believe in it. (2. 3. 3. ) I 169
Generally. Only the active participation of the state in the formation (education) of a wise in youth, moral, educated, physically healthy and skillful person necessarily opens the way for this state to its own spiritual and technological perfection. After all, people are the matter of the state. Here, any costs pay off with interest. The main thing is that it is here that the personnel issue is being resolved.
P. I 170. The principle of personnel policy Cadres are everything. (2. 3. 3. ) I 170
This is a proven principle of personnel policy that needs no proof at all. It has already been proven by history.
5. Unjustified closedness of the court. What is the Judiciary? Although, this is not power at all, but the authority provided by the people. The people want to have an honest, understandable and open court, and the judicial bureaucracy will not oppose anything to this, since it is hired by the people.
6. Imperfection of pension provision. On the one hand, any poor person has worked all his life. Poverty is a dog's life. It turns out that it’s the same in retirement. For example, a nanny in a hospital. Mother of three children. What is her pension for her hellish labor? None. On the other hand, not a poor man. He worked well, there are savings and prosperity left over from his former well-to-do life. But he also has a pension several times higher than the minimum.
What is old - what is small. Is it really difficult for the state to close the pension gap? Why divide even old people into worthy and unworthy?
P. I 171. The principle of equality of pensioners Unequal pensions are unequal rights of pensioners. All old age pensioners are our fathers and mothers, and already in this they are necessarily equal in their highest human dignity. (2. 3. 3. ) I 171
The poor old man only has the right to a dog's old age.
7. Inequality of starting conditions for youth. It exists. And there is nothing more dangerous for the state than offended youth. It is easy to push her to any adventures. If you throw it forward, you will lift it yourself. Any state should understand this. For a contribution to low-income youth is a contribution to the lasting future of the state. Here, any funds will pay off with interest. 8. The imperfection of the media. State laws are not required here at all. The state media must, without fail, strengthen the spirit of the nation. Non-state media should not at least corrupt it, as it is openly done today. For any media, there must be a law of truth. It requires objective coverage of the fact. Journalists are educated people, they know what they are doing.
P. I 172. The law of truth for the media Only facts are plaintiffs against the media body. Biased, biased coverage of the fact, suppression of important facts is the most sophisticated form of lying. (2. 3. 3. ) I 172
You have to answer for the lie. 9. Imperfection of education. Ethics and physical education, psychology and foundations of civil law, history and spiritual traditions of the nation, philosophy and art. All of these disciplines must have an equal status with mathematics and physics in the secondary school curricula. Why in-depth study of mathematics, physics, chemistry and a foreign language in high school? Why injure the psyche of every child with deliberately unacceptable mental stress? Anyway, those who are seriously preparing to continue their education literally re-learn these subjects from tutors or in optional classes.
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