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P. I 148. The principle of freedom of the press

P. I 148. The principle of freedom of the press

 Freedom of the press is limited only by the duty to present the full truth. The biased selection of facts is half-truth. And half-truths are often more dangerous and harmful than any lie (since it is based on facts, it is difficult to distinguish it from the truth). (2. 2. 4. ) I 148


When you present a topic, you need to cover the whole system of facts. Their interconnections and relationships. Everything essential must be covered. Both the bad and the good. Our World is so arranged that only “good facts” do not exist in it. Otherwise, it is a World without shadows. There it will no longer be possible to distinguish anything except a continuous stream of light.


An important task of the fifth estate is the coverage of court cases. Only the fifth power is capable of protecting the state from corruption in judicial affairs. Other methods are simply not effective there. If a journalist is not allowed to go to court, then the judge has already agreed with the defendant. Also my binomial Newton.



8. Freedom of religion. On the one hand, religion is a personal matter, one might say, an intimate matter. Prohibiting a citizen from believing in one religion would be as tactless as supporting his belief in another. On the other hand, the unity of religion must consolidate and strengthen society. There is a contradiction. What is more important: or freedom of belief, or the integrity of the state? This is a clear contradiction to which one should not turn a blind eye.


P. I 150

Religion - it is always and necessarily there is an ideology. (2. 2. 4. ) I 150


 This means that state interests should always be higher than individual destructive (in the state aspect) interests of any faith. The church is part of the state. She does not exist somewhere in space. For example, take away citizens (the main elements of the state) from the Church, what will remain?



9. Freedom from violence. It consists in the actual, and not in the declarative inevitability of punishment. Where government services really keep order, there is minimal violence. But if only “trifle” falls into the net of the law, when “big fish” easily tears them up by the force of money, then the citizens of such a state have only declarative freedom from violence.

10. Freedom from fear. A state that has poor people cannot be considered democratically developed by definition, because some of its citizens are not free from the constant fear of poverty.


P. 151

The fear of imminent poverty is the most powerful of all other fears.

                                                                                                      (2. 2. 4. ) I 151

And this fear is much more terrible than the fear of death.




   Civil equality is not only equal rights, but also an equal civil status. If only equal rights on the way to achieving equality, then this is one thing. This is declarative equality. This is already quite good, although it is only a carrot in front of the donkey's muzzle.

But if an equal civil status - then this is already real equality.

 We must clearly understand that equality is real equality. But such equality is unattainable today, because people are all different. Take statistics. Another thing is when there will be ideological projection of the personality and support of youth from low-income families. Then this inequality will not be so blatant.

So, when it comes to the path to equality, it is only the path to minimizing the glaring inequality that we see today.  



1. Equality.


P. I 152

 Civil equality is equal civil rights (civil liberties) and equal civil status.

                                                                                                    (2. 2. 5. ) I 152


People are equal by nature. Nature created people equal in terms of physical and mental abilities, for although we sometimes observe that one person is physically stronger or smarter than another, but if we consider everything together, it turns out that the difference between them is not so great that one person, based on it, could claim some benefit for himself, and the other could not claim it with the same right. Indeed, as far as physical strength is concerned, the weaker has enough strength to kill the stronger through secret machinations or alliance with others who are in the same danger. " (T. Hobbes Soch. In 2 volumes. T. 2. M.: Mysl, 1991. p. 93)

But if there are no fair laws, then a lie and a sword will always build a pyramid: the most equal (monarchs), more or less equal (nobility) and slightly equal (all others).


2. The path to equality is ensured only by civil liberties. Indeed, the very term " equality", in relation to civil society, has a clear and unambiguous meaning " equality for all", and not the equality of one percent of the population.


P. I 153. The principle of the path to civil equality

Only civil liberties (rights) provide the path to equality for every person. There is no other way to equality for him. (2. 2. 5. ) I 153 


 But one should not confuse freedom of the path to equality with actual civil equality itself. For if only 10% of wealthy people reach the finish line of this path, while the constitutional majority of citizens will only dream of happiness, then such " equality" is nothing more than a carrot in front of the muzzle of a donkey. But most politicians, easily and naturally talk about equality, implying exactly the path.

The result is important to us. It is important for us that by the age of forty each of the demos would be a really smart, healthy and wealthy person.



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