Freedom from delusion is the greatest of freedoms!
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 254 из 254 False concepts are like crooked mirrors. For a correct and deep independent judgment, you need your true concepts of the World in which you live. The system of true principles of this philosophy will help you in their formation. True, some patience will be required from you. Choose yourself. Either perceive everything on the basis of ready-made stereotypes (other people's opinions), but then nothing will be clear to you, or look at the World through the diamond network of your true concepts. Only then will you be the master of your opinion. The main thing is that this opinion will be dialectically deep and true. Trust the facts: they can't lie. Those who give only " convenient" facts lie. And most importantly, learn correctly and with dialectical completeness, which presupposes a comprehensive study of the subject, to think for yourself. If everywhere and in everything you will rely on " chewed" information, then you will always be like a baby that has neither its teeth nor its own mind. Freedom from delusion is the greatest of freedoms! V. N. Starovoitov, Brest, October 2010 - May 2011
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