Переведите письменно 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 абзацы.
⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 11 из 11 Употребите инфинитив с частицей to или без нее. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. You may (to join) us if you wish. 2. The granny didn't actually (to see) the child (to take) it. 3. The robber made the teller (to give) him the money. 4. Let her (to do) what she wants (do). 5. John allowed his daughter (to swim) with her friends. Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на объектный и субъектный инфинитивные обороты. 1. Would you like me to translate this text? 2. He is thought to be the best player. 3. There appears to have been a misunderstanding. 4. I felt somebody touch me lightly on the shoulder. 5. You are supposed to know the laws of your own country. 8. Прочитайте текст №2 и устно переведите его на русский язык. Письменно переведите 3-й абзац текста. Текст №2 1. Court, also called court of law is a person or body of persons having judicial authority to hear and determine disputes in particular cases, civil, criminal, ecclesiastical, or military. The term “court” also denotes the chamber, hall, building, or other place where such judicial proceedings take place. 2. The word «court» originally meant simply an enclosed place, and still does in the architectural sense. Judicial tribunals were originally enclosures where the judges sat, while counsel, attorneys, and the general public had to remain on the outside of a bar; hence, the expression «called to the bar» is used to apply to a lawyer newly qualified to practice. The first these enclosures were temporary structures in an open field; later, they became fixtures in a large room or hall, the courtroom. 3. The recognized existence of even primitive courts implies a relatively high degree of social organization and the need for systematic adjudication of disputes on the basis of established customs and consciously formulated rules of social conduct. Archaeologists and anthropologists have established the existence of courts in simple societies over wide areas of Asia, Africa, and Europe; courts were not as widespread among the Native Americans of North and South America. Primitive courts formed part of a complex social structure in which administrative, judicial, and religious functions were intermingled. These courts were held in the-open or in religious temples. More often than not, the judges were priests. Those who attended were considered part of the court, whether or not they had an immediate interest in the proceedings or in the judgments rendered. The proceedings consisted in large part of rituals designed to secure the redress of grievances presented by individuals against other individuals. 4. In the highly developed civilizations of antiquity, notably those of Asyria and Egypt, judicial and executive functions were undifferentiated and were centralized in the monarch as head of state. Insight into the structure and functions of Babylonian courts of the 18th century BC was obtained when the ancient legal document known as the Code of Hammurabi was discovered early in the 20th century. A highly developed judicial system existed also among the ancient Hebrews.
5. In the judicial system of ancient Athens, a unique feature, introduced by the lawgiver Solon in the 6th century BC, was the right of aggrieved litigants to appeal the decisions of magistrates to the people of Athens, assembled as a "public assembly". In later years, the assemblies became courts of first resort presided over by magistrates who prеpared cases for 6. The evolution of courts in ancient Rome was marked by the development of a complex structure in which criminal, civil and other jurisdictions were differentiated and were exercised by separate courts and officials. Violations of criminal law were prosecuted by the state; higher and lower courts were organized; the right of appeal was juridically guaranteed; and a corps of professional jurists was established for the first time in the history of Mediterranean civilization. After Christianity became the state religion of Rome, the ecclesiastical courts, previously established by Christians who had refused to have recourse to pagan courts, became a part of the Roman legal system. As the Roman Empire disintegrated, the ecclesiastical courts survived and assumed jurisdiction over secular affairs. 7. In Europe in the early Middle Ages the judicial functions were not yet separate from the legislative and administrative functions. The king or other ruler, together with his chief councillors, sat in a meeting hall for the exercise of all these functions, and so the household of the ruler was also called «the court». Since all judicial authority was derived from the ruler, his presence was assumed in all the specialized courts. 8. From the 12th century onward the increasing number of university-trained civilians and canonists created a recognized legal profession, and the rise of the legal profession also determined the gradual separation of judicial from administrative functions. 9. Выполните задания на базе текста №2: 9.1. Выпишите из текста английские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений: группа людей, судебные полномочия, судья, рассмотрение дела в суде (судебное разбирательство), судебное решение, спор, дело (в суде), сторона в гражданском процессе, должностное лицо, нарушение уголовного закона. 9.2. Прочитайте предложения. Переведите на русский язык предложения, содержание которых соответствует тексту. 1. The word «court» means a group of people, often with specialist knowledge or skill, who have been brought together in order to examine the causes of crimes. 2. The existence of court implies a relatively high state of a society and the need for consciously formulated rules of social conduct.
3. In the highly developed civilizations of antiquity judicial and executive functions were undifferentiated and were centralized in the monarch as head of state. 4. The evolution of courts in ancient Rome did not touch the undifferentiated character of criminal, civil and other jurisdictions. 5. In Europe in the Early Middle Ages the judicial functions were separated from the legislative and administrative functions. 6. From the 12th century the increasing number of university-trained civilians created a recognized legal profession. 9.3. Озаглавьте текст. Напишите на английском языке краткую аннотацию прочитанного текста. Вы можете использовать некоторые из следующих выражений: 1) The text deals with... 2) It is devoted to... 3)The main purpose of the text is... 4)The abstract is concerned with... (bears on...; gives explanation of...; is intended to demonstrate that...; is designed to provide some information about...) 5) The subject of the paper under review... 6) It is pointed out that... 7) The author touches upon the problem of... 8) It is shown that... 9) It should be noted that... 10)... are described (given). 11) Special attention is given (paid) to... 12) The importance of... is stressed. 13) The author comes to a conclusion... 14) There is no doubt that...
ЛИТЕРАТУРА* Основная 1. Аганина Т.А. Грамматика английского языка: учебное пособие для студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов / Т.А. Аганина, Т.Н. Щербакова; отв. ред. О.Ф. Миронова. – М.: Юристъ, 2004. – 136 с. 2. Английский для юристов = English: We Study Law: учебное пособие / Э.А. Немировская, Т.М. Десяткова, А.П. Бакарева, М.К. Верещагина [и др.]. – 2-е изд., испр. – М.: Омега-Л; Лого Камерон, 2006. – 376 с.; CD. 3. Деловая переписка: практикум по английскому языку / сост. Л.Н. Зенина; Российская академия правосудия, Центральный филиал. – Воронеж: Воронеж-Формат, 2011. – 36 с. 4. Зайцева С.Е. English for Students of Law: учебное пособие / С.Е. Зайцева, Л.А. Тинигина. – М.: КНОРУС, 2004. – 212 с. 5. Нестерчук Г.В. Английский язык для студентов-юристов: учебное пособие для студентов-заочников / Г.В. Нестерчук, Л.М. Калилец. – Минск: Новое знание, 2002. – 270 с. 6. Судебная система Великобритании: учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку / Сост. Н.В. Калагастова, И.В. Гайдук, Л.Н. Зенина; Центральный филиал Российской академии правосудия. – Воронеж: РА «Тритон», 2007. – 77 с. Дополнительная 1. Английский язык для студентов-юристов: университетский курс: учебное пособие / Н.А. Бережнева, А.Г. Голобородко, Д.П. Карпова, Т.И. Тарасова; под ред. Т.И. Тарасовой, Т.Н. Шишкиной. – М.: Издательский дом "Городец", 2005. – 176 с. 2. Английский для юристов (Электронный учебник CD, PDF): учебник / под ред. И.А. Горшеневой. – 2 изд., перераб. И доп. – М.: ЮНИТИ-ДАНА, 2011.
3. Голицынский Ю. Грамматика: сборник упражнений / Ю.Б. Голицинский, Н.А. Голицинская. – 4-е изд., испр. и доп. – СПб.: КАРО, 2004. – 544 с. (Серия "Английский язык для школьников") 4. Костина Е.А. About international organizations: пособие для чтения на англ. яз. для старшеклассников и студентов / Е.А. Костина. – М.: Моск. Лицей, 2002. – 184 с. 5. Неличные формы глагола. Инфинитив: учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку / сост. Н.В. Калагастова, И.В. Гайдук; Центральный филиал Российской академии правосудия. – Воронеж: Тритон, 2007. – 41 с. 6. Неличные формы глагола. Причастие. Герундий: учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку / сост. Н.В. Калагастова, И.В. Гайдук; Центральный филиал Российской академии правосудия. – Воронеж: 2008. – 85 с. 7. Николаева А.В. Английский для юристов: пособие по английскому языку для старших курсов юридических факультетов / А.В. Николаева, Т.Н. Разуваева; под общ. ред. Л.П. Шведовой. – 2-е изд. – Ростов-на-Дону: МарТ, 2003. – 112 с. 8. Учебник английского языка English Gold 2000: мультимедийный учебник серии GOLD 2000 на CD-ROM. – М.: Мультимедиа технологии и дистанционное обучение, 2003. – 272 с.; CD 9. Inside Out Elementary: Student's book / S. Kay, V. Jones. – 4-е изд. – Оксфорд: Macmillan Education, 2003. – 128 р. 10. Inside Out Elementary: Workbook without Key / Ph. Key, S. Kay, V. Jones. – 4-е изд. – Оксфорд: Macmillan Education, 2003. – 78 р.; CD. 11. Inside Out Pre-intermediate: Student's Book / S. Kay, V. Jones, Ph. Kerr. – 4-е изд. – Оксфорд: Macmillan Education, 2002. – 144 р. 12. Inside Out Pre-intermediate: Workbook without Key / Ph. Kerr, S. Kay, V. Jones. – 4-е изд. – Оксфорд: Macmillan Education, 2003. – 96 р; CD. 13. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. A self-study reference and practice book for intermediate students / R. Murphy. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995. – 350 p. 14. The best of Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс: учебное пособие для юридических вузов / Ю.Л. Гуманова, В.А. Королева-МакАри, М.Л. Свешникова, Е.В. Тихомирова; под ред. Т.Н. Шишкиной. – М.: Зерцало, 2004. – 512 с. – (Серия "Классический университетский учебник"). Словари
1. Андрианов С.Н. Англо-русский юридический словарь. Около 50 000 терминов / С.Н. Андрианов, А.С. Берсон, А.С. Никифоров. – М.: РУССО, 2005. – 512 с. 2. Большой англо-русский словарь: Более 160000 слов и словосочетаний: С приложением кратких сведений по английской грамматике и орфоэпии, составленных А.И. Смирницким / О.С. Ахманова, З.С. Выгодская, Т.П. Горбунова, Н.Ф. Ротштейн, А.И. Смирницкий, А.М. Таубе; под общ. рук. А.И. Смирницкого. – 26-е изд., стереотип. / под ред. О.С. Ахмановой. – М.: Рус.яз., 2003. – 759 с.
3. Колонтаевская И.Ф. Англо-русский криминально-юридический словарь / И.Ф. Колонтаевская. – М.: ТАНДЕМ, ЭКМОС, 2000. – 192 с. 4. Мюллер В.К. Англо-русский словарь = English-russian dictionary: 40 000 слов / В.К. Мюллер, С.К. Боянус. – М.: Астрель; АСТ, 2003. – 698 с. 5. Мюллер В.К. Новый англо-русский словарь (около 200 000 слов и словосочетаний) / В.К. Мюллер. – 12-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Русский язык – Медиа, 2005. – 945 с. 6. Пивовар А.Г. Англо-русский юридический словарь: право и экономика / А.Г. Пивовар, В.И. Осипов. – 2-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Экзамен, 2006. – 864 с. 7. Рум А.Р.У. Великобритания: лингвострановедческий словарь (около 10 000 словарных статей) / А.Р.У. Рум. – 3-е изд., стереотип. – М.: Русский язык, 2002. – 560 с. 8. Oxford Dictionary of Law / Edited by Elizabeth A. Martin. – Fifth edition. – Oxford: Oxford university press, 2003. – 552 р. Электронные ресурсы Интернет ресурсы, посвященные проблемам права, различным ветвям права на английском языке: 1. www.parliament.uk - информация о британском парламенте 2. www.senate.gov/. – информация о Сенате США 3. www.lexadin.nl/wlg/legis/nofr/legis.htm - мировая информация правового характера 4. www.lawsociety.org.uk/home.law; www.ibanet.org/. –информация о профессии юриста в Великобритании 5. www.plainenglish.co.uk/law.htm - информация об английском языке права 6. http://www.answers.com/ - сайт справочного характера (энциклопедии) 7. http://www.law.com/ - сайт справочного характера 8. http://www.dictionarylaw.com/ - терминологический словарь * вся литература имеется в фонде библиотеки Центрального филиала РАП
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