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Read the following sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. It took me five hours to reach my destination. 2. He tried hard enough and succeeded in business. 3. At the frontier you will be asked your destination and how long you plan to stay. 4. Railway regulations prescribe the administration to pay the passenger the value of his/her lost property. 5. Last week I was given an offer to get a job as a car dealer. On the one hand this is a wonderful opportunity to make a lot of money, on the other hand there are risks involved. 6. It is difficult to calculate building costs because the value of land is rising all the time. 7. I was prevented from returning to my former home for more than six years. 8. Using electronic devices a shipper can monitor the movement of his freight from origin to destination. 9. I don’t like the way John speaks about his group mates: on the one hand, he wants them to be helpful, but on the other hand, he is very hard to please. 10. I hope that recommendations of the former manager will help you take the right decision.

Ex. 4. The verb to handle can be used with different nouns, hence a variety of its meanings. Try to guess the meanings of this verb and translate the sentences.

1. Finland has been handling rail transportation to Russia for over 50 years. 2. Finnish rail transportation and forwarding companies have decades of experience in handling business between East and West. 3. Modern load handling equipment ensures the rapid transit of cargo from port to train. 4. This mainline handle s more than 30 million gross tones a year and 20 passenger trains a day. 5. This kind of cargo can be handled by truck. 6. Sugar was formerly handled only in bags. 7. I don't know if I can handlethe job. 8. Don’t you see the warning on the box with china – “ Handle with care! “ 9. She handles the horse very easily. 10. The lawyer handles all my affairs. 11.The chief information officer (CIO) of a company is responsible for handling information security problem s of an entire corporation. 12. 5. The finance department handles all the accounts. 13. A special licence is required for the manufacture or handling of any dangerous chemical. 14. The President has been much criticized for his handling of the crisis. 15. A dispatcher handles the flow of information, people, and equipment from a centralized headquarters.



Ex.5. Can you feel the difference between comfort and dis comfort? What would be the meanings of the words below if you attach prefix dis - to them ?

Ø appear Ø like Ø agree Ø regard Ø comfort Ø integrate Ø approve Ø able Ø honest Ø satisfy

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate dis- word and translate the sentences into Russian. Be careful with Grammar!

1. Many people (не одобрять) of medical experiments on animals. 2. The car turned the corner and slowly (исчезать) from view. 3. Tell him what you think should be done, and if he (не соглашаться) try to persuade him. 4. (Инвалиды) passengers can travel free on public transport. 5. Most children (не любить) sour or bitter tasting foods. 6. The book was so old that when I tried to pick it up it just (распадаться) in my hands. 7. It was very (нечестно) of him to lie about his invaluable practical experience. 8. By (пренебрежение) speed limits and passing red lights we somehow got to the airport in time. 9. It was obvious that most rail-users were deeply (неудовлетворенный) with the sort of service they were getting. 10. I wasn’t prepared for the (неудобства) of living in a place with no electricity or running water.


Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian paying attention to the underlined adverbs.

1. Bulk cargo generally consists of goods that are of low value in proportion to their weight. 2. Bulk goods can be conveniently taken on and off by means of gravity, suction, conveyor belts, pipes, etc. 3. Dry bulk goods are often moved in specially designed containers. 4. In autumn the grain from the fields is handled more efficiently by trucks, therefore highway trucking organization become very important. 5. General cargo usually consists of goods that have a high value in proportion to its weight. 6. General cargo transporting is less easily mechanized. 7. C ommonly dry goods are not packaged in bags or bales. 8. Sugar is increasingly being transported in bulk. 9. A truck can be driven directly to a destination area. 10. Earlier there were more than 20,000 daily intercity passenger trains in the United States.



Ex. 7. Use Passive instead of Active. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. We can classify goods into general cargo and bulk cargo. 2. Railways will increase its capital investment in equipment. 3. Many states do not recognize heart transplantation as legal. 4. Railway cars may transport general cargo in boxes, crates, bales, barrels, and other containers. 5. After the Railway Act, British Rail has reorganized its passenger train services into 25 different Train Operating Companies. Its employees have bought the container freight business. 6. In 1994, British Rail set up units responsible for the maintenance and renewal of the rail infrastructure. 7. The train leasing company may carry out heavy maintenance works. 8. To meet the public needs railway administration is altering the train timetables. 9. At present railways widely use up-to-date electronic equipment. 10. Railway engineers designed a lot of devices which find their application in other industries. 11. Since 1980 railway engineers have developed a system of more reliable communication of information. 12. The workers were inspecting the cars before the train departure. 13. Japanese railwaymen introduced new models of lightweight rail cars. 14. Computer revolution is changing our life and our language, too. 15. We are constantly making up new words or giving new meanings to old ones. 16. The railroad operator has increased the fares by ten percent. 17. We have replaced the old engine by a new and more powerful one. 18. Teenagers can get a driving license at the age of sixteen. 19. Metro trains may cover suburbs, commuter areas and city centers. 20. European railway associations have presented two initiatives designed to improve rail transport.



Ex. 8. Read the following word combinations and try to explain what they mean.

v trailer-on-flatcar cargo v container-on-flatcar cargo v less-than-carload traffic v door-to-door service

Ex. 9. Read the text replacing the Russian words with their English equivalents.

Metroliner was a (скорый поезд) operated by the major national train company in the USA, known as Amtrak. The line was opened for (движение) in 1969. It (действовать) between New-York and Washington and (обслуживать) many cities, towns and rural areas up to 2006. The train consisted of six (моторвагоны) and was capable to (развивать) the speed of 265kmh. (Mаршрут) passed through Baltimore, Wilmington, Philadelphia. A (поездка) between New York's Pennsylvania Station and Washington, D.C.'s Union Station took approximately 3 hours.



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