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Ex. 11. Match the terms with their definitions.

1. trailer a) a box, typically 10 to 40 feet long, which is loaded onto truck chassis or on railroad flatcars
2. container b) a container that is transported on a rail flatcar, it can be shipped via tractor/trailer using a chassis as the wheel section
3. flatcar c) the part of the truck that carries the goods
4. TOFC d) the through-transport of goods from consignor to consignee
5. piggyback e) a specialized form of containerization in which motor and rail transport coordinate
6. COFC f) shipment that is less than a complete rail car load (lot shipment)
7. LCL g) a railcar without sides, used for hauling machinery
8. door-to-door h) terminology used to describe a truck trailer being transported on a railroad flatcar

Ex. 12. Go back to the text and using the paragraph reference find the words which are similar to:

· load, worth, mass, carrier (paragraph 1);

· to carry, to need, easily (paragraph 2);

· to organize, usually, to shift (paragraph 3);

· unchanging, to haul, railway (paragraph 4);

· lorry, different, point, straight, to produce a service (paragraph 5);

· transport facility, everyday, entire, common carrier, to work, to vanish (paragraph 6).



Ex. 13. Answer the following questions choosing the right alternative.

1. What are the main types of goods transported by rail? a) profit and loss; b) general cargo and bulk cargo; c) employer and employee.
2. What does general cargo usually consist of? a) valuable goods which occupy much space; b) valuable goods which occupy little space; c) valuable goods which are very high in proportion to the vehicle.
3. What does bulk cargo include? a) raw materials and fuels; b) white goods and foodstuff; c) oil and natural gas.
4. Why does the handling of general cargo require much labour force? a) because of strict government regulation; b) because of competition against general cargo handling; c) because of the variety of shapes, sizes, and weights of general cargo
5. Why is the handling of bulk cargo more convenient than that of general cargo? a) the handling of bulk cargo doesn’t require much time; b) the handling of bulk cargo doesn’t require much labour force; c) the handling of bulk cargo doesn’t require much money
6. What are the main types of bulk cargoes? a) liquid cargo and valuable cargo; b) dry cargo and manufactured cargo; c) dry cargo and liquid cargo.
7. What vehicles are used to transport liquid goods? a) specially designed containers; b) specialized railroad tank cars; c) barrels and pipes.
8. What does a COFC mean? a) a close-and-open flatcar; b) a computer-operated flatcar; c) container-on-flatcar.
9. What is the main advantage of containerization? a) providing door-to-door deliver of goods; b) operating for profit; c) eliminating journey time.
10. What tendency has been shown in public passenger traffic in the period from 1930 to 1970? a)an increase in passenger-miles; b) a reduction in passenger-miles; c) a massive reduction in passenger-miles.
11. What is Amtrak? a) a private agency; b) a federal agency; c) a commercial agency.
12. What is a metropolitan area? a) a city (or cities) with their suburbs; b) a city having an underground railway; c) a city of New York.
13. What is a Metroliner? a) an ocean-going vessel; b) a supersonic aircraft; c) a high-speed train.


Ex. 14. Each of the sentences below is followed by two paraphrases. Decide which paraphrase (a, b) is closer in meaning to the original comment. Translate the original comment and the paraphrases into Russian.

1. General cargo usually consists of goods, including manufactured items such as machinery, that has a high value in proportion to its weight or to the space it occupies in a vehicle.

a) Usually general cargo doesn’t occupy much space in a vehicle, but this cargo may be very expensive.

b) Usually general cargo is transported in vehicles which are very spacious and heavy.

2. Because of the great variety of shapes, sizes, and weights of general cargo, its transporting is less easily mechanized and requires a larger labor force than the handling of bulk cargo.

a) General cargo must be handled only by very strong people; general cargo is carried in vehicles of various sizes and shapes; bulk cargo handling is easily mechanized..

b) General cargo may be of different sizes and shapes, it may be very heavy and not very heavy; therefore there isn’t a unified method of handling general cargo, and it takes much more efforts to load and unload general cargo than, for example, bulk cargo.


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