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Ex. 15. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary of the lesson.

1. Цистерна – это грузовой вагон для перевозки наливных грузов. 2. Служба безопасности отвечает за доставку ценных грузов к месту назначения. 3. Если дела нашего предприятия пойдут успешно, мы сможем компенсировать потери, вызванные увеличением транспортных тарифов. 4. В настоящее время интермодальные перевозки являются очень удобным способом доставки грузов «от двери до двери». 5. Я надеюсь, вы знаете, что такое интермодальные перевозки? – Да, я что-то слышал об этом. Когда разные перевозчики объединяются для того, чтобы осуществлять транспортировку грузов, мы говорим об интермодальных перевозках. 6. Бывшему служащему страховой компании не разрешили присутствовать на заседании правления. 7. Строительство новой трамвайной линии было одобрено коммерческим управлением. 8. Насколько я знаю, вы хотите устроиться на работу в летний международный лагерь. Я уверен, что это будет очень полезно для вашей карьеры: с одной стороны, у вас будет прекрасная возможность поговорить по-английски; с другой стороны, это хорошо оплачиваемая (well-paid) работа. 9. К сожалению, мы не смогли добраться до места назначения из-за сильного дождя. 10. Все перевозчики отреагировали на изменение экономической ситуации в регионе и повысили тарифы. 11. Известно, что существует несколько схем организации контрейлерных перевозок.

Additional text 1

Read the text and translate it without a dictionary.

Trip Planning

(1) Arranging for a trip can be simple if you want to reserve a hotel or complex if you are going to set up an around-the-world tour. The more arrangements to be made, the more useful are the services of a travel agent. Airlines and many hotel chains also make extensive travel arrangements.

(2) Travelers to a foreign country need certain documents in order to be allowed in and out of the country. The most necessary of credentials is the passport. This is a formal document issued by governments to their citizens. It establishes the carrier's identity and nationality and authorizes travel outside the country. A United States passport is valid for either five or ten years. To obtain the passport an individual needs proof of citizenship, two recent identical photographs 2 by 2 inches (5 by 5 centimeters), proof of identity*, and a fee payable to Passport Services. These must be accompanied by a signed application form**.

(3) A visa is required for entry into some countries.

(4) Some countries also require travelers to show a vaccination certificate. Vaccination requirements vary, but common diseases against which visitors need immunity are cholera and yellow fever. Local health departments normally inform potential travelers of infected areas in all parts of the world. Vaccination certificates can be obtained from passport offices.

(5) Individuals who plan to drive in foreign countries may need an international driver's license. Travelers should also be informed of currency regulations, exchange rates***, and customs regulations of countries to be visited.


Notes: *proof of identity – доказательство подлинности;

**application form – бланк для заявления, заявление;

***exchange rate – валютный курс.



Go back to the text and using paragraph reference, find the words which are similar to the following phrases:

Paragraph 1:

· an establishment providing accommodation and meals for payment;

· to go from one place to another; make a long journey;

· a person who acts for another in business etc.

Paragraph 2:

· certificates, references, etc., attesting to a person's education, character, etc.;

· to approve officially, to sanction;

· payment made for professional advice or services etc.

Paragraph 3:

· an endorsement on a passport allowing entrance to a country or exit from a country.

Paragraph 4:

· ability of an organism to resist infection;

· occurring often; shared by more than one (person).

Paragraph 5:

· official permit to own or use something, do something;

· money in use in a country.

Additional text 2

Read the text and try to grasp its main idea without a dictionary.


The third largest city in the United States, Chicago dominates a nearly solid band of heavily populated area more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) away. Chicago's history and its current condition demonstrate both the good and the bad aspects of gathering together a large population on a limited site. The size and variety of the local economy have a temptation for people of different skills. It is a local saying that “If you can't find a job in Chicago, you will never find one anywhere.” The large population size and variety have produced a sadly remarkable toleration for very poor living conditions, crime, and governmental corruption.

Chicagoans place great emphasis on having the tallest building (Sears Tower), the one-time largest commercial building (Merchandise Mart), the tallest apartment buildings (John Hancock Building and Lake Point Tower), and perhaps the busiest stretch of expressway (parts of the Dan Ryan). It has also been noted, however, that Chicagoans are reluctant to heap praise on their architects, writers, orchestras, theatrical people, and the like until outside critics, primarily New Yorkers, proclaim their worthiness.

Chicago's past and present might best be summarized by thinking of it as a late-19th-century model of the so-called Sunbelt development of the late 20th century. The city's rise was rapid and largely unplanned, much like that of Houston, Dallas, or Las Vegas. As Chicago grew, it was considerably more spread out across the surrounding countryside than such older cities as Philadelphia or Boston, and many outlying districts are as automobile-oriented as Los Angeles. Chicago also prided itself on being the center of industrial innovation with what were the late 19th-century equivalents of today's high-tech industries. Chicago regarded itself as much more informal, sincere, and democratic than the stuffy, elite-led cities of the East coast. While now regarded by those living nearer the Pacific Ocean as part of the East, Chicago for much of its history regarded itself as the capital of the West.

Go back to the text about Chicago and search for the sentences which support the following statements:

1. Living in a big city may have advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, there is every possibility to find a job in a large city. On the other hand, living conditions are usually poor and crime rate may be high.

2. Chicagoans like their city and are proud of its great places. But Chicagoans never say a good word about architects, writers, orchestras, theatrical people until critics from New York, for example, report on their valuable works.

3. Unlike Philadelphia or Boston, Chicago occupies a very large territory and it takes Chicagoans much time to get from home to work.

4. In the 19th century Chicago was the centre of science and technology.

5. Chicago differs from other American cities, especially those situated on the East coast, because its people are more democratic and sincere.

Lesson THREE


Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

adoption, containerization, containerize, standardisation, sealed, invariably, stackable, incompatible;


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