III. Development of meaning partly due to social causes
III. Development of meaning partly due to social causes
1. Degradation of meaning Exercise 1 p. 68 In the following sentences, analyze the developmeant of meaning of the words given in bold type:
7. And I thought of Ben too, with his narrow watery blue eyes, his sly idiot’s smile (D. M. ). 11. I am ashamed of you! It will ruin me! A miserable boor! A churl! A clown! It will degrade me in the eyes of all the gentlemen of England! (Th. H. ).
2. Elevation of meaning
Exercise 2 p. 69 Trace the process of elevation in the meaning of the words given in bold type:
2. R i c h a r d. Minister – I should say Captain. I have behaved like a fool. J u d i t h. Like a hero. (B. Sh. ) 6. To do Crump justice, he does not cringe now to great people. He rather patronizes them than otherwise and in London speaks quite affably to a Duke who has been brought up at his college or holds out a finger to a Marquis. (Thack. ) 7. This knight had left the field abruptly when the victory was achieved; and when he was called upon to receive the reward of his valour, he was nowhere to be found. (W. Sc. ) 8. We’ll have to do something about it. We must write to the Ministry of Health. (Cronin. )
3. Transfer of meaning
A. Transfer based on Similarity of Function
Exercise 1 p. 70 State the cause of the changes in meaning of the words given in bold type:
1. A spaceship sails. 2. A hydroplane lands on the sea. 3. A ship may be manned by women. 5. mill. 6. magazine.
B. Transfer based on Resemblance
The Metaphor
Exercise 1 p. 72 a) Pick out the metaphors from the following word combinations. b) Use them in sentences of your own.
1. A green bush; a green man; a green apple; green with envy. 2. Seeds of a plant; seeds of evil. 3. A fruitful tree; fruitful work. 4. A fruitless tree; a fruitless effort. 5. The root of a tree; the root of a word. 6. A blooming rose; blooming health. 7. A fading or faded flower; fading or faded beauty.
Exercise 2 p. 73 Explain the logic of the transfer of meaning.
1. The wings of a bird, of an airplane, of a mill; on wings of joy. 2. The foot of a man, of a hill, of a bed. 3. The neck of a girl, of a bottle. 4. Tongues of flame; The child’s tongue is coated. 5. The legs of a dog, of a table. 6. Moscow is the heart of our country; My heart is beating with excitement. 7. The mouth of a pot, of a river, of a cave.
C. Transfer based on Association
a) The Metonimy Exercise 2 p. 75 Discuss the following cases of metonymy:
1. He is the hope of the family. 2. She was the pride of her school. 3. I have never read Balzac in the original. 4. My sister is fond of old china. 5. The coffee-pot is boiling. 6. The pit loudly applauded. 7. He succeeded to the crown.
b) The Synecdoche
Exercise 1 p. 75 In the following examples, state whether the singular stands for the plural, the part for the whole, the individual for the class, the more general for the less general, the concrete for the abstract or vice versa, or the name of the material for the thing made.
1. He commanded a fleet of thirty sail. 2. The horse is a domestic animal. 3. Yes, when his liquor goes the wrong way (Gold. ). 4. There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of a Frenchman (Volt. ). 5. The authorities put an end to the tumult. 6. He was bound in irons. 7. I have a few coppers in my purse.
D. Transfer based on Exaggeration
The Hyperbole
Exercise 2 p. 77 Comment on the following phrases:
I beg a thousand pardons, scared to death, I’d give the world to see him, good-for-nothing, a magnificent idea, what a foul thing to do.
III. Reference material to the exercises
1) 1. boor (Du. ) n. Du. boer крестьянин; Mn. E. грубый, невоспитанный человек. 2) 2. clown (Sc. ) n. неуклюжий парень, шут; Icel. klunni неловкий, грубый парень; Sw. klunn бревно; смешной парень; Mn. E. клоун, шут. 3) 3. deer (E. ) n. олень; OE. dē or любое животное; ME. deer. Ср. G. Their животное; Sw. djur; Dan. dyr. 4) 4. duke (F. – L. ) n. герцог; ME. duc, duk; L. dux, ducis вождь (ducere вести). 5) 5. hound (E. ) n. охотничья собака, свора, гончая; OE. hund собака; ME. hound, hund. Ср. Dan., Sw. hund; G. Hund собака. 6) 6. knight (E. ) n. рыцарь, всадник; OE. cnicht мальчик, слуга; ME. knight юноша, слуга, рыцарь; (в шахм. ) конь. Ср. G. Knecht слуга; Sw. knekt солдат, валет (в картах). 7) 7. land (E. ) n. страна; OE. land; ME. land. Ср. G. Land; Dan., Sw., Goth., Icel., Du. land. 8) 8. magazine (F. -It. -Arab. ) n. I . 1. склад; 2. пороховой погреб; 3. магазинная коробка (винтовки); II. 1. журнал (впервые в 1731 г. ); MF. magazine; It. magazzino склад; Arab. makhā zin склады; F. magasin. 9) 9. meat (E. ) n. мясо; OE. mete пища; ME. mete; Goth. mats; OHD. maz пища. 10) 10. minister (F. -L. ) n. министр (первоначально: слуга); ME. minister; L. ministrum (вин. п. от minister слуга). 11) 11. pipe (L. ) n. 1. труба, трубопровод; 2. свирель, свисток, дудка; 3. волынка; 4. пение, свист; 5. бочка; L. pī pa из L. pī pare чирикать, свистеть; OE. pī pe; ME. pipe. 12) 12. season (F, L. ) n. время года, сезон (спортивный, дачный и пр. ); F. saison; LL. sationem (вин. п. от satio время года). 13) 13. starve (E. ) v. умирать с голоду; OE. steorfan умирать; sterven умирать. Ср. G. sterben; Du. sterven.
14) 14. undertake (E. +Sc. ) v. попытаться сделать что-л.; ME. undertaken< OE. under + Sc. taka.
Exercise 1 p. 21 a) Give examples of nouns with the following suffixes. b) State which of the suffixes are productive. -tion, -dom, -ness, -ism, -ship, -er, -or, -ist, -ite, -ess, -ing, -th, -age, -red.
Exercise 8 p. 22 State the origin and explain the meaning of the suffixes in the following words:
childhood, friendship, hardship, freedom, toward, backward, manhood, brotherly, boredom, rider, granny, teacher, aunty, hatred, hireling, village, hindrance, drunkard, limitation, reinforcement, cheerfulness.
Exercise 10 p. 24 Give verbs with the following suffixes: -ize, -en, -fy, -ish, -ate.
Exercise 11 p. 24 a) Form some adjectives from noun-stems by adding the suffix –ish. b) Explain the meaning of these derivatives. Model: girl – girlish.
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