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Part II. Matters on voyage.



alter course (A/CO) to …

set course (S/CO) to …

shape course for …

A/CO var’ly, steer var’ly

steer by …’s order, steer under …’s orders (direction)


  1. Steered var’ly under captain’s direction
  2. Course var’ly as per captain’s order
  3. Steering by pilot’s orders
  4. Passed clear passage and steered by captain’s order
  5. Passed UDO L. H. on WSW, 1’ off, S/CO to SE. Streamed and set P. log
  6. PALMIDO Light abeam SE, 1’ off, A/CO to SE. P. log 10’
  7. HAJODO L. H. bore < 008>, 5’ off, A/CO var’ly and took in P. log showing 130’


  1. LOG

stream P. log

operate bottom log

set log

take (haul) in log

patent log, P. log

bottom log, B. log


  1. SEONMIDO L. H. abeam S/E, 1’off, P. log 50’ and reset it
  2. A/CO to East when P. log showed 65’
  3. Found something wrong on the log and hauled it in
  4. Streamed set P. log again after examination
  5. SORIDO L. H. abeam < 015>, 2’ off, A/CO to < 093>. P. log 143’



made out … on NW

sighted (observed) … on NW

sighted … L’t on East 20’ off

Observed … L’t on East, distant 20 miles

… bearing 10°, dist. 2 miles

… bore 10°, 2’ off

abeam 90°, 5’ off

passed … on 270°


1. SHIHADO L. H. (was) seen, bearing N20°W, distant 5’

2. Sighted (Observed, Made out) CHUKSAN L. H. on NW, 10’ off

3. Sighted BIYANGDAO on < 130>, 20’ off

4. DITTO L’t bore < 180>, dist. 15’ and A/CO to < 355>

5. MARADO L’t abeam East, 1’ off

6. CHEONJANGSAN (275 m) sighted on port bow

7. Got a glimpse of GADEOKDO L. H. ahead

8. Got a glimpse of land on the star’d bow

9. P’d (Passed) ULGI L. H. on < 340°>, 2’ off

10. P’d #2 Harbor Entrance Buoy on starboard side 1’ off



weather became thick

fog signal attended to

fog signal kept going, kept fog signal going

at regulation intervals

  1. Fog set in and fog signals attended to
  2. Fog and heavy rain. Blew steam siren as required by Rule of the Road at Sea
  3. International fog regulation strictly complied with
  4. Kept regulation fog signal going
  5. Dense fog set in with mizzling
  6. Fog patches at times
  7. Patches of fog at times
  8. Dense fog. S/B engine
  9. Run into fog bank, put engine stopped and whistle kept going on
  10. Thick foggy weather and put engine slow
  11. Anchored in thick fog by sight of fairway buoy
  12. Thick fog, whistle going and eased engine down
  13. Snowing throughout the watch
  14. Weather very thick with snow
  15. Heavy squalls with hail
  16. Heavy hail – squalls
  17. Fog cleared away and full speed ahead
  18. Fog cleared off, weighed anchor and proceeded to underway
  19. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea 1972
  20. Rule 19 “Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility”
  21. Entered fog area, visibility of 0. 5’ miles



sounded, took sounding

sounding attended (taken)

no bottom

got … meters

echo sounding

bottom’s quality, nature of bottom


  1. Sounding carefully attended to
  2. Sounded sea bottom and got 50 meters, log 120’
  3. Sounded bottom and got 25 meters with mud
  4. Took sounding, no bottom
  5. Took a cast of lead, no bottom
  6. Sounded by echo sounder and got 50 meters
  7. Found bottom’s quality sand by echo
  8. Took sounding, no bottom 50 meters
  9. Took a cast of patent lead, 60 meters
  10. Got bottom, 20 f’ms with fine sand


  1. On duty


occasional squall

continuous snow squall

sky cleared, weather cleared up

it began to rain

rain ceased – дождь прекратился

thunder storm

torrent of rain


  1. Strong gale abated
  2. It became threatening
  3. Barometer falling
  4. Barometer rising
  5. Barometer fell to 900 mb suddenly
  6. Strong wind began to blow suddenly
  7. Moderate gale sprung up
  8. Moderate breeze sprung up from northward with rain and rapidly increased to gale
  9. Heavy squalls with hail
  10. Heavy rain and vivid lightening
  11. Frequent light squalls
  12. Thunder storm with vivid lightening
  13. Weather getting worse
  14. Weather getting better
  15. Weather became very thick with snow




  1. Light breeze and fine weather with smooth sea
  2. Strong breeze with (W/) rather heavy rain and sea moderate
  3. Moderate breeze w/rather heavy rain and sea moderate
  4. Light air and fine weather (wr) w/hazy horizon
  5. Strong breeze and overcast, accompanying heavy rain at times and lightening throughout
  6. Sea rough w/SE’ly heavy swell
  7. Rough sea and SE’ly heavy swell
  8. Heavy rain squall passed accompanied by thunder and lightening
  9. Slight following wind and overcast cloudy weather w/misty horizon
  10.  Light air and fine, bright moon light night



on decks, on fore and aft

all over

on aft deck

occasionally, at times

frequently, several times

all the time, at all times

constantly, continuously

shipping (taking) spray

shipping big seas, shipping heavy water

some of water

much water, large quantity of water

heavy seas, big water


  1. Ship rolling heavily on heavy swell
  2. Ship rolling heavily on high beam swell
  3. Ship rolling easily on W’ly (westerly) swell
  4. Ship pitching heavily on S’ly long swell
  5. Ship laboring, straining heavily and shipping large quantity of water on decks all the times
  6. Ship working violently and ship swung under seaworthiness
  7. Ship laboring roughly and shipping much seas on fore and aft decks
  8. Shipping heavy seas and flooding fore and aft well decks all the times
  9. Taking large quantity of water over the bow
  10. Strong breeze and heavy rain, high westerly sea, ship laboring heavily and ship swung underwater. Tanks and bilges carefully attended



Put (Set, Corrected, Adjusted) clock ahead … minutes (hour)

Advanced (Forwarded) clock

Put (Set, Corrected, Adjusted) clock back

Retarded (Backed, Returned, Reduced) clock


  1. Put clocks ahead 10m for SAT in long. 120°10¢ E
  2. Advanced clocks 12m for SMT at noon
  3. Put clocks aback 20m for standard time at HONGKONG (Long. 120°00¢ E)
  4. Retarded all ship’s clocks 26m for SAT at noon in long 90°00¢ E
  5. Advanced clocks by 40 minutes to KST (Korean Standard Time)
  6. Advanced clocks by an hour to Mid-European Time (ST in France)
  7. Put clocks ahead an hour and a half for Daylight Saving Time of Pacific Standard Time in USA
  8. Retarded Ship’s clocks by 1h to Zone Time (ZT) in Long. 150°00¢ W
  9. Took a sight to verify the rate of chronometer



passed (P’d) …, crossed …

date line, meridian of 180°

Equator, the Line

Meridian day, Neptune’s revel

repeated the date

skipped the date


  1. Crossed the meridian of 180°(180° meridian) in Lat. 40°10¢ N from East to West
  2. P’d the date line in Lat. 5°30¢ S from West to East
  3. Date of March 10th repeated
  4. Date of July 21st skipped
  5. Skipped Friday, August 21st from our calendar
  6. Counted Wednesday Dec. 22nd again
  7. March 23rd was repeated, as she passed the Date Line on previous day
  8. All hands enjoyed Meridian day
  9. Being Meridian day, no work today
  10. No ship’s work done owing to Neptune’s revel
  11. Kept no work on board owing to Neptune’s revel




  1. Met with s/s “Korea-ho” bound homeward and exchanged signals
  2. Met with sister ship “Busan-ho” bound outward and exchanged “good voyage” (or “Bon Voyage”)
  3. Overtook m/s “Seoul-ho” bound for LOS ANGELES and communicated with her
  4. Overtook m/s “Pohang-ho” on port side
  5. A steamer passed on port side 3 miles off
  6. Sighted a steamer heading northwards on SSE
  7. Met with a man-of-war, passing westwards on starboard side 10 miles away
  8. Sighted a number of trawlers on westward
  9. Passed a fishing boat on the same way, on port side distance 10 miles
  10. Passed British warship bound opposite way on starboard side and greeted with salutatory signal



by radio, by wireless, on the air

send a message by radio, send wireless

receive message

keep within wireless touch

signal of distress, emergency signal


1. Signaled for pilot

2. Made signal for pilot

3. Morsed to call pilot

4. P’d L. signal station, signaling ship’s name and nationality by Morse code

5. Signaled ship’s name and destination to Y. signal station

6. Received signals from Z. signal station and answered

7. Met with s/s “Suwan-ho” and exchanged signals

8. Signaled with her “Bon Voyage”

9. Greeted with salutatory signal

10. Received SOS by radio

11. Met with the “Chungmu” and communicated with her

12. Five masted schooner “Sirisan-ho” displayed signals as follows: ______

13. Made out signal of YEONDAO, bearing North, 3 miles off and transmitted her passing

14. Overtaken by m/v “Daegu-ho”, bounding for MANILA and signaled about the currents encountered and repeated signals

15. Received the message from head office to after her port of destination to BOMBAY

16. Received the instruction by radio from NEW YORK Branch to discharge PANAMA cargo at HAVANA




  1. Practised boat and fire drills
  2. Practised man overboard drill
  3. Stationed all hands for all boats
  4. Lowered all boats
  5. Hoisted in all boats
  6. Sailor, Rhee Doryeong, fell overboard
  7. Lowered #2 life boat and rescued him under care of 2nd officer
  8. Fire broke out and stationed all hands for fire fighting
  9. Tested watertight doors and found them all satisfactory
  10. Tested sluice doors and other emergency gears and found them in good condition
  11. Crew mustered and instructed wearing lifejackets
  12. Practised collision station drill and fitted collision mat
  13. Practised fire station drill and inspected the fire-fighting appliances
  14. Dismissed the boat station and finished the drill
  15. Abandon ship drill, inspected and checked boat’s equipment, including engine, all life-saving appliances, launching system for boats and rafts. All found in good order.
  16. Fire drill. Training in fire fighting. Inspected and checked all fire equipment, tested fire alarm system, main and emergency fire pump. All found in good order.
  17. Abandon ship drill. Lifeboats were lowered (or swung out only) with crew aboard and maneuvered. Inspected and checked …
  18. Emergency steering drill. Carried out operation of the main steering gear from within the steering gear compartment. Tested communication systems. All found in good order.




1. Fixed ship's position (20°10¢ N, 65°35¢ E) by observation

2. Took observations of the sun and obtained her noon position on 20°10¢ N, 65°35¢ E

3. Got her position 20°10¢ N, 65°35¢ E by star sight

4. Sampled water at the depth of 100 meters

5. Let go (Hoisted up, Picked up) plankton net

6. Drifted larva net

7. Picked up batythermograph (B. T. )

8. Got depth and temperature of water by BT

9. Set (Picked up) G. E. K.




1. Caught DOKDO by radar on < 60°>, 20' off

2. Sighted other ship on Radar scope on < 235°>, distance 30’

3. Fixed her position by Loran

4. Got ship’s position by Loran and observation

5. Observed X Radio beacon on < 320°> by Radio direction finder

6. Proceeded to the ship in distress, using radio direction finder

7. Got her position on Latitude 20°10¢ N Longitude 65°35¢ E by Loran

8. Got her position on Latitude 20°10¢ N Longitude 65°35¢ E and took departure from there

9. Turned her round to obtain deviation by bearing of a distant object

10. Deviation of the compass was found to be 2°E on ship’s head SW by the amplitude azimuth of the sun




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