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2.7 Письмо с протестом против задержания или ареста судна в связи со столкновением или аварией.

Dear Sirs,

We kindly ask you to inform the Harbour Master and all concern that by the present I positively protest against detention of my ship in connection with the collision (accident) as my vessel is a state-owned ship and consequently has a privilege of immunity, being exempt from liens.

Please take all the necessary measures to have my ship immediately released from detainment.

                                          Yours Faithfully.

Просим не отказать в любезности информировать капитана порта и всех заинтересованных, что настоящим я категорически против задержания моего судна в связи со столкновением (аварийным происшествием), так как мое судно принадлежит государству и, следовательно, пользуется иммунитетом и не подлежит задержанию.

Пожалуйста, примите необходимые меры к немедленному освобождению судна от задержания.



A aft
Ab`M abeam
A. C. alternating current
A/C, A/Co alter course
A/C Paint anticorrosive paint
A. D. F. automatic direction finder
A. E. apprentice engineer
A/F Paint antifouling paint
aft. after
age lunar age
A. H. alter heading
ah`d ahead
a. m., A. M. ante meridiem
Amp. amplitude
A. M. S. L. above mean sea level
anch. anchorage
ann annual change
A/O apprentice officer
A. P. after peak
App. apparent
App. apprentice
approx. approximate
A. P. T. after peak tank
Arch. Archipelago
arr arrival
Asst. Assistant
ast. astern
A. T. apparent time
Av. average
& and
B Bay
B breadth
b fine (=blue sky)
baro. barometer
bc fine cloudy
B`g, Brg. bearing
b. h. d. bulkhead
B. H., (B/h) bill of health
B. H. P. brake horse power
bk Bank
B/L bill of lading
bl. black
B`n Beacon
bos`n boatswain
br. brown
br`ze breeze
B. T. ballast tank
B. W. boot top paint
B. W. E. break water entrance
b`y buoy
b`y l`t buoy light
C cable
C cape
C centigrade
C compass
C cloudy
Capt captain
C. E. chronometer error
C. E. compass error
C/E chief engineer
C. G. coast guard
chro. chronometer
cl clerk
co. company
co. course
c/o chief officer
com`ced commenced
comp. compass
consum. consumption
cor. correction
C/R chief radio officer
C. R. T. cathode ray tube
C/S chief steward
C. S. T. Central Standard Time
cub. cubic
D day
d drizzling rain
D. C. direct current
dec. declination
dep. departure
dev. deviation
dia. diameter
dist. distance
d`k deck
do. ditto
D.. dead reckoning
Dr. doctor
D. T. deep tank
D/W, D. W. dead weight
E east
E error
E. D. existence doubtful
E`ly easterly
E. H. P. effective horse power
eng. engine
E. P. estimated position
e`r error
E. T. A. estimated time of arrival
etc. et cetera
E. T. D. estimated time of departure
ev. every
F. Fahrenheit
f. fore
f. full
f. fog (foggy weather)
f. fine
F& A fore and aft
F`castle forecastle
F/H full ahead
f`ms fathoms
F. O. fuel oil
F. P. T. fore peak tank
F/S full astern
f`t feet
F/W eng. finished with engine
F. W. T. fresh water tank
f`wd forward
G. M. T. Greenwich mean time
g. gravel
gr. gramme
G. T. gross tonnage
H. half
H. hour
H. house
h hail
H/A half ahead
H`d head
H/H half ahead
H. P. horse power
Hr. harbour
H/S half astern
H. W. high water
I., I`d island
I`ds islands
I. H. P. indicate horse power
in., “ inch
J., j junior
K. kilometer
K. R. Korea register of shipping
K. S. T. Korean standard time
k`t knot
L. longitude
l. length
l. lightning
l. local
l. lower
L. A. T. local apparent time
lat. latitude
L. H. lower hold
L. M. T. local mean time
L. O. lubricating oil
L. O. A. length over all
L. P. G. liquefied petroleum gas
L. PP length between perpendiculars
L. R. Lloyd`s register of shipping
L. S. S. life saving station
L. S. T. local standard time
L`t light
L`t B`n light beacon
L`t B`y light buoy
L`t H., L`t light house
L. H. light house
L. T. d`k lower-tween deck
L`t ves. light vessel
L. W. low water
L. W. L. load water line
M mean
M meter
M mile
M minute
M. mud
m mist
mag. magnetic
max. maximum
M. Co. magnetic course
meri. meridian
mid. middle
min. minimum
min. minute
M. N. midnight
mod. moderate
M/R mate receipt
M. S. motor ship
M. T. mean time
M`t mount
M. V. motor vessel
N north
N`ly northerly
N. H. P. normal horse power
NO. number
N. T. net tonnage
N. V. Det Norske Veritas
obs`d observed
o`cast overcast
off. (O. ) officer
P. position
p passing shower
Pass. passage
p`d passed
Pen. Peninsular
p`k peak
P. L. position line
P. log Patent log
p. m. post meridiem
P. P. I. plan position indicator
P. P. S. pulse per second
P`t point
Q quarantine
q squall
Q`Master Quartermaster
Q`Station Quarantine station
R. river
R. radio
R. rock
r rain
rad. radius
R. B`n radio beacon
R. C. circular radio-beacon station
R. D. directional radio-beacon station
rec`d received
res`d resumed
rev. revolution
R`f reef
R. G. radio gonio station
R. P. M. revolution per minute
R/up ring up, rung up
S. sand
S. slow
S. senior
S. south
S. snow
S. A. T. ship`s apparent time
S/B stand by
S/Co. set course
sec. second
S/H slow ahead
S. H. P. shaft horse power
sig. signal
s`l sail
S/log set log
S`ly southerly
S. M. T. ship`s mean time
S/O/ shipping order
sp`d speed
sq. square
S. S. steam ship
Ss hackles
S/S slow astern
S. sig. storm signal
St. stone
star`d starboard
stop`d stopped
str. strait
S. W. L. safety working load
S. V. steam vessel
T. time
T. ton
temp. temperature
temp. temporary
temp`ly temporarily
T`Gallant Top gallant
Tw tower
T. S. test strength
T. S. training ship
U. upper
u ugly weather
U. T. universal time
U. T. d`k upper tween deck
U. S. C. G. United State Coast Guard
v. very
var. variation
var. various
var`ly variously
W. west
W. watt
w. dew
W`ly westerly
Wt weather
w/ with
w/o wireless operator
yd yard
Z. T. zone time




Operational tested and visual inspected of primary, secondary steering gear, connecting linkages, remote steering system, auxiliary power and alarms. All starboard to all port - … sec. tested telegraph, whistle, navig. equipments, ship’s clocks. All in good order and ready for use.



10. 00 GPS … the valve no 25 has been unsealed and opened by ch. Eng. Mr …. the oily water separator “tcs 5hd” started. Then bilge water discharged over board throw 15 ppm equipment


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