1. Weather became threatening. Called all hands on deck and prepared for rough weather
1. Weather became threatening. Called all hands on deck and prepared for rough weather 2. Fresh breeze sprung up. Called all hands on deck to cover up hatches and ventilators and battened down hatch 3. All hands on deck and secured the movables on decks 4. Raised accommodation ladder and then swung in life boat to secure them 5. Doubled up fore and aft lines. 6. Took preventer hawser
1. Set officer’s anchor watch 2. Kept anchor watch strictly against heavy seas and all well 3. Especially attended to anchor bearings and regulation lights 4. Placed engine at short notice, preparing for dragging anchor 5. Put engine slow speed ahead, lest anchor should come home 6. Used engine variously as dragging anchor was possible 7. Veered out port cable to 7 shackles 8. Let go starboard anchor to check swing and payed out 1 shackle of chain cable
FPT – fore peak tank APT – after peak tank FWT – fresh water tank FOT – fuel oil tank BFWT – boiler feed water tank fill up tank with fresh water
1. Took in fuel oil in #1 FOT 2. Commenced fueling in #2 FOT 3. Finished fueling (Finished supply of fuel oil), received 60 tons of diesel oil 4. Started bunkering of bunker 5. Finished bunkering and secured coaling port 6. Loaded 90 tons of bunker coal 7. Took 20 tons of fresh water in FPT 8. Supplied (Replenished) with fresh water, 30 tons in APT and 50 tons in #2 FWT 9. Filled up deep tank with sea water for ballast 10. Filled up #3 ballast tank with fresh water for feed boiler water 11. Shipped ship’ stores 12. Received provisions notices (food stuff)
ship (take in) mail drop (deliver, land) mail
1. Received 135 bags of mail for Europe 2. Shipped 70 bags of mail for various ports 3. Handed over 60 bags of mail matter to post office 4. Delivered 60 bags of mail to post office 5. Landed 30 bags of mail for the port 6. Hoisted (Field) mail flag 7. Lowered (Let down) mail flag
1. Sailor, Guildong Hong joined ship today 2. Sailor, Guildong Hong disembarked on sick leave 3. Two sailors left ship on paid leave 4. E. Kim, chief officer, joined ship in place of T. Park, ex–chief officer 5. Ex–second officer, S. Kong relieved by W. Kim, new second officer 6. Newly appointed third officer, Tom Cat, took charge 7. Apprentice officer, Mr. Dipon, promoted to acting third officer 8. Quartermaster, L., was granted holidays with pay and disembarked at BUSAN 9. Five passengers disembarked at BUSAN 10. Two passengers from San Francisco left ship and three passengers for Hong Kong took ship 11. Discharged sailor, Bill Park, being arrested by water police on the suspicion of smuggling 12. Drunken sailor, K., came to blow with fireman, H., and injured him. Sent them police station ashore and discharged
13. Shore leave: granted crew duty off. 14. Shore party rejoined ship
1. Finished preparation for fumigation. All crew except watch keepers left her 2. Fumigation officer boarded and inspected her 3. Started fumigation of all parts of ship with hydro–dynamic acid gas 4. Completed fumigation and opened all openings. Fumigation officer left her 5. Opened and ventilated all hatches and quarters 6. Cleaned and disinfected crew’s quarters and their baggages and beddings 7. Fumigated all cargo holds in accordance with quarantine officer’s instruction 8. Sent crew to lazaret on shore for disinfection by harbour rule 9. Disinsected crew and steerage quarters 10. Crew returned ship
A. Docking
1. Dock Master, Mr. Z, and his men (hands) boarded 2. Stationed for entering dry dock 3. Took tug “A–ho” on bow and “B–ho” on port quarter 4. Cast off lines and proceeded to Hamil Dock in charge of dock master under tow of above tugs 5. Approaching dock entrance, sent bow lines to shore, let go tugs 6. Arrived at dock entrance and started to haul her into dock, cast off tugs 7. Passed dock gate 8. Ship got her position in #1 Dry Dock with draft: 5, 10m fore, 5, 60m aft, 5, 35m midship with no list 9. Closed dock gate 10. Diver was sent down to ensure that the grooves in the sill of the dock were clear and the caisson was replaced 11. The docking–bobs were rigged and set up and her position was made accurately adjusted 12. Made fast in Z dock 13. Started pumping out dock water 14. Ship took (got) keel blocks 15. Started shoring up. Commenced to shore up 16. Dock floor dried up 17. Finished shoring. Dock hands commenced washing and cleaning her water line and bottom 18. Ship took the keel blocks and side shores were adjusted 19. Full length of the keel was sewed up, pumping was stopped and the breast shores finally adjusted and set up 20. Pumped out the dock die and erected the bilge and bottom shores required
B. Undocking
1. Started to flood deck 2. Opened the dock sluices and started flooding dock 3. Ship floated, ship got afloat 4. Lifted off the keel blocks upright with drafts: 7, 60m fore, 8, 90m aft 5. Dock master Mr. H. and dock sailors boarded 6. Opened dock gate 7. Tug “C–ho” made fast aft. Took the tug “C–ho” on her aft 8. Let go shorelines and commenced undocking. (Commenced to haul her out) 9. Cleared dock gate 10. Took other tug “D–ho” on bow and proceeded to her berth 11. Gays were cast off and she was towed to her berth under the charge of the dock master 12. Moored her to A buoy being towed by the tug boat 13. Let go tugs and dock master left her
1. Scrubbed and scraped her bottom 2. Chipped rusty, parts of water line 3. Applied sand blasting to the fore part of her bottom platings 4. Caulked leaky seams and revets on her shell 5. Renewed 680 defective rivets on her outside shell 6. Heated 2 dents on outside plate B–16 and made them fair 7. Renewed leaky rivets and the liner plates on her shell platings at fore peak starboard side 8. Drilled 20 test holes on her bottom and welded them up after survey
9. Renewed 6 sheets of zinc plate on her stern frame and rudder 10. All officers inspected ship’s bottom and found OK 11. Inspected ship’s hull, bottom and propeller and found following damages to propeller blades: “B” – 40mm scratched –процарапано “C” – 50mm cracked –треснуто “D” – 20mm bent –поведено 12. Noted protest against the damages found to propeller blades before Chief of Busan Maritime Authority 13. Screwed of bottom plugs of all double bottom tanks except fuel oil tank 14. Took off bottom plugs of F. P. T., A. P. T. and ## 1, 2 and 3 B. Ts 15. Plugged bottom of all tanks, applying thick cement under second officer’s care 16. A. B. surveyor, Mr. J. Kennedy boarded and inspected rudder, anchor cable and found them in good condition 17. K. R. surveyor, Mr. Kim came on board, inspected ship’s bottom and found outside plating dented and propeller blade bent 18. Inspected equipment of life boats and found them in good condition 19. Overhauled boat davit’s and greased and replaced in good order 20. Repaired boat chocks of #1 Life Boat and renewed slip hooks of gripes 21. Changed CO2 gas cylinders of inflatable life raft 22. Received 20 row locks and 10 oars for life boat 23. Dock hands boarded and commenced work as follows: … 24. Dock hands stopped work and left ship 25. Dock hands worked as follows: a) Cleaning ship’s bottom, scraping and chipping rusty parts thoroughly b) Cleaning limbers and applying wash–cement after cleaning c) Ranging out cables on the dock floor for inspection 26. Dock hands employed in running repair as per docking indent
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