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Aloft – наверху, на марсе. 4. Good lookout kept unlighted fishing boats. Part III. Matters of anchoring. 3. Deck hands employed in scaling in #1 hold

aloft – наверху, на марсе

bright (good) lookout


1. Kept lookoutman on forecastle

2. Set lookout man on crow’s nest for floating mine

3. Kept a sharp lookout aloft (on forecastle)

4. Good lookout kept unlighted fishing boats

5. Ship running under half speed and a sharp lookout kept for fishing boats

6. Sent lookout man to crows nest

7. Kept a bright lookout for fishing boats unlighted

8. Set sharp lookout on forecastle through the night from 1700 to 0600

9. Called back the lookoutman

10. Kept officers night watch for deserter




1. Altered the port of calling and propelled for HONGKONG by Head Office's order

2. Mr. A., sailor, suffered from acute appendicitis seriously, dropped in the nearest port, SINGAPORE, to send him to the hospital

3. Altered her course and proceeded for the rescue of the wrecked ship, answering the distress signals from her

4. Altered course to North, receiving a warning of nuclear testing to be held at Christmas Island (I'd)




A. Sailors work


1. Hans turned to washed deck down as usual

2. Hands turned out to watch decks down

3. Hands employed in washing fore and aft decks

4. Crew washed ships outside

5. Hands turned to broomed decks down

6. Hands holystoned decks

7. Hands varnishing hand rails

8. Hands employed in chipping fore deck

9. Hands chipping foredeck

10. Turned to work scrubbing weather deck

11. Resumed work engaged in the same work as forenoon

12. Crew engaged in general cleaning

13. Hands stopped work

14. Hands resumed work

15. Hands knocked off

16. Hands knocked off for the day


B. Chipping and Scraping


1. Hands chipped foredeck

2. Hands, employed in chipping and scaling

3. Deck hands employed in scaling in #1 Hold

4. Crew chipping and scraping rusty parts of funnel, ventilators and engine room casing

5. Engaged in chipping and scaling the top plates of #1 Ballast tank with pneumatic tools

6. Engaging in chipping rusty parts on mast table

7. Employed in chipping all over the weather decks with scaling machine

8. Hands employed chipping the top plates of #3 Oil tank after ensuring gas free


C. Painting, Varnishing, Tarring and Cementing


1. Hands employed in painting masts and derricks

2. Painting hatch coaming and touching up ships outside

3. Painted bridge front bulkhead after soaping

4. Started first coating of #1 Composition

5. Finished second coating of #2 Composition

6. Hands blacking down riggings stays of the fore mast

7. Crew tarred on bunker deck

8. Quartermasters employed in varnishing wheel–house

9. Hands varnished skylights, cabin doors and hand rails

10. Cementing inside of #1 Ballast tank and forepeak tank

11. Tar–cemented on #1 Ballast tank top

12. Stopped painting owing to passing shower

13. Scraped splashed paint on deck


D. Cleaning


square up – приводить в порядок


1. Hands (employed in) cleaning crew’s quarter

2. Soaped down bridge front

3. Cleaning up boat and gears

4. Wiping paint work on poop deck

5. Scoured bright work in saloon entrance

6. Cleaning all stores belonging to the deck department

7. Cleaned cargo hold after discharging coal, using saw dust

8. Cleaned under bridge, using acetic acid to remove the smell of salted hides

9. Hands cleaning up limbers in ## 1, 2 and 3 Cargo Holds

10. Polished brass work on bridge

11. Soda washing bright work of chart room and soap washing officer’s quarter

12. Removed paint splashes on hatch


E. Repairing


1. Repaired signal flag

2. Caulking bridge deck

3. Overhauling sounding machine and greasing sounding wire

4. Straightening stanchions and repairing variously

5. Faired bent rail stanchions in place

6. Renewed port main rail on poop deck

7. Partly renewing bottom ceiling in #2 Hold

8. Refitted broken port glass in wireless room

9. Hands employed in oiling all fair–leaders on board

10. Engaged in overhauling and oiling all cargo gears

11. Employed repairing boat covers


F. Making and fitting


1. Hands employed in making fenders for life boats

2. Make #2 Hatch tarpaulins

3. Fitted up hawse plugs and vegetable locker

4. Carpenter fitted molding underneath upper bridge with assistance of two sailors

5. Quartermasters fitting relieving tackle

6. Fitting cargo batten in #1 Hold

7. Setting up rigging ratlines of foremast

8. Eased pipe at #2 Hold

9. Engaged in pointing the rope’s ends


G. Preparation for Cargo work


1. All derricks in place and ready to discharge cargo

2. Hoisted up all cargo derricks for cargo work

3. Rigged and got up derricks

4. Sent down derricks an unrigged

5. Battened down hatches and lashed gears around decks

6. Lashing all deck cargo and movables on decks

7. Covered up and lashed dangerous cargo on fore deck

8. Set up hatch tents o all hatches

9. Lifted all derricks booms up in preparation for loading cargo

10. Crew rigged heavy derrick and opened hatch covers


H. Quartermaster’s duty


quartermaster – старший рулевой


1. Anchor watch was kept by quartermaster

2. Kept double anchor watch by quartermaster and sailor

3. Quartermaster kept watch strictly

4. Quartermaster kept gangway watch

5. Quartermaster employed in various jobs

6. Regulation lights kept burning brightly. Round made, all’s well

7. Quartermaster cut off two links from starboard steering chain and one link from port in order to make them short

8. Quartermaster overhauling patent log and repairing flags

9. Quartermaster employed in cleaning sounding machine and oiling sounding wire

10. Quartermaster polished brass works on bridge

11. Quartermaster employed in filling up liquid and pushing pump of telemotor for one hour under second officer’s care


I. Carpentry


1. Carpenter made gratings for bunker hatch

2. Carpenter caulked bridge deck

3. Carpenter employed in caulking boat deck

4. Carpenter caulking poop and forecastle decks

5. Carpenter battening hatches down and repairing main rail on poop deck

6. Carpenter faired bent rail stanchions in place and repaired flag poles

7. Carpenter employed in repairing side sparings #3 Hold

8. Carpenter repairing and renewing hatch boards

9. Carpenter found #3 ballast tank unusual and reported at once to Officer in duty

10. Carpenter inspected bilge ways and tank top of forepeak

11. Carpenter found leakage through crack of scupper pipe in #2 tweendeck

12. Carpenter reported to Chief Officer that smell of fire was coming up from ventilator of reserve bunker

13. Carpenter supervised dock hands (carpenters and caulkers’) work

14. Carpenter refitted (or replaced, renewed) broken skylight glass in Engine Room

15. Renewed the hinged door of lazaretto

16. Carpenter employed cleaning and clearing the soil pipe in officer’s WC

17. Carpenter caulked and pitched poop deck and replaced some decayed dowels by new ones





A. Start and Knock off cargo work


1. Laborers boarded and commenced loading cargo at all hatches

2. Continued cargo work through the night

3. Finished discharging cargo from ##1 and 2 hatches

4. All completed (finished) cargo work for the port

5. Shifted cargo from #1 Hatch to #3 Hatch

6. Trimmed at #2 Hatch

7. Stevedores left her

8. Completed all cargo work and closed all hatches

9. Finished loading cargo at #3 Hold and all cargo work aboard

10. Lowered al derricks booms and battened all hatches down

11. Finished cargo work, unrigged cargo work on after end

12. Completed discharging cargo and started loading at all hatches

13. Commenced discharging cotton at all hatches, keeping down – below men in each hold, taking precaution against fire especially


B. Stop and Resume Cargo work


1. Stopped cargo work for the day

2. Stopped loading cargo owing to heavy rain

3. Lighters being unable to get alongside on account of high seas, stopped cargo work

4. Stopped discharging cargo owing to winch trouble

5. Stopped unloading for lack of barges

6. Worked at cargo loading on and off owing to passing shower

7. Resumed cargo work at #4 Hatch

8. Stopped cargo work for meal

9. Stopped cargo work and closed hatch covers owing to passing squall

10. Set up hatch tents on all hatches and waited rain clear up


11. Tally and Survey.


1. Kept officer’s tally for the goods to be stowed in silk room

2. Ship officers kept double tally with tallymen

3. Received 50 cases of valuable goods and stowed in silk room with special care

4. Marine surveyor, Mr. Brown, boarded and inspected stowage of cotton

5. Lloyd’s Surveyor, Captain Arnold, inspected ## 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 Hatches and found them in good condition

6. Shipped special cargoes into the locker, kept officers tally for them

7. In the presence of officer, loaded mail bags into mail room, locked after surveyors inspection

8. Employed eight tallymen and kept double tally at each hatch

9. ## 2 and 3 port side cargo oil tanks passed by Surveyor as clear and ready for loading coconut oil





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