2.6 Письмо в случае попытки обвинить судно в загрязнении моря нефтью.
1. Note of Protest
ì Name m/v “Camellia” ï ï Description Norwegian motor ship Vessel í ï Official Number 63279 ï î Gross tonnage 23654 Tons
Port of registry Drammen Name of Owner Hancock Maritime and Co.
ì Name M. Smiling ï ï Address 10-1, 3-ka Rosteur, Oslo, Norway Master í ï Class, Grade and Master of first grade ï î Number of Certificate No 1153
ì Name ï Chief ï Address í Engineer ï Class, Grade and ï î Number of Certificate
Port of Departure Singapore Port of Arrival Colombo
Place where casualty Lat. 5°12¢ N, Long 95°10¢ N to occurred Lat. 5°14¢ N, Long 95°15¢ N
Date and Hour of Occurrence: 1400 on the 18th Jan. 1997 Details of Casualty. I beg hereby to report you that the above named motor ship, under my command, left Singapore, laden 3425 tons of general cargo, 3275 tons of bean meal, 1200 tons of wheat bran, and 4500 tons of hemp, at 1400 on the 18th Jan. 1997 and en route to Colombo on the date and at the place mentioned above, we encountered with violent storm and ship laboured and strained heavily, shipping much seas on decks all the time.
Heavy seas smashed and carried away gangway ladder on port side. Damages to the cargoes might be expected more or less. I hereby affirm the correctness of the above report. M. Smiling Master of m/v “Camellia” To the Marine Office Port of Colombo
2. EXAMPLES OF NOTE OF PROTEST. 2. 1 This is to certify that 13th day of April, 1998, Mr. M. Smiling, Master of the Norwegian motor ship “Camellia” of Drammen, which left Busan on the 9th of April 1998 with a total of 2400 tons consisting of general cargo, bound for Hong Kong, Singapore, Penang and Rangoon and which arrived at Hong Kong on the 12th day of April 1998, appeared before me, the undersigned Norwegian consul at Hong Kong and the said captain, fearing the damage might have been occasioned through rough weather, noted protest against all losses, damages, etc., reserving his right to extend this protest whenever necessary. Hong Kong, the 13th April, 1998 Signature M. Smiling Master of m/v “Camellia”
I hereby certify that Mr. M. Smiling, Master of the m/v “Camellia”, signed the above in my presence on April 13th 1998. Royal Norwegian Consulate, “Hong Kong” S T A M P Signature Acting Consul FEE HK$ 31 –
2. 2 On this seventh day of February in the year of our Lord Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Two, before me, H. Smith consul for Busan, Korea personally appeared Mr. M. Smiling, Master of Norwegian vessel m. s. “Camellia”, signal letter, LABG of Drammen and 1605 tons Netto, which sailed from Koshichang, Thailand on or about January Twenty Sixth 1968, with a cargo of 3000 tons of rice in bags, bound for Korean ports and arrived at Busan on the Sixth February, 1968 and fearing damage to cargo and or vessel owing to Boisterous weather on Jan. 28 and 29, Feb. 2 to 5, 1968, preventing airing of holds and cargo. During the voyage, he hereby notes his protest to cover above ports against all loses, damage etc., reserving right to extend the same at time and place convenient. Signature S T A M P M. Smiling Master of m/v “Camellia”
Signature H. Smith, Consul I certify the foregoing to be true and correct copy of the original note protest, entered in the act of this consulate and copied there from. Royal Norwegian Consulate, Busan, Feb., 7, 1968 S T A M P Signature H. Smith, Consul
2. 3 Details of Casualty: The above named vessel of my command left Busan for Inchon at 1500 Hrs on the 13th May 1975 after finishing of all discharging operation of cargo and proceeded of her voyage with no cargo on board.
En route to Inchon, at about 1700 Hrs on the next day just after passing Habaekdo Lt. Ho., we felt heavy shock on her stern and tremendous vibration, and was reported from the chief engineer that something wrong on her propeller, increasing revolutions abnormally, but she continued her voyage with slow down engine, paying our profound precaution and we could arrive at Inchon safely at 2330 Hrs, mooring on #3 Buoy. I presume that the propeller might hit submerged substances, something like log, and it is expected some damage might be caused on the propeller blades. I beg to report you the fact and affirm that my report mentioned above is correct and true. Signature Master, m/v “Korea” To Inchon Maritime Bureau Inchon, on the 15 May, 1976
2. 4 Details of Casualty: The vessel, my command, left Seattle, laden with 8900 tons of wheat in bulk, at 1430 Hrs on the 14th, Jan. 1976, for Busan. On the way, we encountered several times with threatening stormy weather on the dates and places mentioned above respectively, and ship labouring and straining heavily, shipping tremendous seas on all over decks all the time and they caused heavy damages, smashing ## 1 and 2 Hold ventilators, washing away ## 1 and 3 lifeboats and carrying away a vegetable box on poop deck. When we passed Inubae Saki Lt. On NW 7’ off at 0830 Hrs on the 4th, Feb., 3rd officer on duty, observed a fisherman was swimming on her right ahead, calling our help and immediately her rung S/B engines and slowed down engines, and reported me about it. I went up on the bridge at once and ordered stop engines, calling all hands on deck, getting them ready to lower lifeboat, but last night storm was still blowing hard with high seas and I gave up lowering lifeboat to prevent it from overturn, but I brought my command on weather side, keeping the fisherman on her lee side. Getting him close to alongside and throw life buoy with life at him and succeeded to pick him up safely n deck and attended by doctor. We arrived at Busan at 1230 Hrs on the 10th inst., and handed him over to the Yeongdo police station Busan. Particulars of rescued fisherman: Nationality: Japanese Name : Taro Hayashi Age : 41 years old Address : __________________
2. 5 Письмо в случае разлива нефти при бункеровке: Dear Sirs, This is to bring to your notice, that the pollution was caused by the lack of care in refueling (bunkering) operation on the part of your personnel. Yours Faithfully. Настоящим довожу до Вашего сведения, что разлив нефти произошел из-за неосторожности Вашего персонала во время бункеровочной операции.
2. 6 Письмо в случае попытки обвинить судно в загрязнении моря нефтью. Dear Sirs, In replay to your accusation of water pollution we should like to state that our ship is in no way responsible for the above. The pollution has been probably caused recently by the discharge of ballast into the sea by some vessels. Yours Faithfully. В ответ на Ваше обвинение, в загрязнении моря мы заявляем, что наше судно ни в коей мере не виновно в этом. Загрязнение, по-видимому, было совершено недавним сбросом балласта в море каким-то другим судном.
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