Методика организации работы по переводному чтению « The first female physician »
Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and emigrated to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the nineteenth century. After writing many letters seeking admission to medical schools she was finally accepted by a doctor in Philadelphia. So determined was she, that she gave music lessons to earn money for her teaching. In 1849 after graduating from medical schools, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon, but a serious eye infection forced her to give up the idea. Upon returning to the United States, she found it difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor managed to open a new hospital, the first one for women and children. Besides being the first female physician and founding, her own hospital, she also established the first medical schools for women ".
Овладение беспереводным видом чтения осуществляется в результате выполнения предтекстовых, текстовых и послетекстовых заданий. Предтекстовые задания направлены на моделирование фоновых знаний, необходимых и достаточных для рецепции конкретного текста, на устранение смысловых и языковых трудностей его понимания и одновременно на формирование навыков и умений чтения. В связи с чем, перед началом чтения и обсуждения прочитанного уточняем значения следующих слов и словосочетаний:
После фонетической отработки указанных выше слов и словосочетаний учащиеся контрольной группы выполняют следующее задание:
- Find English equivalents to the following Russian words and word -combinations:
Эмигрировать, почти невозможно, делать запрос, медицинское училище, решительный, зарабатывать деньги, хирург, оставить мысль, женщина-врач, основать больницу.
Экспериментальной же группе предлагается ряд упражнений на языковую догадку, представленных на карточках:
1. Would you improve your reading skills? a) Hereis a series of two expressions. They are sometimesthe same and sometimes different. Go through the list and when theexpressions are different, underline the word that differs in the secondexpression: emigrate migratebe born to be torn to be accepted to be exceptedimpossible nearly possibleearn money to learn moneybe a surgeon to be a sergeantpractice to practice
b) Find the word which means the same thing as word mentioned: to accept to except to found to buildtake to establishleave to break (to take) (to establish)
Упражнения на расширение лексического запаса:
- Work in groups of two.) Look at the following word combinations and think of a story that might combine them all. You may reorder them in any way you want to using any form of the verb:be born in..., one day, to become a teacher (a doctor...), to seek admission, to be determined, to earn money, to give lessons, to further one's education, to give up the idea, to start one's own practice, to establish school.) When you have decided upon the story, tell the story to your partner. Then listen to your partner. Ask each other as many questions as you can to learn further details or clarify some points. Текстовый этап На текстовом этапе обучения выполняют упражнения, направленные на извлечение основной и второстепенной информации из текста посредством нахождения смысла текста, лексико-тематической основы объединения смысловых отрезков в единое целое. Обеим группам предлагается:
1. Read the text "The first female physician" ) Divide the text on the parts and find the titles to each part; ) Find the sentences that best sum up the main idea of each paragraph; Послетекстовый этап На данном этапе осуществляется контроль понимания содержания текста и дается его интерпретация. Контрольной группе предлагается ответить на вопрос к тексту:
I. Do you remember? 1. Where and when Elizabeth Blackwell was born? 2. When did she emigrated to New York City? 3. Whom did she decide to become? 4. Why was it impossible for her to become a doctor? 5. Did she manage to achieve her aim? II. Recalling the facts 1. Where was Elizabeth finally^ accepted? 2. What did she do afterwards? 3. Why was it difficult to start her own practice? 4. What happened in 1857? 5. What are Elizabeth's achievements?
III. Pleas, complete the following statements with the phrases: 1. Elizabeth Blackwell was born emigrated to 2. One day she decided that she wanted 3. That was nearly impossible for a woman in 4. she gave to earn money for her teaching. 5. She wanted to be, but a serious eye infection forcedher to 6. She found 7. She also established the first IV. Thinking about the main idea 1. Explain why was it nearly impossible for a woman of that time to become a doctor. 2. Explain what helped Elizabeth to achieve her aim. 3. Explain why did, she finally manage to become a doctor ass he wanted. Pleas, retell the story in 10 sentences.
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