lacessit. "I believe you're prouder of your family than of looking like a Greek god,". she told him fondly. "Anyone can be good-looking," he answered, with his sweet smile, "but not
lacessit. " I believe you're prouder of your family than of looking like a Greek god, " she told him fondly. " Anyone can be good-looking, " he answered, with his sweet smile, " but not everyone can belong to a decent family. To tell you the truth I'm glad my governor's a gentleman. "
Julia took her courage in both hands (Джулия собрала все свое мужество; to take one's courage in both hands — мобилизовать все свое мужество; courage — мужество, храбрость). " My father's a vet (мой отец ветеринар). " For an instant (на какое-то мгновение) Michael's face stiffened (лицо Майкла замерло; to stiffen — становиться жестким, неподвижным /stiff/), but he recovered himself immediately (но он немедленно исправился: «принял исходное положение») and laughed (и засмеялся). " Of course (конечно же) it doesn't really matter (не так уж это и важно) what one's father is (кто твой отец). I've often heard (я часто слышал, как) my father talk of the vet in his regiment (мой отец говорил о ветеринаре в его полку). He counted as an officer of course (он считался офицером, конечно; to count smb. as — считать кого-либо за, принимать кого-либо за). Dad always said (папа всегда говорил) he was one of the best (что он был одним из лучших). " And she was glad (и она была рада) he'd been to Cambridge (что он учился: «был» в Кембридже). He had rowed for his College (он принимал участие в гребных гонках за свой колледж; to row — грести, соревноваться в гребле, перевозить в лодке) and at one time (и даже в одно время) there was some talk (были разговоры) of putting him in the university boat (чтобы он выступал за
университет: «о том, чтобы поместить его в университетскую лодку»). " I should have liked to get my blue (как бы я хотел, чтобы я был членом спортивной команды Кембриджа; to get /to win/ one's blue — быть включенным в спортивную университетскую команду). It would have been useful to me (это было бы так полезно для меня) on the stage (в моей /карьере/
актера: «на сцене»). I'd have got (для меня бы это было: «я бы смог получить») a lot of advertisement out of it (замечательной рекламой: «много рекламы из этого»). "
courage ['kArIdZ] regiment ['redZImqnt] officer ['OfIsq] advertisement [qd'vq: tIsmqnt]
Julia took her courage in both hands. " My father's a vet. " For an instant Michael's face stiffened, but he recovered himself immediately and laughed. " Of course it doesn't really matter what one's father is. I've often heard my father talk of the vet in his regiment. He counted as an officer of course. Dad always said he was one of the best. " And she was glad he'd been to Cambridge. He had rowed for his College and at one time there was some talk of putting him in the university boat. " I should have liked to get my blue. It would have been useful to me on the stage. I'd have got a lot of advertisement out of it. "
Julia could not tell (Джулия не могла сказать) if he knew (знал ли он о том) that she was in love with him (что она была влюблена в него). He never made love to her (он никогда не флиртовал с ней). He liked her society (ему нравилось ее общество) and when they found themselves with other people (и когда они оказывались: «находились» с другими людьми; to find oneself somewhere — оказаться, очутиться где-либо) scarcely left her side (почти что не отходил от
нее; side — сторона, место рядом с кем-либо). Sometimes they were asked to parties on Sunday (иногда их приглашали на воскресные вечеринки), dinner at midday (к обеду в полдень) or a cold, sumptuous supper (или к холодному, пышно сервированному ужину), and he seemed to think it natural (и он, казалось, считал: «думал» это совершенно естественным) that they should go together (что им следует пойти вместе) and come away together (и уйти вместе). He kissed her (он целовал ее) when he left her at her door (когда прощался: «оставлял ее» с ней у ее двери), but he kissed her as he might have kissed (но он целовал ее так, как мог бы целовать) the middle-aged woman (/ту/ женщину средних лет) with whom he had played Candida (с которой он играл в «Кандиде»). He was friendly (он был дружелюбен), good-humoured (добродушен) and kind (и добр), but it was distressingly clear (но было мучительно ясно) that she was no more to him than a comrade (что она была для него только другом: «что она была не более для него, чем просто товарищ»).
society [sq'saIqtI] sumptuous ['sAm(p)tSVqs] distressingly [dIs'tresINlI] comrade ['kOmr(e)Id]
Julia could not tell if he knew that she was in love with him. He never made love to her. He liked her society and when they found themselves with other people scarcely left her side. Sometimes they were asked to parties on Sunday, dinner at midday or a cold, sumptuous supper, and he seemed to think it natural that they should go together and come away together. He kissed her when he left her at her door, but he kissed her as he might have kissed the middle-aged woman with whom he had played Candida. He was friendly, good-humoured and kind, but it was distressingly clear that she was no more
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