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Практические задания. Cultures of the World

Практические задания

1 Choose the most appropriate variant of the definition of the concept “culture”:

What are some other views of the concept or idea of “culture”?


a) Culture is the way of life, especially general customs and beliefs of a particular group of people at a particular time.

b)Cultureconsists of the ideas, customs and art that are produced or shared by a particular society.

c) Culture is a particular society or civilization, especially one considered in relation to its ideas, its art, or its way of life.

d) Cultureis the customs, civilization and achievements of a particular time or people.

e) Cultureis the customs, beliefs, art, music and all the other products of human thought made by a particular group of people at a particular time (ancient Greek culture, a tribal culture, pop culture).

2 Read the following text. Then read the explanations and do the exercises after reading.

Cultures of the World


a) “You want to talk about cultures? ” Alain began the conversation in a proud voice. “The United States is only a few hundred years old. Americans aren’t lucky enough to have any culture – they have zero culture, I say. ” He made the sign for “nothing” with the hand.

b) “You are completely correct, ” interrupted Werner, loudly. He was pointing his finger. “Old Europe of the last thousand years – it’s easy to tell that’s where the great culture was! The age of architecture – just look at the magnificent historical cathedrals and castles. Our ancestral art legacy – if you don’t know the works of world-famous painters and sculptors from previous centuries, it’s essential to see them in our excellent museums. And everyone has the chance to experience our classical literature and music in first-class theaters and concert halls. I just gave a logical description of a long and significant cultural history! ”  

c) “You call a short millennium a cultural history? ” Waving his arms, Kamil was objecting strongly to Werner’s views. “The real beginning of culture – I mean, significant civilization – was in the Middle East and Africa over five thousand years ago. Ancient communities not only knew how to create magnificent architecture and art; they also made amazing scientific and technological discoveries. They invented things. They figured out how to write and do mathematics; they studied astronomy – the science of the skies, the sun and the planets – and invented the calendar. They even had medicine; it’s important to remember that the ancient religions came from that area too. I’m happy to tell you about their achievements because they made world civilization possible. Those were the civilizations that gave humanity the most meaningful cultural legacy! ”

d) With his hands together and his head down, Jade agreed with Kamil. In a soft but nervous voice, he added, “But the really important science and technology began to develop in Asia and the Americas. While the ancient Chinese were building walled cities, they organized the first governments. They invented tools for work and weapons for protection. And the native peoples of the Americas had very, very old civilizations and societies. That was ancient traditional culture. ”

e) “Ancient culture? That’s a contradiction in definitions! ” Grinning, Kevin objected in an enthusiastic way. Going against Jade’s views, he said, “It’s impossible for culture to be old or traditional. The opposite is true! Culture isn’t dead – it’s alive. Culture is modern! Culture is now! ”

f) Ken was starting to fall sleep, but suddenly he came alive. “I agree! ” he said, interrupting Kevin in a forceful way.

g) “You tell them! ” said Kevin, wanting support for his point of view.

h) “Culture is worldwide – it’s universal! ” answered Ken in his clear speaking style. He made a wide smile on his face. “I mean, like – take today’s food culture. With our global fast food, I have to say, everyone eats the same. And because of the worldwide media – movies, TV, CDs (compact discs), the Internet – everybody knows the same information, plays the same music, enjoys the same stories – even the jokes! And I mean, it’s like – people everywhere have a chance to buy the same clothes – all because of advertising. A beautiful young couple in jeans and bright Hawaiian shirts anywhere in the world, eating hamburgers and french fries with their friends from many countries – finally, we have a global culture! And tradition has nothing to do with it! ” 

i) However, Monika was of another opinion. “You want to call modern movies, music, food, and clothes culture? ” she said, beginning to get irritated. “Culture isn’t about the sameness of people in communities around the world; it’s about their differences. Like – it’s important for people to greet one another in various ways, and they need to use different titles and to follow a variety of social rules in their relationships. Some societies are formal, while others are informal, or casual. Some groups are friendly, and others aren’t. And another example is the diverse use of language – is it direct or indirect? How do communication styles include motions, gestures, facial expressions, and other body language? And customs are so interesting! They’re what people of different national groups do in their everyday lives and on special occasions like holidays or celebrations. Culture means cultural diversity. What makes life amusing? It’s the variety of cultures around the world, its contradiction and opposites! ”  

j) “Why are you talking so much? ” interrupted Alain, impolitely.

k) “Yeah, and why don’t you understand what culture is? ” said Werner in a loud voice.

l) “Another thing – what’s your problem with ancient civilizations and tradition? ” disagreed Kamil with an unpleasant expression on his face. He liked to contradict Monika in a rude way.  

m) “And why do you always have a different view of things? ” asked Kevin and Brandon. They weren’t smiling either, and they wanted to talk a lot more.

                                          (E. Klirn, P. Hartmann “Interactions 1”)


3 In the text “Cultures of the World”, the speakers talk about different definitions or elements (features) of the concept (idea) of “culture”. For each section of the reading, choose the topic.


1) A, B

– the long cultural legacy of the arts in European history;

– the importance of international education through the centuries.

2) C, D

– humanity’s scientific and technological discoveries and achievements;

– the business practices of cultural groups in Africa and the Americas.

3) E-H 

 – the differences among ancient cultures on various continents;

– the cultural sameness and similarities among modern peoples.

4) I     

– cultural diversity – how groups vary in their styles and customs;

– attitudes toward nature in a variety of times and places.

5) J-M

– definitions of the word society – according to various world cultures;

– different cultural ways of discussing ideas and telling opinions.


4 Which phrase best tells the topic or subject of the whole reading “Cultures of the World”? Give the reasons for your answer.


a) the relationships among human beings in a variety of family structures and forms;

b) education, food, community, family, and other subjects of interest to young people;

c) various opinions about the meaning and importance of the concept of “culture”;

d) variety in contrast to sameness in the global community of the Internet.


5 Following are some false statements about the points of the reading selection “Cultures of the World”. Make true statements by changing the underlined words. No 5 is about the whole reading. The first item is done as an example.


1) Some people believe that a country with a short history has more of a cultural legacy than old countries – especially in its communication styles and body language.

 – Some people believe that a country with a long history has more of a cultural legacy than young countries – especially in its technology and religion.

2) For other thinkers, civilization didn’t include old architecture and art; it also meant human opinions and statements in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, weapons, city building, and the like.

3) Young people around the world don’t want to think about food, media, music, or clothes as culture because those things are ancient, and nobody seems to like the same kinds.

4) According to others, diversity is less significant than sameness in discussions about culture; such speakers say that people should decrease and forget about their differences.

5) People from various cathedrals and castles around the world have exactly the same views on the meaning and importance of the concept “culture”. In fact, it’s common for them to express their ideas in similar ways.

6 Answer the questions about the underlined items. Then choose the explanation that seems the most logical in the context:


1) Some examples of the architecture of old Europe are the magnificent cathedrals and castles. The design and building styles of modern architecture are excellent too.

– What are some examples of old architecture?

   – What are some excellent features of modern architecture?

   – What does the noun architecture mean in these sentences?

a) the form and plan of buildings and other structures;

b) the art and science of designing the study of classical literature;

c) people that study the culture of old Europe and other societies.


2) Perhaps the real beginning of civilization – with its scientific and technological discoveries and inventions – was in the Middle East and Africa. Over five thousand years ago, ancient civilizations had astronomy, mathematics, medicine, government, and so on.

   – Where and when did civilization begin?

   – What kind of things did ancient civilizations have?

   – Which word is a synonym of the word civilization?

a) astronomy; b) technology; c) culture.

3) The cultural legacy of ancient Chinese and Indian peoples included walled cities, the first governments, tools for work, and weapons for protection. Modern peoples built on this legacy.

– Does a legacy come from the past, the present, or the future?

– What kinds of things might a legacy include?

– What is a possible explanation of the word legacy?

a) a gift of money that somebody gives to another person;

b) ideas and achievements passed from earlier generations to modern society;

c) the state or condition of being legal; not against the law.


4) “For me, the idea of ancient culture creates a contradiction in definitions, ” said Kevin, going against Jade’s views. “Only modern things can be part of culture. Of course, people that like classical art and music will contradict me. ”

– According to Kevin, what kinds of things are parts of culture?

– Do people that like classical art and music agree with him?

– Do Kevin and Jade have the same or very different opinions?

– What might the noun contradiction and the verb contradict mean?

a) (noun) opposition of two opinions; (verb) to say that someone’s ideas are wrong;

b) (noun) the short forms of two words together; (verb) to put together;

c) (noun) wearing a Hawaiian shirt in an ancient culture; (verb) to eat hamburgers with french fries.


5) Because of the worldwide media – movies, TV, CDs, the Internet, newspapers, magazines – everybody knows the same information, plays the same music, and enjoys the same jokes.

– What are some examples of “the worldwide media”?

– What do the media give to people around the world?

– How might you define the phrase the media?

a) events that appear in the daily news and that everyone knows about;

b) the tradition of being in the middle – not on the extremes of possible views;

c) the combination of visual, sound, and printed ways to send ideas around the world.


7 The speakers in the “Cultures of the World” have diverse opinions and views about the value and importance of their various concepts of culture. Some words in their speeches are in italics; this special kind of slanted print can mean the speakers think the words are important to their point, so they say them more strongly than other words. According to their opinions, what do the speakers in the “Cultures of the World” value within their concepts of culture?


1) Alain and Werner felt that the age of a culture added to the value of its fine arts. Which elements (parts) of culture were essential to them?

a) fast food and junk food;

b) old painting and sculpture;

c) literature and classical music;

d) human feelings and emotions;

e) the architecture of buildings and structures;

f) things in museums, theater plays, and concerts.


2) Kamil and Jade most valued the ancient civilization of the Middle East and Africa, and the Americas. What things did they include in “a cultural legacy”?

a) international business;

b) magnificent architecture and art;

c) scientific discoveries and invention;

d) writing and mathematics;

e) the study of astronomy;

f) protected cities and government structure.


3) Kevin and Brandon are happy that modern culture is worldwide and similar all over the planet. Which features did they find the most important?

a) ancient religions;

b) the historical structure of the family;

c) food from global chains;

d) Indian rock tools and weapons;

e) the media of movies, TV, and the Web;

f) advertising for clothes and other things.


4) Monika preferred cultural diversity to sameness. What things did she include in her concept of culture?

a) greetings, including titles and names;

b) relationships and other social rules;

c) formality in contrast to informality;

d) directness and indirectness in language;

e) body language and movements;

f) everyday and special occasion customs.


5) In what ways did the group members discuss their ideas and opinions with one another?

a) proudly and with emphasis;

b) strongly and forcefully;

c) in a loud or soft voice;

d) grinning or smiling – or not;

e) with a clear speaking style;

f) agreeing or disagreeing.


8 Discussing the Reading. In small groups, discuss your answers to the following questions. Then tell the whole group the most interesting information and ideas.


– In your view of the concept of culture, which elements are essential – or very important? Why?

– According to your experience, in what ways are world cultures similar or alike? Which features are different? Explain your views.

– Which is better for humanity and the future of the world – one global culture or cultural diversity all over the planet? Explain your reasoning or logic.

– In your view, what is “cultural legacy”? What elements might it include?

– What are some technical or scientific achievements of ancient cultures?

– In what ways might culture be universal in today’s world?

– In what ways might modern cultures vary around the world?

   – Do you agree that culture is connected with language? How?


Рекомендуемая литература


1 Тер-Минасова, С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация / С. Г. Тер-Минасова. – М.: Слово. – 2000. – С. 12-15, 38-49.

2 Тен, Ю. П. Культурология и межкультурная коммуникация / Ю. П. Тен. – Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2007. – С. 8-16.

3 Фурманова, В. П. Межкультурная коммуникация и лингвокультуроведение в теории и практике обучения иностранному языку / В. П. Фурманова. – Изд-во Мордовск. ун-та, 1993. – С. 8-12.

4 Воробьев, В. В. Лингвокультурология (теория и методы) / В. В. Воробьев. – М., 1997. – C. 12-44.

5 Маслова, В. А. Лингвокультурология / В. А. Маслова. – М., 2001. – С. 5-18, 30-47.

6 Лоренц, К. Агрессия (так называемое зло). – М., 1994. – 272 с.

7 Маслова, В. А. Введение в лингвокультурологию / В. А. Маслова. – М., 1997. – С. 7-25.

8 Грушевицкая, Т. Г. Основы межкультурной коммуникации: Учебник для вузов / Т. Г. Грушевицкая, В. Д. Попков, А. П. Садохин / Под ред. А. П. Садохина. – М.: ЮНИТИ - ДАНА, 2002. – Раздел «Обыденное и научное понимание культуры».      



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