Ex. 1.12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.
Ex. 1. 12. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Сельскохозяйственные животные – важный источник пищи для человека. 2. Они производят такие высокопитательные продукты как мясо, молоко, яйца. 3. Они также дают такое сырье, как шерсть, кожу, перо, жир. 4. Навоз – важный источник для поддержания плодородия почвы. 5. Сельскохозяйственные животные – это молочный и мясной скот, свиньи, овцы и домашняя птица. 6. Фермер доит коров, чистит коровники, ухаживает за молодняком, кормит животных и собирает яйца. 7. Мясной скот откармливают для производства мяса. 8. Фермер должен обеспечить правильный уход и содержание скота. Ex. 1. 13. Read the Text B and do the tasks that follow. Before reading the text learn the new words. mixed farm [mikst] – смешанная ферма fodder ['fɔ də ] – корм, фураж oats [ə uts] – овес rye [rai] – рожь herd [hɜ ː d] – стадо cowshed ['kauʃ ed] – коровник, навес для скота to take exercise – делать моцион pork [pɔ ː k] – свинина bacon ['beɪ k(ə )n] – бекон pigsty ['pɪ gstaɪ ] – свинарник sheep-pen ['ʃ iː ppen] – загон для овец TEXT B Mixed Farm This is a big mixed farm. It has been known for about 100 years. The farmer grows some grain crops such as oats, rye and barley. Wheat is cultivated to a less extent because it does not grow well here. Different kinds of fruit and vegetables are also grown on this farm. Oats and rye are grown as fodder for farm animals. A large part of potatoes, cabbages and beets is also grown for fodder. The farmer has practiced different kinds of rotations. On the farm there is a good cattle herd. All the animals belong to high productive breeds. In winter the cattle are kept in the cowsheds and take exercise every day. They are on pasture 3-4 hours daily. In summer they are pastured all the time. Pasture provides feed and a lot of exercise. The animals grow and develop well on pastures. Besides cattle the farm breeds sheep, pigs, and poultry. Cows are bred mostly for milk, sheep for meet and wool, pigs for pork and bacon and poultry for meet and eggs. There are many different kinds of farm buildings on the farm. They are cowsheds, pigsties, sheep-pens and poultry houses. There are not many horses on the farm. Nearly all the work is done with machines. There is always much work to do on the farm. It is necessary to work in the fields, to feed the animals, to milk the cows and to collect the eggs.
Ex. 1. 14. Match English and Russian equivalents. A. Grow for fodder, keep in a cowshed, be on pasture, fodder for farm animals, breed for meat and wool, milk cows, productive breeds, to a less extent. B. Фураж для сельскохозяйственных животных, продуктивные породы, доить коров, в меньшей степени, находиться на пастбище, вырашивать на фураж, содержать в коровнике, разводить на мясо и шерсть. Ex. 1. 15. Use the words in capitals at the end of each line to form a new word that fits in the space in the same line. Example: Most of the poultry … in the USA comes PRODUCE from commercial farms. Most of the poultry produced in the USA comes from commercial farms.
1. In Britain cows are … all the year round. PASTURE 2. There are two types of … selection and crossing. BREED 3. This method of … enables farmers to raise stock without FEED a large number of workers. 4. There are more than 800 breeds and varieties of … sheep throughout the world. DOMESTICATE 5. Medium-… breeds are the Cheviot, No-Tail, Oxford, Tunis. WOOL Ex. 1. 16. Fill in the chart.
Ex. 1. 17. Name farm crops that are grown for fodder. Ex. 1. 18. Put each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below and then retell it.
Domestic Animals The animals that are bred by man are known as … animals. Those animals that are used in agriculture are known as … animals. …, sheep, pigs and … supply us with meat, milk and … All these products are very important for the diet of people because they are highly … In winter farm animals are kept in special farm buildings. They are cowsheds, …, … and poultry houses. Pasture is very important for the animals during summer. In warm regions the animals are … in winter too. There are many different … of dairy and … cattle and of other farm animals. Some of them are high … and some are not. Ex. 1. 29. Answer the following questions. 1. What farm do we call a mixed one? 2. What crops are used for producing forage? 3. When are the cattle kept in cowsheds? 4. When are the cattle pastured? 5. Where do animals grow and develop better: on pastures or in the cowsheds? 6. What farm animals does the farmer breed? 7. What are these animals kept for? 8. Where are they kept? 9. Is there much work to do on the farm? Ex. 1. 20. Read the following passage and answer the question: Are horses widely used in the country nowadays?
Draft Animals Draft cattle and horses are still (все еще) widely used as draft animals in India, China, Italy and in some other parts of the world. In many countries tractors perform most of the difficult field work. However (однако) horses still do some valuable services and, in addition, they are sources of great pleasure (удовольствие). In some parts of the United States and other countries where there are no improved roads (дорога) horses are still used for transporting people and farm products from place to place. Now more than half of the world uses horses as draft animals.
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