Ex. 3.1. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.
UNIT 3 Ex. 3. 1. Before reading the text practise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.
Ex. 3. 2. Read the words, translate them into Russian paying attention to the prefix in-: Digestible - indigestible, adequate - inadequate, able - inable, efficient - inefficient, fertile – infertile, edible – inedible, sanitary – insanitary, effective – ineffective, possible – impossible. Ex. 3. 3. Find the odd word in each line. 1. feed, silage, grass, roots, gallon. 2. pig, cow, heifer, bull, calf, dam, size, father. 3. cowshed, pigsty, poultry house, herd, sheep pen. 4. cheese, butter, horse, milk, ice-cream, whole milk, eggs, wool, meat. 5. to keep, to raise, to breed, to feed, to plow, to milk, to fatten. 6. stage, clover, alfalfa, wheat, legumes, oats. Ex. 3. 4. Look at the title of text and say what it is about. Ex. 3. 5. Read and translate the text. Do the tasks that follow. TEXT A Classification of Feeds Various feeds are used by man in feeding livestock. They are classified into three groups: succulents, roughages and concentrates. Succulent feeds are pasture grasses, silage and root crops. Roots contain large quantities of water and are laxative to stock. They are low in protein, but comparativaly high in carbohydrates. Being fed together with hay or straw, roots provide good rations for sheep and cattle. Green grass should be grazed when it is 4–8 inches high. Young grass is very rich in protein and animals eat it readily but its low fibre content may cause scours. The feeding value of grass is the highest in spring and early summer. Silage is made from a variety of plants. Good silage is the one that is green in colour. Silage should be made from young leafy grass and clover. Having been prepared in this way, silage is always of high feeding value. Roughages are feeds. They are high in fibre content which is poorly digestible. For this reason they are not suitable for pigs, but one can give large quantities of roughages to cattle and sheep.
Good hay is one that contains plenty of green leaf. The quality of hay varies with the kind of grass and the stage of growth at which it is cut. Hay made from grass in the early flowering stage is better than the one made from mature grass. Oat straw is a valuable feed for providing bulk in the rations of beef animals and low-yielding dairy cows. Barley straw is sometimes fed to beef cattle. It is more digestible than wheat straw. Wheat straw is high in indigestible fibre. Most of it is, therefore, used for bedding. Concentrates are feeds which are rich in either protein or energy or both. Being high in easily digestible nutrients and low in moisture and indigestible fibre, concentrates are very valuable in feeding all classes of animals. General grains, cakes and bran are illustrations of concentrates. Having supplied the animals with the proper kind and amount of feed, the farmer will obtain good results. Ex. 3. 6. Give English equivalents to the following Russian words and word combinations: Грубые корма, является слабительным для скота, солома, обеспечивать хороший рацион, низкое содержание клетчатки, вызвать понос, высокая питательная ценность, иметь высокое содержание протеина (быть богатым белком), качество сена, начальная стадия цветения, низкоудойная молочная корова, легкоусвояемые питательные вещества, неусвояемая клетчатка, жмых, отруби. Ex. 3. 7. Choose the correct word. 1. Good (protein, silage, bedding) can be made from (legumes, straw, fibre) if they do not contain much water. 2. Barley (crops, straw, flour) will not be used for (paddocks, breeding, bedding). 3. Wheat straw contains large amount of (valuable, indigestible, high-quality) fibre. That is why farmers use it for bedding. 4. Cow should be supplied with (a cowshed, heifer, protein), the amount varying with their productivity. 5. When cattle are kept in cowsheds they are fed with corn (straw, silage, legumes) and high-quality (hay, minerals, fibre). 6. Fat supply more heat and energy than (water, carbohydrates, food). 7. (Protein, concentrated, wheat) feeds such as oats, barley, corn, rye are high in carbohydrates. 8. Hay made from alfalfa is higher in (nutrients, cakes, bran) than that made from grasses. Ex. 3. 8. Fill in the chat about feeds.
Ex. 3. 9. Choose the correct alternative to fill each space in the text. Feeds are classified into three groups, depending on their fibre content and (1) ____. They are roughages, (2) ____ and (3) ____ supplements. The primary characteristics of (4) ____ is its high fibre (5) ____. Roughages may contain from 25 to 40 per cent (6) ____. They may be classified according to the methods they are fed. They may be (7) ____ or dry. Succulent roughages include (8) ____ or pasture (9) ____. The most common forms of (10)____ roughage are (11) ____ and straw. Good hay is the one that contains much green (12) ____. Hay being made from grass in the early (13) ____ stage, its feeding (14) ____ is higher than that from (15) ____ grass.
(16) ____ are high in energy and all classes of farm animals are fed with such (17) ____. The main (18) ____ feeds are different kinds of cereals.
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