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Ex. 2.6. Traslate the following word combinations from English into Russian.

Ex. 2. 6. Traslate the following word combinations from English into Russian.

To be under pastures, proper feeding of cattle, to be kept on cultivated pastures, pastures are grazed in turn, pasture forage, keeping calves, weaning of calves, male calves, consuming a great amount, a shed divided into sections.

Ex. 2. 7. Name farm crops that are used for making silage and hay.

Ex. 2. 8. Complete the following sentences using the active vocabulary.

1. Cattle (пасется) in green pastures and on the plain. 2. (Мясной) cattle are raised for their meat. 3. Meat from calves that are less than 3 months old is called (телятина). 4. Hogs may be (откормить) in less than six months. 5. The animals are (содержат) in pens. 6. In the fall the calves are (отлучают от матки). 7. High beef and milk production is obtained by proper (содержание) and (уход). 8. In winter this farmer feeds his cows with (сено) and (силос). 9. At weaning time pigs should (весить) 35 to 40 pounds or more. 10. To make rapid (прирост) pigs must be fed liberally from birth. 11. (Пастбищеоборот) helps to control diseases and parasites. 12. Grazing land is usually divided into (выгоны). 13. Some hogmen are known to (кормить) pigs entirely on grain. 14. Corn silage, grass silage or carrots may be used in ration of breeding cows when they are not on pasture or when pasture forage is (недостаточно).

Ex. 2. 9. True or false? Correct the false statements.

1. High beef production is achieved by proper fattening. 2. Paddock system of using pastures is known as rotation. 3. When cattle are kept in barns they are fed with grass. 4. At the age of 6 or 8 weeks calves raised for veal production weigh over 200 pounds. 5. Calves are weaned at the age of eight months. 6. Legumes are highly nutritious feeds. 7. Calves consuming a lot of whole milk have high quality meat. 8. For one pound gain more than 12 pounds of milk are required.

Ex. 2. 10. Read the passage and answer the question: What two systems of bulls’ management are mentioned in it?

The best way of keeping the bull is to have a small separate barn with pasture of one or two acres where he can take exercise. Manger (кормушка) and water supply are to be provided in the barn.

The bull may also be kept in a box-stall (стойло) in the barn used for the cows. When the bull is kept in this way, the farmer can feed and care for him together with the cows.

Under both systems of management the bull should be fed and cared for properly. To provide the bull with legume, hay and some grain is necessary in order to keep him in good breeding condition. Silage should not be given to the bull in large amounts.

Ex. 2. 11. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the most important part of the farm’s economy? 2. What way is high beef production achieved by? 3. What pastures are usually cattle kept on? 4. What kind of system is known as rotational grazing? 5. What are cattle fed with when pasture forage is scarce or when cattle are not on pasture?  6. What crops supply animals with highly nutritious feed? 7. Why do farmers keep cattle in age groups? 8. What age are generally calves weaned at? 9. What age are male calves castrated at? 10. What are calves raised for? 11. When do farmers get the best veal? 12. How much milk is required for one pound of gain?

Ex. 2. 12. You run a farm which specializes in beef production. Tell your groupmates about your farm.

Ex. 2. 13. You are a Belarusian farmer keeping beef cattle. Share your experience of raising beef cattle with a British farmer.

Ex. 2. 14. Practice the pronunciation of the following words and guess their meaning.

Calcium ['kæ lsɪ ə m], skeleton ['skelɪ t(ə )n], phosphorus ['fɔ sf(ə )rə s], vitamin ['vɪ tə mɪ n, 'vaitə mɪ n], iron ['aɪ ə n], machines [mə 'ʃ iː nz], concentrates ['kɔ n(t)s(ə )ntreɪ ts].

Ex. 2. 15. Read the text B and do the tasks that follow.




Dairy Farming


Dairing is one of the most important branches of agriculture. One reason for the importance of dairyng is the high nutritive value of dairy products. Milk is one of the best sources of calcium, the mineral which is so essential for the growth of the skeleton of the animals.

High-quality milk also contains considerable quantity of phosphorus and iron. Milk is a good source of vitamins A, D and B1. Different dairy products are obtained by man from milk.

On dairy farms farmers grow crops, grasses and legumes in rotations. Dairy cows use large quantities of forage and at the same time help to maintain soil fertility. To get best results farmers should have high-yielding cows, proper buildings and proper feeds.


Dairy Farm

The area of the farm is 420 acres, 350 of each is in grass. There are about 250 cows and about 250 calves on the farm. The farm has 20 bulls as well. The heifers are kept in age groups of 20 to 30 in each. Two or three bulls are provided for each group. All the cows kept on the farm belong to high-productive breeds.

The average milk yield obtained from a cow increased from 600 to 800 gallons per year.

Dairy cows are milked twice a day. As to the high-yielding cows they have to be milked three times a day. Cows are not milked by hand. They are milked with special machines.

As the climate of the region is mild the cattle are kept on pasture both in summer and in winter. Permanent as well as temporary pastures are very good here, because the soil is fertile. The main pasture grasses are clover and alfalfa.

The pasture land is divided into 75 paddocks. Each paddock is not more than four acres. The pastures are commonly grazed at about 100 cows to the acre and the interval between grazings is rather long. When supplementary feed is necessary, it is given to the dairy cows in the form of concentrates or root crops and sometimes in the form of silage.

The amount of feed consumed by the cow per day varies with the amount of milk produced by the cow and her live weight.


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