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Ex. 1.21. Read and translate text C without using a dictionary. Before reading pay attention to the new words.

Ex. 1. 21. Read and translate text C without using a dictionary. Before reading pay attention to the new words.

1. skin [skɪ n] – кожа

2. down [daun] – пух

3. dual-purpose cattle [ˌ djuː ə l'pɜ ː pə s] – мясо-молочный скот

4. that is – то есть

5. mutton ['mʌ t(ə )n] – баранина

6. that is why – вот почему




Farm Animals


Animal husbandry, a branch of agricultural production, includes the breeding of farm animals and their use. Farm animals are highly important sources of food for man. They are known to produce highly nutritious products such as milk, meat and eggs. In addition, the skin¹ of animals, down² and feather of poultry and wool of sheep are used as raw materials to produce clothing and for many other purposes.

The most important group of farm animals is cattle. There are four types of cattle. They are: dairy cattle, beef cattle, draft cattle and dual-purpose³ cattle. Dairy cattle, that is4, dairy cows provide milk that may be used in making various dairy products. Beef cattle are the producer of beef. One can raise dual-purpose cattle producing milk and meat. Draft cattle and horses are almost everywhere replaced by agricultural machinery.

Important sources in producing human food are sheep and hogs. Sheep are raised for two purposes: wool and mutton5 production. The production cycle of hogs is much shorter that of cattle or sheep. In other words, unlike other farm animals hogs are rapid growing ones. They may be fattened in less then six months. That is why6 hog breeding is one of the most important and economic ways of solving the problem of supplying the population with meat.

Ex. 1. 22. Make a report using the plan.

a) farm animals;

b) products and raw materials produced by farm animals;

c) crops grown for producing forage;

d) keeping farm animals all the year round;

e) domestic animals;

f) farm buildings for keeping animals;

g) draft animals;

h) farmers’ work.


Ex. 2. 1. Before reading the text prictise the pronunciation of the following words and learn them.

be under pasture ['pɑ ː sʧ ə ] – быть под пастбищем 

care [keə ] – уход, забота

management ['mæ nɪ ʤ mə nt] – содержание, уход

to keep [ki: p] – держать, содержать (животных)

paddock ['pæ də k] – загон, выгон

to graze [greiz] – пасти(сь), откармливать на траве, использовать как пастбище

scarce [skeə s] – недостаточный

alfalfa [æ l'fæ lfə ] – люцерна

hay [hei] – сено

legumes [legju: mz] – бобовые

calf (calves) [ka: f ([ka: vz])] – теленок (телята)

to wean [wi: n] – отлучать (от матки), отнимать

to castrate [kæ 'streɪ t] – кастрировать

to consume [kə n'sjuː m] – потреблять, расходовать

veal [vi: l] – телятина

whole milk [hə ul] – цельное молоко

gain [gein] – прирост

shed [ʃ ed] – сарай

rotational grazing [rə 'teɪ ʃ (ə )n(ə )l 'greɪ zɪ ŋ ] – пастбищеоборот

Ex. 2. 2. Translate the word combinations. Remember that the initial word for translation is the last element of the word combination.

Example: pasture grasses – пастбищные травы.

Beef production, pasture land, pasture forage, corn silage, grass silage, alfalfa class, soil fertility, age group, a male calf, veal production, the birth weight, a calf house.

Ex. 2. 3. Look through the text and answer the question: What system of using pastures is known as rotational grazing?

Ex. 2. 4. Read the text.


Beef Production Farm

The area of the farm is 287 acres. Most of it is under pastures. Beef production is the most important part of the farm's economy.

High beef production is achieved by proper care and management as well as proper feeding of cattle. They are kept on both natural and cultivated pastures. The pasture land is divided into paddocks which are grazed in turn. Such system of using passtures is known as rotational grazing.

When pasture forage is scarce or when cattle are not on pasture, they are fed with corn silage, grass silage or highquality clover or alfalfa hay. Corn and legumes are the crops grown by the farmer for fattening cattle. Growing legumes, the farmer supplies the animals with highly nutritious feeds as well as increases the soil fertility.

As to the calves they are kept in groups separared by 10 days age. Keeping calves in age groups allows the farmer to feed them according to their age. Weaning is usually done at the age of eight weeks. Male calves are castrated at about a week old.

Most of the calves are sold as veal. Calves raised for veal production are generally ready for marketing at the age of 6 or 8 weeks. At this age they weigh about 200 to 300 pounds.

The best veal is obtained by liberal feeding of whole milk. Calves consuming a great amount of whole milk grow and develop properly and the quality of meat is high. The total amount of milk required during the period of vealing will depend on the birth weight of the calf. About 10 pounds of milk are required for one pound of gain.

A shed divided into four sections is used as a calf house. New calves are to be put into this house in age groups.

Ex. 2. 5. Give English equivalent of the following words and word combinations.

Производство говядины, правильный уход и содержание, естественные пастбища, пастбищеоборот, нахó диться на пастбище, для откорма скота, снабжать высокопитательными кормами, содержать телят в группах, кормить в соответствии с возрастом, кормить цельным молоком, масса при рождении, фунт прироста.


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