Ex.3.10. Read the information and answer the following questions.
Ex. 3. 10. Read the information and answer the following questions. a) What is the most important problem in cattle breeding? b) Where is much forage obtained? Most Important Problem in Livestock Breeding There are many problems in livestock breeding. Some of them are diseases, good or bad breeds, the availability (наличие) of proper buildings for winter management, feed supply being the most important of them. Feed transportation costs are so great, that it is recommended to breed farm animals only in areas where there is enough feed. The factors that affect feed production indirectly (косвенно) affect milk, meat and egg production. Much forage is usually obtained where there is enough rainfall and where soil fertility is high to provide all the necessary nutrients, air and water. Ex. 3. 11. Open the brackets and translate the words and word combinations into English.
(Питательные вещества) and Cow Productivity To produce much (молоко) cows require different (питательные вещества). Cows require (углеводы), because they (снабжают) most of energy necessary for the (производства) of milk. Fats in the (рацион) are also used as a (источник) of energy. But too much fat may result in digestive disturbances. When there is not enough (белка) in cow ration the (количество) and the quality of milk are reduced. Protein may be provided by (кормление) both (концентратами) and (грубыми кормами), such as (сено из люцерны и клевера), cereal grains, (зеленые корма) and others. Minerals and (витамины) are important for milk production. They may be provided by feeding (коров) with good quality (корма) and (сбалансированных рационов). Ex. 3. 12. Pair the words from the column A with those from the column B and use them in the sentences of your own.
Ex. 3. 13. Read the text and give it the tittle. Then look through it again and answer the following questions: 1. What types are pastures classified into? 2. What areas may cattle be kept on pasture all the year round? 3. When do farmers have the best pastures? 4. What do farmers feed their cattle when pasture grasses become scarce?
Pasture grasses belong to succulent feeds. Hay made from grasses belongs to roughage feeds. Pastures are classified into natural and cultivated. Cultivated pastures are classified into permanent and temporary. Temporary pastures are used only 2 or 3 years. They may be used during one season as well. Permanent pastures are used for many years. In the Northen areas where winters are cold pastures are used only in summer. In the warm areas cattle and other farm animals may be kept on pasture all the year round.
The best pastures are in spring and in early summer when grass is young and high in protein. Young grass also contains much calcium and vitamins, especially carotene. Green grass is consumed by farm animals in large amounts. When pasture grasses become scarce cattle, sheep and hogs should be fed high-quality roughges and concentrates. Ex. 3. 14. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1. Корма классифицируются на три группы: сочные, грубые и концентраты. 2. Рацион свиней состоит из концентрированных кормов. 3. Овец кормят сочными и грубыми кормами, а также пастбищными травами. 4. Концентраты богаты белками. 5. Грубые корма богаты клетчаткой, которая плохо переваривается. 6. Коровам жмых дают днем. 7. Бобовый силос богаче белками, чем силос из трав. 8. Осенью травы недостаточно и скоту следует давать сено или сочные корма. 9. Пастбища классифицируются на природные и окультуренные. Окультуренные пастбища классифицируются на постоянные и временные. Ex. 3. 15. Answer the following questions. 1. What groups are feeds classified into? 2. When is the feeding value of grass the highest? 3. What are roots high and low in? 4. What are pasture feeds? 5. What is silage made from? 6. Why are roughages not suitable for pigs? 7. What does the quality of hay vary with? 8. Is straw a valuable feed? 9. What straw is high in indigestive fiber? 10. What are concentrates rich and low in? 11. When do farmers obtain good results? Ex. 3. 16. Tell your groupmates about the types of pastures. Ex. 3. 17. Tell about different types of feeds and give their characteristics. Ex. 3. 18. You run a dairy farm. Tell about: a) feeds you use; b) why you use these feeds; c) types of pastures; d) plants you grow to make silage (hay). Ex. 3. 19. Answer the following questions. 1. What feeds do farmers use in Belarus? 2. What plants do they use to make hay (silage)? 3. Do they use straw for bedding? 4. What kind of straw do they use for bedding? 5. What types of pastures are there in the Republic Belarus? 6. Which of them is the most productive? 7. Are pastures used all the year round in Belarus? Why? 8. What concentrates do Belarusian farmers use? 9. Do they always provide cattle with necessary amount of feeds and nutrient? 10. Do Belarusian farmers have the problem of the lack of feeds? When?
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