Поставьте прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения. Не забудьте поставить определенный артикль там, где это требуется.
1. Pork consumption is (low) in Muslim regions. 2. Tenderness and flavour of aged beef are (good) than those of newly slaughtered beef. 3. The amount of connective tissue in veal is (large) than that in beef. 4. Veal contains (little) fat than beef. 5. Lamb is (favourite) meat in Greek and Turkish cuisines. 6. Mutton with (strong) flavour is (popular) meat in the Middle and Far East countries. 7. Lamb is as (highly) valued is Australia as in Britain. 8. Generally, the (lean) the meat the (low) cholesterol content. 9. The (high) the percentage of fat the (low) water content in meat. 10. In birds of flight there is much (much) meat on the wings and breast, but ground birds have (great) development about the legs and rump (гузка птицы).
Страдательный залог (The Passive Voice) Все времена активного залога, изученные вами ранее, имеют соответствующие формы страдательного залога: The meat packing plant was reconstructed last year – Мясокомбинат реконструировали в прошлом году. The meat packing plant has been reconstructed recently – Мясокомбинат недавно реконструировали. The meat packing plant is being reconstructed now. – Мясокомбинат сейчас реконструируется. В приведенных примерах сказуемое выражено глаго- лом: 1) в Past Simple Passive, 2) в Present Progressive Passive, 3) в Present Perfect Passive. Запомните, что временные формы страдательного залога образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующей формеи причастия прошедшего времени смыслового глагола. Изменяемым компонентом сказуемого в страдательном залоге является спрягаемый глагол to be. Ср.:
На русский язык глаголы в страдательном залоге могут переводиться: 1. Глаголом быть (был, будет) и краткой формой страдательного причастия: The engineer was invited to the conference. – Инженер был приглашен на конференцию. 2. Возвратными глаголами на - cя: The meat packing plant will be reconstructed. – Мясокомбинат будет реконструироваться. 3. Неопределенно-личным предложением (подлежащее в переводе отсутствует; сказуемое выражено глаголом в 3-м л. мн. числа действительного залога):
They were shown a new mincer. – Им показали новый измельчитель мяса.
Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в нужном времени и залоге (активном или пассивном). Назовите номер предложения, в котором следует поставить глагол в Active Voice? 1. Beef tenderness and flavour (to improve) by ageing. 2. Pork is one of the most popular types of meat and (to consume) around the world. 3. Meat (to use) by people as a food since ancient times. 4. The term “meat” (to use) to describe the flesh and other edible parts of animals. 5. Beef (not/to consume) in most Asian and African countries. 6. The consumption of pork (to prohibit) by special laws of Judaism and Islam centuries ago. 7. Various dishes containing beef, mutton or pork offal (внутренности) (to invent) already. 8. Meat (to compose) of numerous types of tissue. 9. The Indian local population never (to eat) beef. 10. Can you tell me if lamb (to be) popular in old Russia?
Прочитайте текст А и назовите существующие виды мяса Text A Types of Meat Meat is defined as those animal tissues which are suitable for use as food. Those are the main soft tissues of the carcass: muscle, fatty and connective tissues. Other animal tissues used as food are the internal organs and the blood. The majority of the meat consumed by humans comes from domestic animals and aquatic organisms. Meat can be subdivided into several categories. The largest category, in terms of volume of consumption, is “red” meat. Beef, pork, lamb or mutton, and veal are the most common “red” meats. However, horse, goat, eland, llama, camel, water buffalo, and rabbit meats are commonly used for human consumption in many countries. Poultry meat is the flesh of domestic birds, and includes that of chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, and guinea fowl. Seafoods are the flesh of aquatic organisms, of which the bulk are fish. However, the flesh of clams, lobsters, oysters, crabs, prawns, etc. are also included in this category. A fourth category is that of game meat, which consists of the flesh of all non domesticated animals and birds. The most widely consumed meat is beef. Beef is the flesh of mature cattle (over 6 months of age) that normally weigh from 450 to 540 kg. High-quality beef has firm, velvety, fine-grained lean, bright red in colour and well-marbled, the fat is smooth, creamy white, and well distributed. It is fat that influences the flavour, juiciness, and tenderness of the lean. Veal is meat of calves slaughtered between 3 and 14 weeks, delicate in flavour, pale grayish white in colour, firm and fine-grained, with velvety texture. It is much less fatty than beef. It has no marbling, and the small amount of fat covering is firm and white. High-quality veal is obtained when calves are raised indoors under controlled temperatures 16 – 18 oC and intensively fed on milk and high-protein calf meal. Grasses are excluded. As a result an iron deficiency produces the desirable light colour in the meat.
The pig is the world’s second largest provider of meat known as pork. When pigs are taken to slaughter, they generally weigh between 90 and 135 kg and provide about 70 to 74 percent of that weight in meat. The most desirable pork is grayish pink in colour, firm and fine-grained, well-marbled, and covered with an outer layer of firm white fat. About 30 percent of the meat is consumed as cooked fresh meat; the remainder is cured or smoked, used in sausage and lard production. Meat from lambs and sheep is produced on a much smaller scale than either beef or pork. Lamb is live sheep before the age of one year, and the flesh of such animals. Mutton refers to the flesh of the mature ram or ewe at least one year old; the meat of sheep between 12 and 20 months old may be called yearling mutton. The meat of sheep from 6 to 10 weeks old is usually sold as baby lamb. The most select lambs may weigh no more than 14 to 18kg. Milk-fed lamb is especially delicate in flavour. The colour of the lean deepens as the animal grows older. The fat, soft and creamy white to pale pink in the lamb, hardens and whitens in older sheep. Meats are marketed as fresh or processed goods or become ingredients of various meat products. Processed or manufactured products prepared from animals’ tissues are also called meat. Notes: at least – по крайней мере in terms of – с точки зрения
УПРАЖНЕНИЯ 12. Найдите в правой колонке русские эквиваленты английских слов, размещенных в левой колонке:
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